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Everything posted by mikellem

  1. Who is the dealer where you purchased the DSSD?? There are no secrets.. Your watch has a problem! MM
  2. I would highly recommend Not having the dealer service your watch.. You will not get what your watch really needs! Get your watch and we can guide to one of the approved watch makers. This way the watch will be serviced properly.. Soooo, don't let the dealers touch your watch service wise. We are just trying to look out for you.. Cheers Mate, MM
  3. Hey poreti, Cool it and take a chill pill...When is ready and capable of taking pics he will.. We don't you bashing him! Maybe you should go help him take the pics? Be nice my friend.. Just like Pizzanoo... Thank You poreti.
  4. Hi is usually online. Maybe he had to take a day or two off.. He is usually on here everyday... You wil find him soon! He can't stay away too long, he is addicted! MM
  5. Hey buddy, tell us what straps you bought and about you much they cost! Cheers mate, MM
  6. All dealers who are selling the Noob Factory, they are all the same. As far as boxes go. For Christmas I purchased one of the better Chanel watches. I decided to get the box set since it was a gift. The box set was $69 and smelled like strong shoe polish. I put the box outside for 3 days, outer box and top included, and to this day it still smells like shoe polish. I would never purchase a box set again unless i had to! I also bought a $49 Rolex box for a Chrisitmas gift,, and truthfully they look like they cost $10.00. i have never ordered for myself any box sets nor will i ever in the future. The dealers represent them as "Gen Guality", that's not true. They are an extremely high profit item that the dealers would love to sell as many as possible. That's my box story. Enjoy your day! MM
  7. Back in the day about 7 years ago... I purchased about 10 watches, between myself and for friends. Honestly I never had a problem.. He delivery was lightening speed. I don't know if I would trust him now, I can't see the advantage when I have Andrew and Josh and in a pinch Angus. The reason I say that' about Angus is.. He is around to run his business as far as we are concerned. He has the best website in town... But if you have a problem with a watch, you have to deal with Nikki, who I haver no problem with, but she does not know anything about watches.. MM
  8. Jkay,, he also might just have a dry noisy rotor! You know better than i do.. MM
  9. I think your thinking is all demented. #1, The Custom Employees work at a constant rate no matter what you think! And you are being paranoid thinking you package looks suspicious. Enjoy life my friend, You watch WILL show up, I promise. The percentage of watches that get caught in Customs is so small it's not worth talking about it. There are tons of packages that are coming from China that were suppose to make it by Christmas. Only so many packages can pass customer every hour. And this year China had huge sales, more than expected, so is why you are having a delay! Cheers mate, MM
  10. That crazy pam sale killed him with the forums. He had offered crazy low prices and his could not get the goods. Eventually everyone either received there item, or received a refund.. That was a crazy time... MM
  11. Hey Mike, your nee baby looks spectacular! But do you any more pics we could see? Just kidding my friend.. Fabulous photography... MM
  12. I think you are being way to paranoid. It's in your head, not in their head! Wear your watch and enjoy! Life is too short! Chill and enjoy your watches! MM
  13. SQL I dont think he is scamming at all now!!' MM
  14. Well guys, his heart is still beating and he is still selling reps,,, His New URL is prowatch888.com This brings back the olden days. Have a look.. a little nostalgia... MM
  15. That's 2 great watches at super prices. Slask, go for one of these. they both are new and very very fair priced! MM
  16. Yeah, just go buy one... your thinking too much! There is a brand new 000 on the board right now for $280! The seller is Deltick. He is a wonderful guy.. Just buy it and wear it... live it too short my friend,, MM
  17. I also have the same as dluddy, I bought from EL many moons ago, and i do not wear it much, so it's like brand new and happy to have it.. MM
  18. Hey poreti, chill my friend.. You are acting like you are his father! No one is asking you to wear it. Different strokes for different folks.. MM
  19. I think it's because of the deployment clasp on the inside of the band, but i am not positive. that is just what it looks like to me.. MM
  20. Do you have a picture you could show us what you are looking for? MM
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