My avatar has changed over the years.. although many of you might not remember. My first avatar was of my Breitling Steelfish... Placed over a rubix cube. It then changed to my (then) favorite PAM253 V2... Once I got a blacksteel, I knew I had to put it up.. It was quickly my favorite watch.. but has lost its place to my DSSD or my UPO... I don't change my avatar, cuz it's been up for a while and I'm used to it now.
As for my username.. once upon a time, I actually had time to play music. I've always been involved with music.. first with the viola when i was 8.. then the alto saxophone till I was 18. Around the age of 15 I heard Jimi Hendrix for the first time and he changed my life. I started to play the guitar, and as a Jimi fan the only guitar adequate for my needs was a Fender Stratocaster. Back then I was on a guitar forum.. and wanted the name PLayFender.. but it was taken.. so i settled for PLaiFender.. Most people actually assume it's pronounce PLY Fender.. but it's not.. I wanted it to sound like PLAY Fender guitars.. but my 15 year old mind back then in the 90's couldn't think of an alternative.. In hindsight i could have chosen PlayFenderstrat or PlaySTrat or playafender... but now it's grown on me.
I ended up selling my beloved Fender stratocaster about 4 years ago.. and only have an Ibanez s470 electric now.. but I will get another fender at some point in my future!