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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Honestly, I don't find this funny whatsoever , and the fact that the dog was dead is immaterial in my opinion

    Apparently the dog was dead, and I don't know about you, but I am even more sentimental about dead things, than living ones. Failing a clarification, this Marine should be shipped back home.

    I had a dog die when we were in Brazil. I came downstairs in tears, and the porter (a young man, probably not much older than this one, and typical for building porters in Rio, from the Northeast, illiterate and dumb as a post besides) said:

    "Throw it down the garbage chute. Why pay for the vet to remove it, when the rats will eat it overnight"

    It took EVERY ounce of humanity inside me not to throttle him on the spot. :angry: :angry:

  2. It's incredible how VC reps are nice for the price...

    I KNOW. It's unbelievable. Really, very close to the gen (maybe when you actually hold it, you'll see the finish is so much better, but man).

    I don't understand the meaning of the second sentence... :o

    It's poetic (whenever you see "O" instead of "Oh", e.g.), so not something one can translate easily BUT:

    O, call back yesterday, bid time return (Richard II/ Act III, Scene ii)

    Alors l

  3. For Custom made replicas:

    1. Joe wants to have some rep watches made and has capital to invest in the making of these watches.
    2. Joe finds a factory in China that is capable of making them. More then likely the factory itself only makes cases but has their own vendors that they outsource for the other parts such as bracelets, straps, dials, movements, etc.
    3. Joe works with the factory on exactly what he wants (might even utilize their own engineering capabilities) and the factory makes a few prototypes. Who pays for them is based upon the deal worked out between the factory and Joe.
    4. Factory creates the number of cases that Joe wants (after a price is determined) and then they turn around and order a set number of pieces from their vendors for the remaining pieces.
    5. Upon completion of the pieces, using the factory's quality control, Joe takes delivery of the product and sells it. Who he sells it to is his choice. The factory charges him $Y per watch. Joe can either turn around and sell it to a dealer for $Y*2 or directly to the end consumer and charge a typical mark up of $Y*3 or $Y*4.

    Very educated guess, and concisely written to boot. Given our peaks into the business here and there, this seems exactly what must happen.

    Unlike many people, I don't mind the markups, even if they are outrageous by Western standards. If a Rolex is less than U$5 to produce, and sells for $100, I'll pay.

    Psychologically, the fact these watches are located in the Far East, and the fact that I have nowhere near any kind of Canal St. near me, MUST play a role in my mind. I'm factoring in the plane ride, the hotel stay, the bartering for the best piece, and a thousand things I'd have paid for, for each and every rep I buy.

    Perhaps illogical, but true.

    I didn't see anything personally offensive about your joke. Just know that Asians typically only have a hard time with L and replace L with R so Rosie would have said, "So sorry." and some Chinese would have said.

    Thanks, Gavidoc.

    I've received two very nice PMs about this, as well as approaching one person of East Asian origin myself to apologise/explain. All of them were gracious, and understanding.

    In today's poisoned PC-climate, where comics can't be funny, and shock jocks can't shock anymore, it's good to know some people take things the right way. Much appreciated. :)

    Anyway, back to the topic. Nice week!

  4. img8251qh9.jpg


    Now ordering a gen croc strap to make it perfect. Black or brown ?

    Dad has the strap in black. Joshua originally sent it in brown, but it was awful. <_< He did make it up to him, though.

    Having said that:



    And I think I will have something engraved on the caseback... Any idea about the text ?? ;)

    It's more mysterious for a Frenchman to have it in English, so one suggestion:

    "Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"


    "O, call back yesterday, bid time return"

    - William Shakespeare


  5. Torrent can be found here: TORRENT FILE



    Okay, actually like Corgi, uTorrent's info says I need a valid passkey. I went to that libitina.net site but apparently it's a devil-worshipping site (I'm not kidding). Their logo is "Bring out the Evil in You".

    Ironically, that's what reps do to me.

  6. Give me 2mins whit him and his friend

    I can't click on this, Dani. It would break my heart (even if it were a Taliban doing it).

    Just to note that this Marine is apparently from Hawaii. EDIT: Another report is that he's stationed in Hawaii, but that he's from Monroe, Washington State.

    I cannot believe after all the stray dogs the Marines have adopted in almost 4 years of being in Iraq, of the manifold treats they've given to animals because the locals didn't have them -- that this should be the face of the USMC.

    This plays to the Redacted crowd, to the Valley of Elah crowd, who are only too willing to believe the worst of the military (any military).

    I'm checking the blogs as we speak, for more info. MSM are hopeless.

  7. I am still very new to this forum and tryiong to learn as much as possible. Is there any difference between the most respected dealers out there that are written about in these forums in terms of quality of product sold. Specifically are any of them particulalrly strong on certain brands. I am looking at Omega, Rolex, Breitling, and Panerai.

    It's not because we don't want to give out the info, but because it's genuinely hard to say -- a matter of personal opinion which could well be very wrong.

    The only thing I can tell you is that I go to Jay/Silix for my cheap Rolexes. I go to Andrew/Trustytime for my ladies watches. And I've heard that Angus/Puretime has great Panerais. And of course, Davidsen is a Panerai-only specialist.

    Their forums and information are available only to supporters, but doing some research may yield tidbits here and there. :)

  8. Don`t think you can count girly.

    You know, this reminds me of that time Rosie O'Donnell was being raked over the coals about her "ching chong" remark. The Imus incident and Dawg non-incident were in the future.

