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Everything posted by cc

  1. @vbarrett : i feel like im cheating on my wife everytime i look gisele...... here's my desktop picture... this is what i'm wearing today..... the left one. cc
  2. the kid shot himself and survived??!!.............he should be locked away in a stray jacket and throw out the key........
  3. ouch.. reminds me of a member over on RWI that got beat up for his rep. as an owner of a jewlery store, i'd have opt for a concealed weapons permit.......... i hope the wife fully recovers. oh, and i would have given the thief any watch rather than putting my wife in that situation.
  4. congrats on your purchase. you will buy more........ you just caught the Pam bug......... dont be like me. i've purchased over 7 DSN's and i cant stop.......
  5. i'd also would like to know. i have a silix upo dial waiting for me.
  6. wonderful pictures tahoe!! nothing beats clean crisp air. looks like you guys had a great time. catch many fish?? cc
  7. chieftang.. i'm in for one. UPO ready to send the crystal.
  8. i also would like a couple. pm sent.
  9. and you call this thing new??!! caseback looks beat to sh*t.......
  10. we hope you can make it out to the next one.
  11. i just sent him a pm on fleabay. "hey your seamaster chrono is fake. your datewheel is from an asian copy 7750. your seamaster moonwatch is also fake. the subdial spacing is way off. you just sold one and in that picture, its real. the one you're currently selling now, it's fake dude. please remove your fake listings. please dont even try to defend yourself."
  12. yup the smp chrono has the asian datewheel. the 4 is pointy. it should be flat.
  13. Laz i'm soo sorry to hear this. My sincere condolences to his family and u. cc
  14. **please see the 1st paragraph of my post. i would have had a MBW if it wasnt for me getting SCAMMED by member by the name of "micavi". i dont know if you've seen Triple-hd's thread but i also purchased one after it already being sold to triple. that's why i decided not to spend another $374 for a MBW and bought these gems.......
  15. SFSO is very similar in size and weight.......although the UPO is slightly thinner.
  16. i have the UPO and my father wears his Gen SMP everyday. The SMP is very comfortable and the UPO is big and heavy. it all depends on what you're style is or what you're wearing it with. i love the UPO and wear it with pretty much everything but my work clothes. it is nearly impossible to get that watch under my dress shirt sleeves. the SMP is much less in total mass so it would be a winner for work. The SMP has a classy feel to it as the UPO feels like a casual Tank. hope this helps............ cc
  17. I cannot decribe Avitt's daytonas.....they are BEAUTIFUL!!! It's one of those things where you HAVE to see them in person because pictures just don't capture its presence.....s.. @tech: i am going to research these frankens and Jake48's B&R. The great thing is that you can visually compare and try one the watches instead of looking at a 2D picture. i have added a B&R, vintage daytona, and a portuguese to my list......and my list was empty before the GTG........ @rxu: there were many gens surrounding us.... we just played like it was no biggie..... @avitt: thank you guys for coming!!! yes i remember the busboy. he does have a great eye.. @jake48: i still want your IWC!!! just finally got some to visit RWG and read the posts....today sucked at work as always. I'll pm you..
  18. ha!!!!! ohh she was lookin....................... and the busboy too............... @vbarrett: regardless if your enthusiasms are male-centric, it makes an event like this exciting. a woman who can out-wit most guys and talk watches?? plus and dbl plus. my wife a would have a blast with you as she is fiesty too.
  19. Today was a wonderful experience and a great turnout for our SoCal GTG. I've never organized a GTG and didn
  20. will do V. many groups shots to come.........
  21. but you cant beat a 100 bucks...... most of my collection consist of Pams and Omegas. i've not had anyone ask if they were fake or reps. the LV and blk sub are asked quite often if they're real or fake. i take them off and some say its real and some say "oh the bracelet (noob) feels cheap....it's fake isnt it?" i dont mention it's a rep and counter "have you ever held one?" and pause............ usually the say no and hand it back confused. i'm not a huge rolex fan but im starting to admire the smaller 40mm elegance of the classic watch.
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