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RWG Crew
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Everything posted by Sogeha

  1. Does anyone know if any TDs are prepared to sell cheaper in China to reflect not having to take Customs risks?
  2. That is a very interesting read, thank you for posting the link. I would love to see that on Judge Judy. If proved it could have serious repercussions
  3. "I quickly realized that the only reason you should buy and wear an expensive watch is because you want to — not because you're trying to impress" That is what I have always believed. Other than my watch buddies hardly anyone notices my watch.
  4. I share your concerns and it's not something I would be remotely interested in. I've got gens without papers. However there are honest people who want false documentation for replica watches.
  5. http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?6360-Step-by-Step-Tutorial-quot-How-to-post-your-pictures-on-RepGeek-quot I think that is what I used to get an idea. Opening an image shack account and uploading a picture is a matter of following image shack instructions. Then click on the picture and it should open a page for just that image. There will be a heart and three lines on your bottom right. Click the three lines and it will open five lines of text underneath the image, Link, Direct, Forum, Alt and HTML. Copy and past the forum address into your post and the job is done.
  6. I saw. I'm following your mods across several forums and I would still be interested in a dial sometime.
  7. Not sure f this helps. I hope it does. I use a free image shack account on my iPad and then copy the forum link into the rep geek post. There is a tutorial on rep geek.
  8. Sounds like someone trying to make himself interesting and well rounded by power of chequebook, then as is often the case getting buyers remorse.
  9. Silly boy. Bad enough when people bait ADs
  10. Landing into the wind isn't cheating, it's standard practice in aviation. Even in a specialist 'plane with a Vne below the Vstall of many craft it still takes real skill to put one down like that. Just dropping the wheels onto the chalk line is much harder than these guys make it look. I doubt one in a hundred PPL pilots could consistently get within ten foot. Skill makes anything look easy, there is a reason it's a competition. The only way I could beat that would be to kill the engine and pull the ballistic 'chute
  11. Got to love a radial. When I stop working twelve hour days I hope to build a fly baby or pietenpol. I love retro open cockpit 'planes, but they don't suit your climate. My dream would be one these, which would be absolutely useless to you. My home in Poland is up a mountain less than 1/4 mile from the local flying club and my parent's place is about five miles from another.
  12. Awesome. I love GA 'planes on tundra wheels, they always look like cartoons. I guess tundra wheels are normal in Alaska.
  13. I'm quitting working soon and plan to travel Asia. I'd love to share a beer with you then brother.
  14. Great comeback, I'm really glad you stuck around rather than cutting and running. Case closed and forgotten. Welcome to the forum. I'm a long time expat Brit as well BTW I just realised it is Legends place to say case closed not mine, but I'm sure he and all my fellow members will feel the same.
  15. I'm really hoping we see a rep of the updated Polo
  16. Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy being with us.
  17. Hi APlover, welcome to the forum. You will find a wealth of knowledge on AP here. Nobody here is going to make you grovel or hold a grudge, we were all new members once. However you have just walked into a clubhouse and without even saying hello you have expected everyone to drop everything and march to your agenda. I'm sure you did not mean to come across like this at all and would not do so in real life. Legend is highly knowledgable about AP, how to get frankens built and who can supply what. He is also an excellent member of the Crew (moderator or administrator if you like). To do this he gives hours of his free time without monetary reward. I also happen to know he owns several high end watches, AP, Rolex and probably others, so whatever he does for a living probably takes up a lot of his time. Please consider posting a new member post and say hello, then read a selection of threads, perhaps then you will find Legend to be the outstandingly helpful gentleman the rest of us know.
  18. Sogeha


    J'aime la France. Je partage votre douleur.
  19. Shocking and sad news indeed. I have long been a frankophile, but my thoughts are especially with France this morning.
  20. Very true and in the long term I think well built, properly declared frankens and then replicas will become more accepted. Many a country house sold a valuable painting to pay death duty or finance new roof, then hung copies. As the price of early ferraris shot up to many tens of millions it became perfectly acceptable to own and race a replica, which are essentially frankens. The historic racing organisations changed their rules to accept replicas, because nobody is going to risk a 30-40 million car in racing. Bugattis are very muddy waters indeed. Is there and original car? I know of a couple that were rebodied in period and both versions now exist. A totally new one can be bought in Argentina. Some cars exist three or more times. All genuine of course. More and more manufacturers are reproducing their own past models. Factory fake? So as the price of more and more vintage watches reach the point where they live in bank vaults, I think slowly wearing a copy will be more acceptable. Certainly dispite fine words and sworn positions, all the high end watch dealers and auction houses are talking up watches they wouldn't have touched ten years ago. They are businesses, so are they really going to sit drumming their fingers and telling people all the good watches are gone or will they sell what is available and make it sound good? There is a world of diffence between selling a declared reproduction as an affordable way of experiencing ownership and selling a fake as genuine, ask Lord Brockett. Maybe in time Rolex will issue limited runs of "continuation" models. Stranger things have happened.
  21. It's worse than that. Thanks to these scumbags our whole community are seen as villains. This despite the fact that the vast majority of members are scrupulously honest in their descriptions, probably more so than sellers of genuine watches which are not original, and would under value a sale rather than scam.
  22. Astonjenks, I just noticed your avatar. Isn't that the V8 that towed a caravan to a world speed record around the time I was an impressionable teenager?
  23. That made a deep and lasting impression on me. I know who was involved and those who offered to help. I joined all the rep forums looking for information. I'm also on other forums that reflect my interests. However there is a reason this is my homepage and it's not about what I can get out of it. Slowly I am getting to know members here, some I have had direct contact with. In time I hope to meet a few at get togethers. In a year or so I will retire and have time to dedicate to this hobby. The thing about the ethos of this little knitting circle or gentleman's club is that it inspires gentlemanly behaviour in new members. I feel an obligation to be polite and respectful and to pay back the generousity of members by paying forward. To be honest the onus of that weighs on me much more than the prospect of being sent to the Brig ever could.
  24. Interesting. Thing is I would much mind "not for sale". It's cool to own a promotion watch, but the deception if proved is disturbing.
  25. That's a cracking job, well done Sir.
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