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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Good topic.

    Thanks. :)

    V was saying the other day, how strap threads are not as frequent anymore on RWG. Let's change that. It's fun!

    I have to say that I bought this Capretto Grigio strap in one of TC's monster sales for $19 not knowing what it would look good with.

    Heh. I got it for $44.44.

    The watches look magnificent. Hold that thought!

    Another is the Bob Vanilla strap. Looks surprisingly good on a 111:



    After seeing your choices, I spent about 30 minutes just now, putting my watches on unusual strap choices. I tend towards the tasteful, and I want to get a little crazy.

    Case in point, my Bob Vanilla on the Andrew 111e. Looks great, but it's too...wait for it...vanilla.



    I'll be back tomorrow with more shots!

  2. Dear RWG members (and ADMIN, Pls advise if I'm doing this wrong), let's start this New Day Right; the first one to offer to pay for Richard Tracy's membership upgrade, I will MAKE you TWO PAM Straps with your choice of leather from my current stock! Come on! Let's do this!

    Hike, Richard Tracy's upgrade is done. I'd love your bright yellow strap.

    As for the second suggestion I made earlier, if I may slightly amend my decision -- I'd like to choose Ztech as the newbie who receives a PAM strap from you (if he's agreeable, of course).

    Please contact me for further info. :)

  3. Dear RWG members (and ADMIN, Pls advise if I'm doing this wrong), let's start this New Day Right; the first one to offer to pay for Richard Tracy's membership upgrade, I will MAKE you TWO PAM Straps with your choice of leather from my current stock! Come on! Let's do this!

    Admirable, Hike.

    I'll pay for Richard's upgrade, and you can make me ONE strap -- I'll donate the other to a deserving newbie RWGer of the Moderating Team's choice.

    Please let me know if this is acceptable to everyone.

  4. So sorry for this situation for the Mod Team. May I just say that when our health is in jeopardy, we're sometimes not in full possession of our reason, and judgements...

    Wishing him the best (I sent him my good wishes privately), and hoping it'll all turn out well in the end, SOMEHOW, for RWG.

  5. This JUST IN ................. ELVIS is still Dead!!!


    If this is the famous Uncle Jay I've heard of in the past, he would know that Rambo wears a Panerai.

    So I'm guessing his post was not "Hey, guys I just found out Rambo wears Panerai", but to spark conversation. My bad, Uncle Jay. :p

    @Kenberg: I sala'am to Uncle Jay my respects! Now the attached pic in the Bonati rumour makes sense. :)

  6. Oh, Victoria, I hate how my own perception gets the best of me.

    My father once told me that it's best to remain happy and slightly ignorant than to be highly observant because you find yourself overanalytical to the point of unhappiness.

    Your dad said a true word! Have you noticed how ignorant people are often happy, and overly intellectual people commit suicide at higher rates?

    But even knowing this, I would hate to remain ignorant -- though being stupid is a greater crime in my eyes. ^_^

    And while we're on that, don't you also find it peculiar that most charities disclose that "proceeds go to XXXX", conveniently omitting the "1%-100%"?

    YES. That bugs me.

    Have you ever had that special bottled water in Starbucks? Proceeds go to build potable water sources in the Third World. Commendable, right?

    But the water costs U$1.95 and according to their website, only 5 CENTS goes to the charity. WTF. Where does the other $1.90 go to??

    And lastly, I don't want to call it a lost cause, but once again, Victoria, you've pointed it out---that it's senseless to doctrinate our Western Views onto Eastern Society...wouldn't that make it an imperialistic society?


    BUT. :p

    To play devil's advocate, there ARE some things that the West is more "advanced" in, than others.

    As awful as the British Raj was to India, they MIGHT still be committing suttee if not for our insistence they abolish it in the mid-1800s.

    When this Maharaja died, all his wives committed suttee. Their palm prints remain as testament of their act.


    Just in case some don't recognise the term, suttee is where the widow of a man throws herself on his body, in a burning pyre, and immolates herself. That was unspeakable, misogynistic, and thank God that's no longer practised in the beautiful country that is India.

    But that too is imperialism...

    @Kenberg: Right, very true. But whilst it might be called an affectation of the higher castes, it still existed, and was expected of them.

