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Posts posted by klocklind1

  1. Congrats mate, I wear the same way so I know what you mean ;)

    I wonder if we can expect a correct destro movement anytime soon? Its the only thing that holds me back...daft I know considering the rest of the movement!!

    Wear it well :)

    I can not understand that so many think it SO important to have the "Officine Panerai" upside down on the movement for the destro when ALL replicamovements is MILES away from looking genuine :whistling:

  2. hmmmm...

    is the crystal on the 111J and the 177L the same?...

    i received my 177L and no complaints whatsoever...i find the crystal to be pretty good...very seriously impressed with the 177L...ok, so its not repliamaniacally perfect, but it sure is damn close...definitely passing for gen to anyone other than well-informed rep freaks or eagle-eyed Ristis...

    So You got it in the end R :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Yes the pam 177L really IS a very nice pam :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I have ordered the new pam219 today from the same factory and I hope that pam is the or even better than the new pam111J.

    But the new finely engraved movement in the 111J is way better than the pam 177L so it is ALWAYS something that is less good with one replica compared to another :wounded1:

  3. you guys know you can bend the click spring to adjust the tension stiffer or softer. i played with the gen bezel on a 16610 at the AD and went home to fine tune a wm9v1 to the way the gen felt. worked well :good:

    My clickspring got broken when I tried to bend it :wounded1:

    I would not recommend to bend this spring to make it harder to turn but that is the WM9 clickspring :whistling:

  4. I - thanks for sharing this...mine cleared CN customs on 12/21 and should be here shortly...

    terrific cg and crown!...what's your opinion of the dial "texture" and also the "ar"?...

    btw - love the strap on the 177...who makes it?...


    R......... I know You will absolutely LOVE it :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    It is without ANY question THE best titanium pam replica ever made ( apart from the movement!) .

    The lume is VERY VERY nice But I think that the hands are from the same maker as DSN pams as it has the same color in "cloudy daylight".

    By that I mean that the color of the indexes and hands are DIFFERENT in that kind of weather, but You will not notice that in sunny days and inside :whistling:

    I do not know what color of the lume the genuine 177 has but I would like to have them more to the WHITE in color this one is more to the green .

    I can not understand that it can take so long time for You to get it as I got my from Joshua in THREE days ( 19 dec and arrived in the morning 22 dec )to EU with EMS, maybe I was lucky?!

  5. Actually that is nonsense. Titanium is harder than steel and does not get as quickly damaged as steel. And while being harder its significantly lighter. Also its 10 times more expensive.

    So if the cases are prone to damage then that is because the rep makers use shitty Ti and/or shitty machines to make them and/or assemble the watches without taking care.

    Since titanium is so hard, it's also brittle. If the threads arent cut very clean, they can simply break off when screwing too hard or crossthreaded.

    Obviously the Gens dont suffer from losing the threads after the second strapchange and I'm pretty sure OP doesnt using *magic* to make them..

    Have You ever had any GENUINE titanium watches to try that it is harder ? :whistling:

    The ONLY titanium that is harder/equal to steel is a mix called 6/4 that is used in screws where and it is ONLY ONE watch that is made of that titanium and that is the Tag Heuer kirium.

    The rest is using the "standard 3/2,5 mix.


  6. Thanks, but also before unscrewing (if used the blu liquid to stop it) is better to use a lighter to warm the lock screw

    Good advice too :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    And do NEVER use loctite of any kind of the strap-screws as You will probably NEVER going to be able to unscrew them without damage the screw or case :whistling:

    Always try to "feel" the threads when You screw them back in to the case and remember to use the SAME screw in the SAME lug because it is safer that way to not get the threads damaged :whistling:

    But the threads on the pam new 177L is the BEST I have seen on a titanium replica watch :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  7. Great point mate :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    But its good advice with any rep to check all screws and even think about loctite once you have it the way you want it :)

    Loctite can be a good solution BUT specially on titanium-pams it can be a good thing to ONLY put some Loctite ( the BLUE one !) on OUTSIDE of the screws for the crownguard, as I think that is enough to hold the screws in place!