    She, with amazing lack of honesty, claimed in all honesty that she had no idea that "ching chong" was a slur, gasp horror, not her!

    I would've respected her a lot more if she had looked at the camera and said, ME SO SOLLY!

    So that's my reply to you, Rodwc.

  9. The difference with Fiji though is that the cost of living is not all that removed from the cost of Australian living.

    That's awful, Ken!

    When I lived in Brazil, one can make the argument that that was also the case -- it was prohibitively expensive to live in Rio de Janeiro's "Zona Sul" for anyone but a middle-class person. The poor had to take 3 busses to their suburban homes, often hours-long ride to earn a few Reais, working as maids, chauffeurs, and other types of labourers.

    And they couldn't dream of shopping in the boutiques and supermarkets in Copa/Ipa/Leblon. However, things were much more affordable in their own areas.

    Perhaps that's a more apposite explanation than the one I gave. :(

    @Kenberg: I know this sounds sappy, but if I were a lady in that position, I'd love the guy who rescued me to the end of the world...

  10. Umm... newbie question I guess.. but whats "seconds at six" ?


    Never mind, Ferrariz. I just looked at the subdial again. You're all right there. That date thingie threw me.

    For the record, the seconds subdial at the 6 o'clock position on the 7750 movement, causes trouble. The IWC Portuguese is a prime example of such a problem -- some members even go to the bother of having the subdial "frozen" (gears removed from the movement, as it works overtime and grinds down).

    These are all terms you will have to acquaint yourself with, and hitting that Search will be invaluable to you. Just PM in case of need though!

    To start you off, a Daytona review with the seconds at six mention:


  11. I've been told, that, although sweatshop conditions and pay are pitiful by western standards, westerners often forget the very different social conditions in the countries involved,

    Though this shouldn't make any of us preen, I always mention this to people complaining about sweatshops.

    Do RWG Americans recall the infamous Kathy Lee Gifford sweatshop labour scandal?

    She was selling her clothing label at Wal-Mart at profit, whilst the Hondurans who were making the garments were paid something like $0.72 per hour to make it. She was outted by a labour activist in the US, and went crying to the factories, vowing that the locals would earn a more decent wage.

    What she wasn't told, or because some people just don't grasp this, is that 0.72 U$ per hour in Honduras is "okay".

    A loaf of bread costs less than an American nickel. A bus ride doesn't even register in American dollars (in the parallel currency).

    I honestly believe that there are some people on this earth that think what they earn and spend in their countries, is what the Third World does too.

    Don't think for a moment I am arguing for sweated labour. Just for the perspective.

  12. As you know, I have the very lovely Narikaa Ladies Tag Link in black.


    I've been wearing it without having the bracelet sized. Just now, when I went to take Wristcheck photos, I noticed to my horror, one of the clasp screws was missing. It's unwearable. I'll probably end up having to canabalise sunglasses or similar to get the screw. Or pay my watchsmith or an oculist for it.

    But just so that you know, if you have one, TIGHTEN IT NOW!

    Or else. :wounded1:



    Those of you who always suspected I had a screw loose, now have confirmation. :p

  13. Hmm.. this DeVille looks good... though as u mentioned the crappy quality of the leather straps.. can I source better straps for it elsewhere?

    Maybe I was too hasty. Upon closer inspection, the DeVille is the dread 7750 with seconds at six -- these have notorious problems. Add to that the chronos, and that's asking for Tee-rubble.

    Please do an ample search before deciding on it, Ferrariz. The Swiss ETA Railmaster looks a surer bet.

    However, the straps are no problem at all. Toady gave you great tips. Here's another:


    This vendor specialises in HIGH quality leather and exotics in all sizes. You cannot believe the prices if you tried. Good luck!

  14. A while back someone made a statement that he wouldn't touch my goods because they were the end result of child sweatshops, now I have good reason to believe this is not the case, yet I could still be wrong.

    I think anyone who is in this hobby, whether seller or buyer, struggles with this moral question.

    Haven't quite made peace with it, or made sense of it, even to myself -- I am just hopeful that since watchmaking is so intricate, that at least child labour isn't involved.

    And sadly, I cannot police what happens in other countries, and what other cultures consider to be appropriate working conditions.

    I once saw a reportage on 20/20 (a TV news magazine) where a female Vietnamese factory boss slapped around her workers. When the American Nike execs told her in no uncertain terms to stop, she said her culture didn't think such behaviour was cruel, or unusual.

    It's a very intricate situation...

    @Kenberg below: God. :(

  15. Go for the Omega Constellation Double Eagle!!!

    Hi Fitmic. :)

    I think Ferrariz said he was going for the gen in the Connie series. I can relate. That's why I didn't snap that 005 that was being offered in the Sales forum, this weekend.

    *waves to DET11, reading the thread: Hey buddy!*

  16. Aww shucks, I thought you had something sitting around the house to give away...I feel so special. :blush:

    Heck yeah! You think I'd give you my sloppy seconds?

    NOR, may I add, will you be getting just any old Florida souvenir, flogged to unsuspecting tourists at Turnpike rest stops.

    There are thousands, nay, millions of people around this world whose bathrooms are graced by this charming reminder of their Florida visit.


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