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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. That's a nice unbiassed piece of writing :lol: I trust he doesn't drive VW cars or eat bratwurst ;)

    Ironically, the kind of politics Mr. Cohen has tends leftwards. And VWs are very popular amongst the granola bar-Birkenstock-treehugging crowd. I never understood that.

    (Don't worry, I'll be just as naughty in my description, about wingnuts one day)

    I wouldnt blame David for not popularizing the U-Boat watches, as, to be fair, they are not an 'easy aesthetic' If he were to wear a different brand of watch, Omega, for example, I'm sure there would be a huge upsurge in their sales.

    A fair point. I'm surprised some timepiece company hasn't used him as their spokesman yet.

    I notice he is much more into watches since his sojourn at Real and definitely at the LA Galaxy -- two cities which are watch MECCAS. *tease*

    Ashley Cole tends to wear Frank Muller watches

    Yes, well, we all know about Arsenal players and their "tastes", hello Mr. Dennis Bergkamp and Sol Campbell. ;)

    (Yes, I'm still bitter about Sol)

    @Kruzer00 and T: Marvellous replies. One full of careful reasoning, the other the same which made me laugh regarding the Casio. Now THAT would be a challenge.

  2. I hope it's just an April fool joke.

    Possibly. The Risti post "disappeared".

    Either Guy doesn't want people talking of this, because it's true, but embarrassing to Panerai -- or it really was a hoax.

    I wonder how can one single Italian pay Bonati more than Richemont-Vendome.

    Well, sometimes moves are also about challenges. :)

    I also wonder how can David Beckham wear that watch and be married with Victoria. :lol:

    When you're a Metrosexual, anything is possible. :lol:

  3. Thats exactly what I was trying to say TeeJay, thanks. Also your first point is true for me, I didn't find it very easy to source leather-free footwear. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, and I know many vegans opt to wear them, but I find footwear is a necessity rather than a luxury.

    Don't feel bad, Demon. Even Orthodox Jews are allowed to break Sabbath laws if it's a necessity. Religion is there to guide, not to stifle, as a rabbi once told me. :)

    No Kevlar, eh? Tricky, tricky. I'm guessing the rubber diver strap is not to your taste either?

    I would say go to Internationalwatchman's unusual hide section, and have a peak.


    Strapcode/Taikonaut have cheapish straps, which seem like synthetics, so you're all right there.



    Other options which are EU-based at that, are ABP and Camille Fournet.



    Exotics seem the way to go. You can ask for a special backing which is not leather-bound. :)

  4. Your attitude and insults are not welcome here...

    Consider yourself on a 30 Day time-out...

    When you return, you can either have a new forum friendly attitude or you can consider yourself permanently banned...

    The chose will be yours...

    TT, he'll never understand this. Allow the daughter of a German mother to translate this so there are no problems:

    "By RWG your Insults not welcome are

    For 30 Days Klappe

    Must return freundly be

    If not, typisch, soo bl

  5. Hello i would like to buy my firt PAM replica.

    According to you what is the best replica compare to the gen.

    I will use the watch during the week with a suit and during the week end.

    Thanks for your help.

    Best regards

    Tobal, welcome to RWG. :)

    My darling, I have to tell you -- you couldn't have chosen a less auspicious way of posting on the forum if you tried. This is the kind of post the forum gets ALL the time here.

    It is usually ignored, or even lightly flamed.

    Each forum has its way of handling things, but newbies with one post are usually told:

    1- Hit the Search button a lot

    2- Research what is out there

    3- Go to the Panerai forum and read and read and read for hours

    4- After you've read and researched, if you still have questions, then post

    5- Be sure you are specific about your tastes

    One more suggestion, check out the "Wristcheck" threads. They are found in the General Discussion area, and are easy to spot as they have "5 stars" on them.

    That's how I, when newbie, chose my first PAM. :)

    Good luck!

    P.S.: It's usual for people to start with a 111 or 112. It's a rite of PAM passage. But hey.

  6. The only problem is that my neighbors house was ransacked the other day. It's the first burglary that I know of in 14 years living here, but it makes me think twice about having my treasures displayed so prominently. Of course, if my watches were stolen, I would get some consolation when they would try to pawn them and found out they were reps. But that wuld be small consolution --relatively worthless to a robber, but worth a few grand to me.

    Careful, Jack. An uncle of mine collected Purdey shotguns, but apparently had some "dummies" made for display.

    His house in Henley was burgled, and the thieves were so angered that their haul was not as costly as they thought -- that they came back and vandalised his whole home. My cousin Kate was seconds away from God knows what, as she was coming up the drive as they left.

