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Everything posted by Sogeha

  1. I was kind of fearing you would say that. An early ST is difficult to find and after $1450 for a Phong case just to start the project, one might as well just buy a genuine. Certainly it will be more expensive, but only possibly twice as expensive as a nice build and I think the gen matte dial versions will appreciate nicely.
  2. For a newcomer I definitely second the Asian ETA 2836. The clone movements aren't terribly reliable out of the box and more suited to people used to servicing, modifying or paying for it done.
  3. I have quite a few Soviet watches, they aren't very fancy and there is no great finish to the movements, but they as tough as tough and can usually be repaired. I used to visit Russia and the Ukraine quite regularly and got mine serviced cleaned and repaired over there for very small money. Try Watch u Seek. I think they still have an active Russian watch forum.
  4. Consider yourself tagged Also @QueTip posted something on Geek or RWI about 16800 builds which was thorough as usual. He should have posted it here, naughty boy, but he might post a link or I will try to find it later.
  5. Well drilling the lugs can be done by post and cheque book, matte dial definitely, probably a Yuki as I'm planning on a very beaten up look. An ST case would be better, but the good one for this build is no longer available
  6. I knew about the change from double to triple seal on the crown. I figured on a build that is not a big problem as it can be changed. Rehaut I didn't know about. A Phong case is $1400, so makes it a much more serious project. I guess it's either live with the rehaut depth or see if it is possible to change it.
  7. If you could get a side by side photo' that would be really great brother
  8. Yes @Pombok that was understood. I doubt JF or anyone else will manufacture a 16800, I was looking late last night and I think the biggest problem might be that the rehaut is too deep. The 16800 seems very shallow.
  9. I heard about that, but haven't seen the pictures yet. I haven't had time to go search. I want one as the basis for a 16800, so an engraved rehaut won't work for me.
  10. @Pombok that looks really good Chance. I've been reading about it for a while now but these are the first decent pictures I've seen that aren't from a dealer. I hope they do a version with a plain rehaut.
  11. That's a really nice watch and a great first post. Welcome to the community and don't let it be another seven months before you post again?
  12. BP appears to be using the same movement. @twinkletoes is the man to get a Yuki movement from
  13. Thunderball. I like Ben Wishaw's character very much but Desmond Llewelyn was the man and his performance was made even better by the fact that he didn't understand anything technical at all.
  14. Our contact in the DGSE will help you
  15. Q: Now, a new watch. This should be your 20th, I believe. James Bond: How time flies. Q: Yes, well 007, why don't you establish a record by actually returning this one.
  16. Check reviews for V7, for some reason Toro has taken to calling the latest V7 version 8. Do your homework on movements as well. SA3135 is dimensionally the same as the Rolex movement and even looks somewhat similar, but although much improved recently it is not the most robust of movements. Sooner or later you may well need to upgrade to a Yuki movement. Fine as long as you know in advance. If you are looking something to wear as is and not get involved in modding, perhaps stick to an Asian copy of an ETA. Really it is better to arm yourself with knowledge from the Rolex sub forum so you can make your own informed decisions. Oh and post a wristie when you get the watch please.
  17. Agreed Cousins is a good bet, also Watch co in Australia.
  18. I wouldn't bother. I doubt you are going to find a good one trawling tourist markets. Better by far to read up in the AP section and then buy one from a member or a Trusted Dealer. I think JF is generally considered to be the best factory.
  19. @rolojack if you are not familiar with them, it's well worth having a read through Ubi's old posts. I just dug up this one for starters. we need to find a way to get him stop playing with Porsches and start building watches again.
  20. ^^^short of an official endorsement from Patek Philippe, you can't get better recognition than that?^^^
  21. I said small. If it was my watch I would soon get over it?
  22. I have a small tinge of regret about the loss of a genuine vintage case, but the results are awesome.
  23. Wow, I can't remember when. Last saw one of those. Always good to drive something a bit distinctive
  24. I would call that fraud.
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