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Posts posted by llsteve80

  1. I'm messing with everything today, finally got a chance to sit down. Took a first look at my new 2836, and wanted to try it out. I popped in a stem, and in the furthers most position out changes the time, middle pos date, and all the way in.....date again. And it is not hacking when pulled out either. I'm assuming its the keyless works, but perhaps I got my stems mixed up. This is a brand new, uncut stem, and I'm sure all I had anyway were 2824 and 2836.



  2. My center seconds hand started slipping, so I had to put it back on. I had my movement in my movement holder, I didn't bump it, drop it, kick it, nothing. But when I was done, I noticed a little black rubber ring laying on the desk near where all the action was taking place. Now, WTF is this? Could it be one of the nylon clutches, or are those more rigid? Hopefully, it's just something that was already on my desk. But I think not, the 6:00 subdial is no longer creeping, or wandering if you will.


  3. If this is real someone got the deal of a lifetime. Ebay item #170195697884

    Perhaps the item location is whats putting people off?


    It is back, for 500 less too! a few more cycles with this thing and we're getting somewhere.

    Now has movement pics, is that real or stock with rolex(like) parts?

    I wish I had the eye for detail like you guys, really. I should have noticed the garbage dial, etc.

    What should it be worth if it is solid gold and V72? I really wish I could have a solid gold rep. I could get a solid gold 6265 with 7753 but no band if I had the cash to drop. Way less than that thing too.

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't tritium in viles only? Meaning watches like Ball/etc.

    Only in the new ones, the old way was to use it in paint, just like the radium. There's a good write up on lume here: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=67450

    I guess the panic button was pressed since the workers applying the tritium lume used to lick their paintbrushes to make the tip sharper before dipping it in the tritium paint. They were worried that repeating this all day would cause them to ingest too much of it, and well now its gone for good. (except in gas form in dials)

    I read somewhere that you could practically eat tritium and be ok, since its chemically the same as hydrogen which gets expelled from your body naturally.

  5. Good job! It's nice to have an insider. Apparently the dealers are up to being guides it if we buy enough from them. Like this quote here in an email from one:

    "You come to eastern holidays.If arrive at the Chinese south.Please let me know.

    I can be your family guide is free"

    I really want to take them up on the offer now! Of course I returned the compliment by stating that if they ever come to CHI I'll be the guide.

    How was the lodging, etc there? It's a world I'm not familiar with, and I (maybe we) would like to hear more about the whole China experience in general.

  6. I may be chastised a little for this, but I was at the shopping mall, and looking at the watches in the window at the AD, not really wanting to go in. There is a salesman I talk to there, who is very knowledgeable on vintage watches, and I occasionally go in there just to shoot the breeze with him when it's not busy. I always tell him I'm not looking to buy, just checking things out, etc, and we go off on discussing the oldies.

    Anyway, as I was looking through the window, I checked the time on my DW daytona, and he must have seen it because when I turned to leave he called my name and asked to see my watch. Now I don't want to raise suspicion by saying no, and he was technically outside the AD since he came out to ask me, so I showed him. Classic eyes popping out mouth open look. I BSed him a little and said that the only reason I had it was because it was the deal of a lifetime...ha! He then told me he had another deal for me, and dragged me inside and told me he'll be right back. He came out with a brand new LV sub, he said that they usually only show it to established customers but he wanted me to check it out and it could be mine for only $5500! I have been giving that place a wide berth since then, I want him to calm down a little bit since I'm not really the gold mine he thinks I am.

  7. If you have a jewelery scale and a beaker with graduated lines, in cm preferably, you can test the density and find out the specific gravity, 916L stainless will have a higher SG than the 316L used in most reps. Then again, you could just weigh it I guess. They can trick you by having solid midlinks, to add weight to the rep bracelet, but if you wanted to try it to see if it is dense enough for a gen, you can take off 2 links, clean them and drop them in a beaker with some water in it and write down the difference, i.e., the volume of the links. *make sure there are no air bubbles on them, or in the screw holes* Then weigh the 2 links in grams, and divide that by the volume and you'll get a number greater than 1 (hopefully). Try it again with some for sure rep links, and you'll see a big difference in specific gravity.

    you might be able to try it with the whole bracelet, but I think too many air bubbles will be in there and throw the results off too much.

  8. The problem I have is that until I can make contact with my suppliers I can't be sure what's in stock or even what new stock we have.



    New stock? love it. I guess patience can pay off. I'll try not to wig out in the mean time.

    Oh, and where are my eggs? Family is starving over here

  9. Personally, I'm liking the old daytonas and IWCs lately. I like understated watches that most won't pick up on right away, and I'm thinking of picking up something like that, but there's so many choices.

    Maybe I can just copy someone elses idea of a nice classic. Perhaps seeing some pics might get me motivated.

  10. I'm not totally clear on the numbers, but there are 4 dead and either 17 total or 17 more shot. My brother was supposed to be in the room next door but he was late. He and gis girlfriend are now home and safe, but I can't stop thinking of all those kids and their parents. A terrible way to have to remember valentine's day.

    The shooter killed himself in a true cowardly fashion.

    Another thing I can't get out of my head is that I wish they would stop advertising this on the news to give the next wack job the idea to go shoot up a school.

  11. I was on the phone with my brother around 3 and he got off the phone to go to class saying he was late already. At 3:20 he called me back a little freaked out and said there was a shooting on campus. On the news they said kishawaukee hospital is expecting about 15 victims. Lets all pray for those kids and hope for a swift justice to the perpetrator of this terrible act. He is in custody already.

    There is a story on cbs2chicago.com

  12. Movado

    I bought my Bell&Ross from this dealer; shipped from China in about 5 days.

    Thanks doc, I'll check it out and compare what he has to gens and see if its close enough.

    Shundi, I agree, it shouldn't be too hard, especially for SS models.

    Main thing is that I don't want to get something in SS that should be titanium or something.

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