    Duelling was very big in Europe until WWI with our upper-classes too, but the last fatal duel in England was in 1852. There was a famous duel in France, conducted secretly by Brits in the 1950s, but what's important is not that it still happens, but that it was outlawed.

  7. That one will be hard to top VB :lol: I'm not good with Fur

    That was supposed to be your arm hair! :p

    (I also didn't have a "guy shirt" like your white shirt, so I used my dad's lab coat!)

    My buckle is bigger than yours :p It is the new Legend II buckle....

    Ahhh. I need to place an order with Seth then. Thanks, Dluddy, and for being such a good sport. :)

  8. It's only natural to feel sentimental to the creatures that we domesticated and cared for like our own children. And you know, Victoria, I agree with your statements 98% of the time, but to pile up all the "Easterners" as a whole and to say that they are not sympathetic towards domesticated animals or endangered wildlife, etc. is an unfair generalisation.

    Oh, no it's not that. I apologise if that's how it sounded, Anton.

    What I meant, is that Eastern cultures have their own reasons for not becoming sentimental over domesticated animals, SPECIFICALLY cats and dogs.

    One such theory is that overpopulation forced their hand, and as everyone who's lived on farms knows, you don't befriend that which will become lunch one day. That's all.

    I'm not saying that every single human being in the area is a heartless monster, who eats these creatures because they don't like them. In fact, I'm a little shocked that anyone would think I would be making this suggestion!

    The Chinese and most East Asians revere birds, keeping them often in 18k cages. Presumably Western outrage is muted because we keep birds locked up too, and we eat poultry, game, etc.

    That's my underlying theme. That our outrage is greater because in our cultures certain things are verboten today. And though worthy, it's hypocritcal too.

    If you read my reply closely, I'm coming down harder on us than on them...

  9. OMB! That's worth 5 stars and 5 zings from me Vik :1a::good: !!!

    OMG! Do you have 5 accounts too? ;)

    Thanks, Hike!

    Amazing watch, I must have my LV PVDed to add to my Black Beauty collection!.......

    Are you ready to puke? It was free. He threw it in, as part of my other purchases. SICK. Thanks, Dave!!

    and you and dluddy are making me sick with this post of your 113s :thumbsupsmileyanim::good: ! Arggggggggh! I have to get one!!!!

    That is my old Andrew 113e, with engraved bridges. BEAUTIFUL. And the dial is more accurate than the much more pricey DSN 113. The Andrew 113e never gets worn after I got the Davidsen, but I refuse to sell it. I won't ever sell my watches.

    BTW, I notice that Dluddy's Pirate Buckle from StrapCulture is bigger than mine. New version?

  10. Wait, wait, please! Don't Gold Star me yet. :lol:

    I was, of course, just taking the mickey out of my good friend, and fellow Strapista, Dluddy. These are my REAL WRISTCHECKS!


    Bought this very stealth PVD'ed Rolex LV from Davewe! What do you think?


    Am I loving it on a black NATO!


    Not bad, not bad. :)



    Micah made this strap as a Prototype, but never followed up. On the Andrew PAM 177h, lookin' MAHVELLOUS!


    He called it "Stone", with nickle stitching. But I told him I'd call it "Rushmore". :p


    An unusual Wristie. :tu:


    P.S.: I know, Dluddy! Payback's gonna be a beeotch. Don't forget to paint your nails fire engine red! :lol:

  11. Billy Bob Clinton wears a Pam with black leather strap. Couldn't get close enough to see which model...had something to do with men in suits wearing ear pieces B)

    President Clinton's PAM is well-known, so much so, I think people call it the Clinton PAM. :p

    It's the 089.


    And just to make it fair and balanced, old President Bush wearing a PAM too (he discovered it way before Clinton did).


    I've remarked that celebs have this UNGODLY habit of wearing their PAMs on OEM straps or worse, the rubber diver. I mean, can't their personal assistants get on the 'net and find nice aftermarket straps?? Sheesh.

    Oh, and in case you're moaning that this isn't movie-related, nah. I'm sure GHWB was in Naked Gun, and Clinton was in Team America. :lol:

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