    Titanium is softer than steel ( and get damaged much easier than the steel cases!) so that is why I reccomend to use the loctite on the outside of the CG screws because if You use loctite on the whole of the screw there is a risk of not being able to unscrew the screw without damaging the casethreads :mellow:

    BUT if You use the weakest Loctite ( there is three of them !) You might be able to use loctite on the whole of the screw :whistling:

  8. Congrats on the gen 317-16800 spring.

    The sources I'd located for these were getting 75.00 each.

    I opted for a couple from Clarks at 9.00 each. And must admit I'm quite pleased with them.

    I am also VERY happy with the click-spring from Clarks that is more genuinelike :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    But on my V3 sub the original WM9 clickspring is almost the same as the genuine ( compared to my genuine seadweller!)

    But on my WM9 LV sub it was way to loose so You might be lucky sometimes :whistling:

  9. Hi all Pam lovers!

    I just wanted to tell You to check ALL screws on the new Pam177L as when I was taken my apart I could VERY easy to unscrew the screws at the crownguard. :wounded1:

    And they would have been dropped if I not had them tighten, so use the right with of an screwdriver and try to tighten them so You will not loose them! :whistling:

    And the strap-screws is made of TITANIUM ( I am almost sure of that!) and is VERY nicely finished BUT be sure to use the RIGHT screwdriver and tighten them properly. But remember that the screws made of titanium might be weaker in strenght than the steel ones!


  10. Marry Christmas vintage geeks,

    I have one quick question, some time ago I got a nice fantasy 2533/ 6152. After a lot of work and Donerix contribution watch is coming out sweet only problem is stock EL caseback; did anyone try any other case backs on Eddie Lee front loader fiddy case? My idea was to put Nightwatch solid CB and top it over; but after exchanging PM with Nightwatch and after I tried Davidsen CB and it didn’t fit. Big disappointment. Now before I start a project and cut the CB I would like to know is there anything that I should know? Did anyone trued to match EL with other CB? Thanks

    I had the same problem with my EL case, where it is engraved "SWISS MADE" on the EL caseback ( on the inside by the threads !) and when I tried a non "SWISS MADE" caseback it did not fit :wounded1:

    So perhaps You need a EL caseback :whistling: ????

  11. No, I haven't had a V2 to compare to a V3, but the review of the V2(at the top of The Rolex Area forum)done by By-Tor talks about the vertical crown height being wrong. That's what I'm referring to.

    That and the fact the V2 had the small movement are the reasons I waited and bought a used V3 to super-franken out.


    The crown position is EXACTLY 0,45 mm to LOW on the VM9 V2/V1 compared to the V3 :whistling:

    The V2 use a eta 2678 movement and that movement has the SAME crownpostiton as the Eta 2836-2!

  12. Like most it doesnt bother me either but I do have an LH to go in it so its a non issue :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Also I think Josh is inclined to answer like that as he wouldnt want anyone waiting when they can buy now !! ;)

    It does not bother me either as I am going to put in a OLD school eta 6497-1 with VERY fine CDG ( and dagger regulator )on the movement.

    I have found that the SWISS eta ( both non china-modded and china-modded ones) is working better than the 100 % china eta movements!)

  13. I want to know how come D refers to your crown !!???!! Did you post pics and remove them ?? Or is D not only a PAM expert but also a clairvoyant ?? ;)

    Post some pics Rob you tease !!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I am not sure why people keep referring to LH in respect of the 177, LH never made one !!!

    And one thing I doubt the factories will ever achieve unlike LH is the quality of his modded movements. LH did a lot of work to his 6497s from scratch which makes them the closest thing to gen that you can get and I reckon ever will. I am not just talking about the plates or incabloc but also the teething of the wheels the sunburst finish. [polishing etc etc.

    In addition you need to put LHs prices into context all his parts were created or modded by him in small numbers not factory production. He was a modder and when you consider prices for the supply and modding of watches by well known modders, LHs prices are not so ridiculous. They are high but the overall product was and is unrivalled by anyone else.

