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    NW Europe
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    Travel, Music

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  1. When I was in Dubai half a year ago I sneaked into a few shops while my gf was wandering in front of the wedding rings at the gold souk in Deira. Prices are reasonable and both watches with and without papers are available.
  2. So true. Particularly the rosegold Daytonas seem to be preferred by female celebrities last couple of years. Actually I am very glad to see the that the separation between `mens` and `womans` watch vanished. I find it very attractive when a woman wears a mens watch. Last time I saw a woman wearing a mens Cartier Louis Tank. Did look splendid on her!
  3. If there`s one thing you really need to do when in HKG it`s climbing Victoria peak to have that stunning skyline view. I can also recommend to do a trip on a `junk` boat (sometimes including food and bar). And last but not least: let the city guide you. Hit the street markets!
  4. Submariners like yours makes me appreciate them more and more. Black dial + Gold case = Splendid combo!
  5. Not completely convinced if fits in the genre of the `classic rock` but in terms of legendary status it sure does: went to see The Cure last weekend during their European tour. I was born at the end of the 80`s so I am way to young to have experienced all those great bands first hand. The Cure however always had a special place in my heart (especially in high school) and with all the celebrities who passed away recently (Prince, Bowie, Cohen,...) it was actually my boss who convinced me to grab tickets while `we still could`. Best decision ever! They deluded the crowd with a mind-blowing 3 hour set. Very glad I could still witness them live. I expect a new opportunity will not happen anytime soon.
  6. I am glad to be part of this small community (eventhough this topic is not related to the main subject 'watches') where discussions can still be held with descent manners. After exploring various media yesterday and reading/hearing all sorts of reactions I literally wanted to move to Timbuktu for 4 years without electronic devices. A hopefull first speech and good chat with American nationals like yourselves helps to put things in perspective.
  7. That says everything because I would bet eveything they woud not have done the same 4 years nor 8 years ago. `Great minds think alike.`
  8. No, But if both former KKK-leader David Duke and Front National Jean Marine Le Pen congratulate `the new president` with warm regards, that says enough.
  9. (Let the rant begin) Unemployed rednecks/bigots/gun nuts did not drag Trump over the finish line,.... (mostly older) middle class people did. I think here in Europe we tend to associate ourselves a little bit more with the Democrats than with the Grand Old Party due to mostly common values. However on the other hand I do believe most of our American friends don`t care that much about Trumps foreign administation but more on his domestic approach and that might be the reason they voted for him in the first place. Joe Sixpack from Texas who works in the oil industry has seen his income decrease by almost 50%. I can imagine he`s disillusioned with traditional politics and decided to give the upper mandate to an alternative (a screaming guy with no background in high politics). The trend is as dangerous as it is clear but this is how democracy actually works. We as outsiders have to accept/respect the choice the American people has made. The world will not end and neither will the US. Seems America was not ready to have the first female president after the first black president. Missed chance in my opinion. Just interesting to see how that first black president will switching seats with a former KKK-member. Good luck USA. I hope federalism offers you enlightenment.
  10. I passed that shop last year but forgot if there are also DJ`s available? Very attractive location, but that`s about it...
  11. Congrats, stunning pce.
  12. Does anybody actually know what it stands for? I know a lot of DJ`s are gifts after the Hajj but Rolex stopped producing these `special` dials after 1990 if I`m not mistaken. Is it an insignia from KSA or UAE? Your friends son should treasure this. That is nice looking watch sir.
  13. You are not alone lataule. I registered a few months ago for the exact same reasons. Cannot express enough what it meant to finally lay my hands on a Franken build by MMM. The smooth transactions with him encouraged me in the first place to become more active on this forum and `give something back to the community`.
  14. Please do. Grab a train in the morning from Hua Lamphong train station to Ayutthaya for a few bucks. Meet one of the many guides over there to drive you around in his tuktuk and continue your journey by nighttrain to Chiang Mai. Worth!
  15. The food is delicious as well. Only for that I would consider moving there. Did you already visited the Chiang Mai-area? You cannot go wrong by flying Thai.
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