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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Hi Victoria!

    As you can see, I'm not banned. Fooled you for a second, didn't I? Are you mad?

    No silly! I hope the reply made people laugh. ;)

    Anyway, you're the second person to fool me on this board. The other was Mr. Tom Hawkes' .sig, which I even reported as a bug to the Mods.

    Oh that Vicky. So German and literal.

  2. Neither of these is true, by the way, although the missing testicle rumour hasn't been proved satisfactorily either way. His vegetarianism is definitely not true. His doctor recommended a vegetarian diet in 1931, but he didn't stick to it. According to his cook, for instance, his favourite meal was the Ryyannon-annoying Squab.

    That may have been true in the 30s, but by the 40s he was full-on vegetarian (via the Hitler specialist, Sir Alan Bullock). The last meal he had in his bunker, according to the very well-researched Der Untergang, was cheese ravioli.

    Quick, humour injection else Ken will kill us!

    Hitler's favourite movie was Lives of a Bengal Lancer. He was a huge Gary Cooper fan. Every time I read that, I laugh. :lol:

  3. Absolutely spot on. Bond needs to look like a killer. I mean a secret agent with a licence to kill is far more likely to be a horrible bastard than a annoyingly suave wise cracker (Moore excluded). I watched one of the Brosnan films yesterday (the one with Terri Hatcher in) and I had forgotten just how bad he was. His fight scenes were embarrassing. DC plays bond how I believe he should be played.

    IMHO, the choices for all the Bonds were spot on, for their RESPECTIVE ERAS.

    Sean Connery's macho, suave, Hugh Hefner-inspired early-60s 007.

    Roger Moore's drippingly sarcastic, elegant James Bond a perfect foil for the classless 70s.

    Pierce Brosnan's post-yuppy, exceedingly OBVIOUS 007 for the exceedingly OBVIOUS 90s.

    Now, Daniel Craig, a tough, clipped sentences guy for a time where cocktails and dinner jackets would look bizarre fighting turbans in caves.

    Even Lazenby and Dalton fit well, and in fact, Dalton is considered the best Bond by a lot of people (not I, I'm a Connery girl).

  4. i've downloaded part 1. where can i download part 2????

    Guys, I went to watch this last night on the 4OD wotsit, and it wouldn't play. Have to be in the UK and Repub of Ireland to view programmes. Sorry about that.

    Don't know how proxies work, but this is a standalone programme, not a web-based one -- so not sure proxies would work?

    Didn't Confused69u say he'd have this on his website for d/l? Come on now, help us out. :p

  5. IMG_1197.jpg

    WOW! Worth the wait, worth the wait, Jsmith.

    This whole page, from Lanikai's new BIG photos of his BCE, to Scoobs' delicious Havanna Drifter, to the naughty but beautiful business Chopard Cronsell wore to work (hope it's not a bank!), Max' Seiko, EVERY watch so far -- perfect.

    EDIT: Hey! I just checked. This is the first Wristie so far, where I didn't get any ratings.

    Well that's the last time I go girlie for you all. :p

  6. Good afternoon/evening/morning guys and gals. I am just wondering how you all store your watches. My collection is growing rapidly and I am searching for the best method of storing the watches. I currently have a watch box that holds 3 watches. It only cost me
  7. The Solti Ring, good choice. Walkuere might be best for a rainy day, it opens with a fierce storm.

    Yes, but I needed to be calmed down, and the Prologue is almost mesmeric. It comes at you in waves, building, building...tension, release, tension, release -- love it.

    Myself, right now listening to Pergolesi's Stabat Mater with Andreas Scholl.

    Ooh, nice. Never heard it -- I'm a total music illiterate, really. :(

    EDIT: Found it on iTunes. Ah that one! ...I don't know titles, but I can always recognise a work I've heard before.

    @GiD: I love Goldfrapp, Volker! Nice choice there. EDIT: Yes, it was that bad. :p (I love Wagner).

  8. worms like fried bacon.


    What is called a "French kiss" in the English speaking world is known as an "English kiss" in France.

    And what is known as doing it "Dutch" in English, is known as "Spanish" in other countries. Just ask an Italian if he enjoys La Spagnola.

    :o :o

    The worlds oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old!


    Found, no doubt, at Euston Station.

    Other useless/unusual facts:

    - King Alexander I of the Hellenes died as a result of being bitten by his pet monkey. He was trying to separate his pet dog, who was fighting with the monkey.

    - John F. Kennedy had a lazy eye, which allowed him to speed read 2000 w/p/m

    - Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria had a favourite "trick" which involved squeezing himself into a rubbish bin, and rolling himself down the Palace stairs to amuse his Courtiers. (It did)

  9. panera a problem has............? :mellow:

    Then do not write please PM, and here wrong

    I suspected it before, but this sounds like an English-speaking person trying to sound German. Even the most backwards of Germans, with a limited grasp of English, know the verb doesn't come at the end, as in German...


  10. Snip loads of stuff I agree with.

    Being able to afford the pricetag, and being able to justify the pricetag, are two different things ;) Personally, I don't feel many 'luxury goods' justify their pricetags, compared to actual 'product value'...

    That's why I think, of all nations, France is the one in the best position in terms of replicas.

    Whereas other countries like the USA are known for their marketing icons, which can be duplicated, they banked very heavily on their inestimable terroir.

    Try as the Chinese might, they will NEVER EVER be able to replicate Krug champagne, 246 kinds of French cheeses, and Johnny Halliday.

    Thank God.

    @Demon: I just read about the fellatio. You see, some people do read things to the end. :lol:

  11. Just tried 1 of these on the other day & very nearly bit the bullet. Very nice watch. Nothing PMWF about it.

    I have wondered about this acronym for a week! Coincidentally, a non-related Google search yielded:

    Poor Man's Watch Forum


    "'Poor Man's' Watch Forum - Foro de Relojes Para el 'Hombre Pobre' - Horlogeforum voor de 'Arme Man'"


    Also, another bit of news -- my father agreed to let me photograph one of his older gens for this excellent thread. Photo coming up, but I think you gents especially will love it!

  12. It's not quite as bad as it looks there, Victoria. You're seeing parts from more than one bracelet in that picture. For this job, I only had to remove the 4 removable links (that you see in the foreground), then rip out 3 non-removable links, then drill out the center links to accept the screw bars (followed by the usual grinding, polishing, and clasp tweaking).

    I bet no one has to tell YOU to clean the raingutters! What a man.

    She's well worth it though :wub:


    I was going to measure her wrist this morning, but I didn't want to make her feel like a circus freak...

    The little ones are more "versatile". ;)

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