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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Obviously if we all knew in detail how to access the watches straight from the factory then you can be sure that there will be a million fly-by-night dealers setting up.

    Some things are best left alone.

    I know we've been ragging on him, but this is where a work like Ph.DGuy's might prove informative.

    If he is concentrating simply on the user-end of informal economies, then that's no use to us.

    But if his dissertation uncovers, no not the actual factories' names, but how they operate to breathe life into the pirated goods trade, I'm sure a few of us would be lining up to read it.

    Jdavis got it right, I believe, in part -- about the assembly bit.

    It's like potcheen making in Ireland, or South Africa, or moonshine in the Appalachias. Basically, a mom and pop production in-house, which everyone knows exists, but neighbours don't squeal because they must get "benefits".


  2. Like 45 years of salary, benefits and accrued pension? He's lucky he's never needed to look for work since his 20s. ;)

    I think the point is that since Vienna's dad works and lives in the UAE, he wouldn't have had it, in Austria. The Old Continent isn't half easy on its sons and daughters -- glad I left before experiencing the rollercoaster myself.

    But sorry for your troubles, Pug.

    @Vienna: Cool! No watch though. :p

  3. Just one quick point the 4th Gen PO is the best 42mm, whilst the UPO is the best 45mm PO.

    As far as dress watches go, I quite like the Railmaster on a strap, an its very accurate too

    100% agreed.

    Just to say, welcome, ferrariz! And also, you got what might be considered a dress watch by some (my father wears it to semi-formal occasions).

    I am going to suggest the Railmaster in SS, because the rep straps in leather are AWFUL. I always ask Andrew to try and change them to SS, or rubber. They scream fake otherwise.


    How about the DeVille Chrono? It's $268 for the Asia. Rather dashing, I think. :)


  4. Flamemax, and Ryya :), I am going to take it back to the techies tomorrow, because I PRESUME I have a warranty. It hasn't been 3 weeks yet. I do have a very great laptop, which I used in the Dell's absence.

    It's Christmas all over again.

    They refunded my U$500+ and are going to fix the computer without charge. THAT MEANS MORE REP WATCHES! YAY! :tu:

  5. And have considered on more than one occasion to say I'm from Canada...

    Don't feel bad, TT. That's just because you have a sense of shame and appropriateness regarding your own.

    Whenever I travel and observe my fellow Brits (they're the ones with red as tomato faces from all the drinking and unaccustomed sun), I feel much the same way.

    Twain dubbed his countrymen, "Innocents Abroad" -- one of the best travellogues ever written. If only everyone, American or otherwise, had his bonhomie!


  6. I made an educated guess. You'll not convince me I'm wrong on this one.

    I don't think anyone can convince you you're wrong of anything, Puggy.

    ps. Where did I state he was from the US? You're inferring and then accusing me of assuming. Bad move ;)

    "Assuming I'm American will never get you anywhere."

    It comes from observing you. I know that you'd never be outraged that a Brazilian or Bahamian were presuming you were an American; an American doing so especially elicits this reaction from you.

    BTW, I found 15 Euros on the floor the other day. I think I'll go buy a yachtie! Ciao, Pugwash.

  7. Umm....what about corgi?

    If the other Canadian doesn't work out, I'm going after Corgi. Man after my own Captainess America-loving heart!

    Mind you, they'd probably stone him in Ottawa.

    I have always looked on reps as having one currency USD, yes I know we have Euro dealers but the vast majority of dealings and mods (and accessories :D ) have always been USD.

    Fear not, dear Ken. It'll be Yuan soon. :lol:

  8. Canadians are American. It's a continent, not a country.

    Ironically, no Canadian would EVER want to be described as American. If people think they're doing them favours by so noting, I think it will come as a surprise they don't appreciate it.

    You still made as much an assumption as you say the person did, Pugwash. Your point is hanging very limpid in the wind at the mo'.

  9. 110 for a gen dial? Is that 110 clams? Sovs? Octopi? Cowrie shells?

    By this description, you're assuming he's American.

    Unless he tipped his hand by saying "dollars", he or indeed, she, could be Canadian, Australian, etc. etc.

    It's curious what ticks us off. Clearly we're getting into the realm of nitpickiness (you should hear what makes me bonkers).

  10. This how a Metta strap should be made .....much appreciate the attention to detail as I'm sure will Rob ....oh and that smell...!!!

    I just saw a finished Metta on Risti for sale. Now, sometimes rough stitching works great on a strap. But that one defies description. :wacko:

    My mum has a friend who promised to have a look at my incoming Metta hide, and to do the strap for free. Otherwise, V would be a port-of-call, for sure.

  11. 05dial4arrl7.jpg

    Catalogue-worthy shot!

    Pix, thanks for this quick but very informative review. Sometimes, one just wants to know the "tells" in a rep watch, without having to read paragraphs (does that sound ungrateful? Yes, but I hope people know what I mean!). Your 1-2-3 tells were very important. And one should take care to watch out for the hands size.

    Thanks for the round-up of other links too! :)

  12. And one other thing ... Use spell check ... it does help your message come across better.

    There very few instances where we can say with 100% truth, but I think this is one:

    No one likes impoliteness.

    That's why I thought what we're discussing is a bit moot.

    Other stuff, like spelling, grammar, and overall presentation are not strong suits on the internet. That's probably what makes RWG.CC's members so special.

    The regulars and even the fly-by-night newbies seem to more well-spoken than others. THANK GOD. :victory:

    But at the end of the day, being polite is not something you can judge about yourself. It's what others judge of you. And total silence as a "reply", is just as rude, IMHO. As an indolent correspondent, I know just how much it is, with regret.

    If it's such a recurring issue, perhaps a .sig statement to the effect of, "I place great store in politeness in interpersonal communication. Do not approach me if you don't."

    Or words to that effect.

  13. That's curious. I have yet to receive any newbie PM that was nothing but polite, even to the point of deference, which makes me proud.

    Ironically, for a lady who places great store in communicating with flair, and loves grammar, I don't care if the person is a little inelegant. Like TeeJay, I would've probably answered the original PM. We're here to help each other, yes?

    BTW, here I'd like to take the opportunity to publicly thank Toadtorrent for "Over 8 Million Newbies Served" under my forum ID. That was his idea, not mine, and it was genius. :victory:

  14. Not my cup of tea.

    But I will say this much, if Delaurian had made it, it would have been praised as the best strap and sold within 10 minutes.

    :lol: :lol:

    My favourite was the Mad Maxx Extreme. Sold USED for $350+10 S/H, within those 10 minutes.


    Ted Ammo straps are more restrained. Check out this one (worn by a lady!). Pricetag used: $250...


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