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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. what i mean is... you will not see a guy with a genuine $10.000 watch very often... and not in your neighbourhood

    Depends on your neighbourhood. :p

    But I agree with everything else you said, T.

    I've discussed this point before with Pugwash, that rich people are tighter than others, and it was shot down. I'm telling you, rich people will argue for HOURS to save a few dollars, if they can.

    Whereas a common shop assistant tactic at Bloomigdale's, Harrods, etc., is to say, "It's very beautiful, but too expensive". A middle-class person immediately bristles and buys the darn thing, to show they can afford it, so there.

    A rich person raises his eyebrow and walks away, laughing at the impertinence.

    Of course, there are rich people, and then there are rich people.

    Even a CEO may not be a member of elite social circles, where you are expected to have at least one good watch -- nothing under $10,000 need apply. But even then you can tell the WISses from just the price snobs. I always admire these society types wearing a Blancpain.

  2. 3. It's Neil posting under a friends account and is attempting the damage control/spin himself.

    I'm replying to you about this, Peepshow, because the others who have been suggesting this might take it the wrong way.

    I think it's ludicrous and insulting to cast aspersions about R11co being TTK.

    The former has been a member here since the board first began. I'm sure the Mod Team would've looked their IPs up, and banned one or the other for duplicate accounts, if they were the same person. If not then, certainly now.

    Can't people see that even a black sheep can have loyal friends?

  3. Is that film any good, hey is that weird asking a woman if a porn film is good or not??????

    I watched this infamous Swedish porno piccie after reading that Jacqueline Kennedy was photographed coming out of a Village cinema, in the 70s, after having seen it.

    I'm serious!


    P.S.: It was okay. Bit tame by today's standards. Just stay away from Canadian Beaver.

  4. MicahBrindle2.jpg

    Micah Brindle...in all it's yummy glory!


    Close-up, even looks a bit like the Metta Catharina. :wub:

    Man, that was worth the wait! Now, I need one...

    @Laz: Same thing for your PAM strap combo. Shame you have to give it back.

    @TeeJay: I smile everytime I look at that strap. Toldja. :p :p

  5. No i am talking about the Swedish blond people, you know tha ones that have equaly blond female freinds who are VERY freindly, i have seen loads of films about them!


    Good times.

    i dont think your "pairs" compare?

    Check my personal profile in two weeks. Mwahaha.

    PS be easy on the zings i only just got rid of the funny lable!


    FACT: Women don't listen, but they do pay attention.


  6. Trying to blow the cobwebs of RWG today. :group:

    Here are some observations of MY OWN about what men should know about the world's most mysterious creature: a Woman.

    - Women don't cry because they're weak. Try shoving a watermelon out of your nose. Giving birth is not for sissies.

    - Women are scared of mice and spiders because they come out of no where, and are small & ugly. They remind them of their ex-boyfriends.

    - FACT: There is no such thing as a fat woman.

    - Women don't necessarily want to be told the truth. They just want to suspect it. It makes time go by quicker.

    - Women don't dress for men, they dress for other women.

    - FACT: Women don't care about the size of a man's weiner, what kind of car he has, and how much money he has in his wallet. Getting rid of their husband's childhood friends is much more important.

    - If a man can utter this phrase without cracking up: "I've never looked at another woman after I met you", he has a woman's loyalty for life.

    - Women want to be looked at, and admired, sometimes even told their body is beautiful. But the moment you get specific, they'll turn on you like Rottweilers.

    - This is funny.


    - This is not.


    And finally.

    - The worst enemy of a woman is not a man, it's usually another woman. So you're all right there. Have another beer.

  7. i know he never backs down from confrontation, as the saying goes if you p@ss in his pot he will p@ss in yours

    Nemo me impune lacessit...

    I would even understand it if the attacks were unprovoked. It's normal to react to protect oneself.

    But when there is retaliation when people are justified to complain (bad communication, watches don't arrive, forum rules are not heeded) that's not right. That shows people can't take criticism, and worse, feel they are above the same laws of social interaction the rest of us must abide by.

    It's but a step from being a berk to being a sociopath...

    I will tell you indiscreetly that privately he was nothing but kind, even deferential towards me, and I appreciated it enormously. For his own good, I hope he changes this other tendency to lash out. It brings no joy in life.

    Anyway, back to watches. Davidsen's 228GMT will be available in late March. I'm not holding my breath. ^_^

    @Hike's .sig: EWWWWW!

  8. @victoria, as long as your webcam show was full of hot sexy poolside wristshots would be totally down for it... lol I need some watch porn :)

    It's_Urubus, I don't want to be accused of milking a situation!

    I just wanted to lift members' spirits and separate the boobs, not put people on the rack. No one likes to bust up a good fight, but merely implant some good vibes. How on earth do we all get along on RWG??? It's a wonder, bra.

  9. Guys, someone is going to end up being banned here. Not because of retaliation but because of half-uttered insinuations.

    What good would that do? TTK needs as many champions as he can on this forum, and losing one because they cannot accept the Moderating Team's fait accompli, is folly.

    Offshore had some good advice about Pamela Anderson's tatas.

    I swear, I'd get a webcam right now and show off me own, if we could just bleedin' well move on PLEASE. :frog1:

  10. I promised myself not to post again, but it's hard given the flow in the opinion-fest, as Narikaa put it.

    The specifics of the alleged threats will never be revealed by the Moderating Team, I think most of us agree. Thank God. We don't need to know.

    Then, for some, unless Mods do reveal them, it throws THEIR actions into disrepute: a kind of he-said-they-said sordid squabble. Come on, now. That's not logical. I'm sure there are emails/Skype messages that are available.

    Let's understand that this was a BUILDING situation, which culminated in desperate threats, as avenues started to close. There is an illness in the middle of this, that could go a long way into explaining these actions.

    But there's also a long history of similar actions on other boards, presumably levelled then in good health...

    The ban is in place. It's not going to change anytime soon.

    Fences have to be mended, in some cases, whole walls...fortunately, TTK is still available at the one rep watch forum which hasn't turned him out. Perhaps he can say a few words there, in his defence?

    Most of us here, are members there too, after all.

    And few not involved, I think, would pre-judge him without hearing his side of the story.

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