    The dealers do NOT want You to post the QC-pictures on the forums, at least Perfect clones ! :mellow:

    I got a meassage that told me to NOT post my QC-pictures of my Pam 177L ! :whistling:

    So I think HackR took them away because of that reason :whistling:

    My QC-pictures of the pam 177L was very nice but the crown was to nerar the case!

    LH produced a limited number of watches of only 5 PAM models.

    LH models are still an attractive option and a true piece of rep history, and shouldnt be so easily dismissed against the new 111 as this is the only model he made of the latest batch of PAMs though again it was an i series which I am sure most of you guys realise is a different proposition to the J and I dont just mean the CG and crown!! ;)

  14. just received some QC pix from Josh...

    a few minor cosmetic issues (mark on the seconds hand, slightly recessed cg pin, cg lever ever so slightly not flush with the cg edge)

    the fit/finish of all components and assembly is terrific, IMO...

    verdict: all in all, a nice looking piece...well done... :good:

    definitely worth buying...

    enjoy -- R

    I am also waiting for the QC pictures to come "today" from Josh ? :D

    Can You pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease post thoose QC pictures :whistling:

  15. Thanks a lot for that info :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Here is a nice picture of the genuine Pam 177 :whistling:


    You goofy noobs!!

    Let me handle this one boys as someone who had owned the gen and only recently sold it (for Bomba!)

    1. Major flaw is with all open caseback pams, the movement. The finishing on the plates, the font thickness of the Office Panerai and the regulator (Noobish-the little thingie that looks like a knife to the left of the brass wheelie thingie)

    2. LH never made a 177 but his 111 had far more flaws than this including but not limited to the following (besides being over a $1000.00 for a pile of Chinese sweatshop made parts)

    a. Incorrect crappy, thick, blueish Rep AR - Most all LH owners would have thhis removed and or recoated which cost additional money

    b. Incorrect color Luminor Panerai font on the dial - LH's original dial featured a crisp white font which was too white and incorrect, his later dials featured a butter tan colored font which was also WRONG WRONG WRONG!! Those spending hundereds on LH dials guess what? You [censored] away money!! Congrats

    c. Dial paint would often flake and peel in the case. I know Rex saw a number of them with this problem which meant crappy painti and or crapping application of the dial paint

    d. pretty crappy lume. His original dials had a very thinly applied SuperLume (or so he claimed) most everyone had these dials relumed. I believe he has used correct superlume for the past year or so

    e. Great GREAT GREAT!! Movement but tremendously unreliable. LH movvement's are thus far the closest made manual made rep pam movements. Excellent plates and especially excellent engraving on the original movements he made (He has eleminated the movement plate engraving and now uses aplied decals which is quite lame and cheap) Movements were wildly unreliable, some were great, some [censored] poor

    f. paper thin casebacks.

    H. very nice cases that were better served as PRE-V cases

    Know how I know all this? I was a dummy who [censored] $800 away on a LH movement and dial powered watch. Mine had the original terrific engraved movement.


    I have sat back and heard alot of poop back and forth from alot of self appointed experts on this watch and had a good laugh. Now I know some of these guys have actually owned gens like Wolf so he can say whatever the hell he wants, prob has a better eye for things than me. But there are a numer of the self appointed experts whom I'd wager have never even seen the gen in person and base their decries on Macro pics from Risti. You guys have my thanks for a good laugh!! This watch (aside from the movement) is far more accurate than any LH. The dial is superior, the caseshape appears superior, The crown, crownguard all superior to a LH and less than a third of the price

    From my own observations as someone who owns 4 gen pams and has recently owned a Gen 177H my bone to pick with this watch is the crown being too close to the case.This means the tube does not stick out far enough from the case or the crown is slightly fatter and thus covers more of the visible Crown tube and appears closer to the case. In either case it is a tough fix without swapping out the crown and crownguard.

    The movement doesn't bug me because the Plates (which have pretty nice finishing) can be removed and put on a better (hopefully swiss) movement or if my sources come through I plan to add a Gen movement

    So that's my two cents. Hope I helped the noobs. love them so much the little darlings!!

    I am excited for this watch. With in my eyes only one noticable flaw (aside from the movement)

    Hope you enjoy it for those who ordered like me!

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