    (If you remember the final episode of the Good Life/Good Neighbours, the very same thing. Was big in the hooligan-70s)

    I'm sure you guys have formed a Neighbourhood Watch by now -- Americans always seem to have those stickers on their windows -- but I'd keep your rosewood box out of sight for now.

  7. Custom straps are nice and all, but what difference does it make how much the watch costs? It's still just two little scraps of leather, not like a pair of handmade shoes or something.

    Not for nothing, Doc, are straps referred to as "shoes" when posting them.

    "My 127 gets new shoes!" etc.

    And I'll bet these'll last you longer too. :)

  8. Italo must be paying him a lotttttttttt of money to go from PAM to helping sell their (IMHO) gaudy trash ...

    Absolutely. Just curious -- how much do you think Bonati makes at Panerai?

    Also, I'm sure they're banking on Bonati transforming the U-Boat marque into "another" Panerai...

    ...since apparently, David can't popularise it, like Sly could PAMs. Say what you want about Stallone, but he honoured the marque, as much as made it fashionable. I don't think Beckham can even spell "watch".

    (I like him, actually, but come on, he's a fashionista bird brain)


    And just to say that Richard Cohen's scathing judgementalism on U-Boat timepiece owners was MORE than a little redolent of Mr. Ward Churchill.

    You remember him: the ex-U of Colorado prof who called Twin Tower workers "Little Eichmanns".

  9. According to reports I've read here and there, the driving force behind the Panerai explosion, Angelo Bonati, Panerai's CEO since 1997 is leaving for the Italo Fontana "U-Boat" company.



    Departure date is apparently set for the rather inauspicious April Fool's Day, 2008.

    Oh Mr. Bonati, how can you leave this...


    For this?


    Or, in other words, from Sylvester Stallone to David Beckham. -_-


    EDIT BEFORE POSTING: Here is an article on Slate by Richard Cohen slating the U-Boat marque as evocative of Hitler's plaything...


    Mr. Hitler, Do You Have the Time? The despicable U-Boat watch:

    "Clearly, I am some sort of fuddy-duddy. The U-Boat watch, created by Italo Fontana, apparently sells well enough for it to go for almost $3,000. But, just as clearly, the name resonates with the people who buy the watch

  10. $400. WITHOUT a watch attached...????....C'mon...this belongs over on Paneristi, with all the other "stuff" of that genre...!!! (whacko!!) ;) ;) ;)

    That's my budget for at least my next 3 reps...total!!!

    A strapmaker was commenting to me the other day, how he is always low-balled by gen Panerai owners, for his straps.

    He said something like,

    "They can afford a $5000-$7000 watch but want to haggle about a $200 strap??".

    I said, it's true, makes no sense, but that also a lot of middle-class people who scrimp and save for a gen PAM, SIMPLY CANNOT afford a $200 strap.

    I didn't say that sometimes even when you can, spending $200-$400 for a strap is really obscene. I hope my parents never find my bank statement for my Jules Verne...

  11. I love my recently aquired 009 PVD and my 111h, however, Panerai is a type of watch that is probably best worn without a steel bracelet. Due to my personal beliefs,

    Not every day you hear this kind of thing, Demon, especially in today's anti-religious climate, and therefore -- magnificent.

    Strap King Dluddy gave you my suggestion too: the Kevlar strap. But I suggest getting it from Angus of Pure Time, for $95 shipped. Comes with this super duper buckle!

    You can go to his section here, on RWG and check it out. It's a sticky.


  12. Well there ya go :blink:

    Although I will say one thing, I just changed providers for my mobile and one number that was added to my phone by them was 'Emergency 112' so that one must at least work in Australia.

    I gave you a Gold Star at first, thinking this was invaluable if slightly dodgy info. I mean, wouldn't car theft be astronomical if that tip were true? :p

    And then I input the *#06# thingie. Nada. That's when I gave you a funny. :oops:

    @Phaedo: I have a Nokia, and the 4th didn't work. Could I be doing something wrong?

  13. Some interesting screencaptures, for you all. :)


    There's a whole village in China, where everyone copies Great Masters all day. This "Van Gogh" is sold by the painter for a whole U$1...


    The producer must know how difficult it is to get a good Lange rep.


    An ex-Burberry Welsh factory worker, who now keeps pigeons. The Burberry flat cap is the only legit item in the whole documentary. ;)


    Shop steward wearing a Paul Newman Daytona rep? :lol:


    And wouldn't it be funny if this Chinese Anti-Counterfeiter detective were wearing an Omega Broadarrow rep?


    This however, ISN'T funny at all. The infamous Durex condom with "holes" going to Africa. :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    I hope you guys have some thoughts to share after watching this. I do, but I'll be back after dinner to post them. It was a most interesting documentary. Thanks, Demon and Confused69u!

  14. FRIDAY

    Ladies and gentlemen, the OEM Jules Verne Alligator Nubuck, on the DSN 113! :clap2:


    My mother is a hard lady to please -- but even she was impressed. "That's the best strap you ever bought".


    Deep inside my Louis Vuitton Cabas Clear Ambre Monogramme Mezzo Tote. :wub:


    Mother and Daughter, stylin'. :tu:



    That JV strap is hard to top, but I think I did it below. Presenting my new Silix Daytona with silver registers!!


    Gorgeous pointy crown guards!


    I know it's not as good as Freddy's, Ubi's or By-Tor's, but by golly, for 37 Euro, this PLAYS.


    HOT. :sun:



    Hey, what's this? A NATO strap on the Silix Rolex Explorer?


    Ka-ching! :victory:


    ...sorry I'm a bit late posting, but hope this Wristcheck was worth waiting for! HAGWE! :)

  15. From the comments, I get the gist that the rep crossbars are lower than gen. But, I read the comment that the 127 is an exception. Does the gen 127 have low crossbars on the 'A's? :huh:

    This is Davidsen's 127, and just peeping to the side, is his 112 again.


    I dunno...A`s look good to me. :mellow:

    EDIT: Two more. Davidsen 232.


    Davidsen 113.


    ...just for the sake of thread reference.

  16. Yes I see it now! HOrrible! The only solution is to get rid of that watch by sending it to me at the following address............

    Dude... Chill.

    Peepshow chilled by going out and getting himself a beautiful gen. :)

    BTW, guys, I just don't see it. I need to meet one of you good people so you can explain it to me like I'm a 3 year-old.

    @Corgi: Great avatar!

  17. Guys, is it me, or our Wristcheck threads simply more phenomenal every time?

    I know they're reps, but the eclectism of choices of watches, straps, and photography are SUPERB.


    Micah took almost two months to get mine done, Cronsell. Hang in there! He does have a very funny guarantee, which he sends on parchment paper.


    If your strap ever gets ruined or fails for any reason I will replace it expediently and free of charge. This guarantee includes: Use, misuse, abuse, exposure, the need to burn your strap for warmth, your dog eating it in a fit of rage... whatever. If it's ruined I will replace it, no questions asked (unless the story sounds interesting).



    Cool! This will NOT be your last, for sure. I predict a Fiddy in the near future, Sturb. ;)


    Wow! Never expected to see elegant you in camo, V. The soon-to-be Pater Familias already protecting his family. :p

    @Corgi: Corgi wearing a PAM! *Faint* *kisses Jellybean*

  18. If you don't have a rapidshare premium account, after downloading a part, you will have to reset your IP address and therefore changing it. You can do this by resetting your router, or if you use a cable modem I am pretty sure if you unplug it and plug it back in after a few seconds, the IP address should change.

    Perhaps with some this works, but just in case, I posted on my uTorrent problems with my IP address. Here is how I solved it. Maybe it can work for others too.

    "4- If you STILL don't have a dynamically assigned new IP do this:

    a. Go to Start, Run, cmd, ipconfig/release

    b. Disconnect the plug both from the electrical outlet and ethernet cable from the computer

    c. Reconnect it

    d. Allow it to bring up a new IP

    e. Check it under Start, All Programmes, Control Panel, Network Connections, Local Area Connection or similar, Enable or Repair if needed"

    Demon, THANK YOU. You're wonderful!

    Just downloading some torrents now, but I'll d/l this in the weekend. :tu:

  19. My new cat as of last night. I want to name him something watch-related....suggestions are welcome.

    That's easy. You're cat looks like a Pasha.

    Sounds like a female name, but it's actually a very high-ranking Ottoman Empire title -- usually given to a lionine looking old gentleman, with flowing beard, seated on a cushion.

    This is the infamous Ali Pasha of Yannina. Looks just like your cat, Mezz.


    Unless you want to name it Kobold.

    @Cronsell: Thanks! Actually, Milgauss not pronounced the French way, is an interesting name for a pet -- even though it's sounds Nixon/Simpsonesque. :)

  20. :thumbsupsmileyanim::rofl::1a:

    Some merited translations for our North American cousins. A shell suit is a nylon track suit. And the names of the babies are for chavs, not for black kids (as they would be in the USA).


    I wonder -- should we forward this to the most famous of Yellowbellies, namely Margaret Thatcher. :lol: :lol:

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