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Posts posted by Watchmeister

  1. Here is the one I wear most frequently. It is actually a fantasy as I loved a specific dial and the Chronopassion case.


    And a standard Old School silver themes:


    My first franken from around 2008 or so:


    And here are a pair of standard MBW's sitting next to my first gen AP bought 20 years ago when i fell in love with the brand. Watches were alot smaller then :) .


    For me, AP was my introduction in the real world to haute horlogie (read as really expensive :) ) sports watches. I always loved the Genta design. By the way from all the pics it looks like the Diver rep is fantastic.

  2. P.S. Nice watch, but it feels so cheap due to lack of weight!

    Seriously, the weight is what makes the gen so good and the rep so disappointing. I own the rep but have also worn the gen a couple of times while on vacation. I even had the AD down to 16.5k Euros. ;) The rep is gorgeous but it wears so fake. It weighs a ton. And truthfully that is the beauty of the gen watch. It is a bodacious watch which is wearable because it is ti. Comparatively the rep wears like you are wearing a cast-iron tub on your wrist. the only good news is that if you take it diving you don't need a weight belt. :bangin: It never occurred to me there could be such a difference.

  3. Try this. The gens start at $15k (even used). They are 100%. For 99.9999% of the population (including AP owners) it looks gen. I know. Now $500 doesn't sound so bad. And if you want to fix the crown positioning, etc. you are now looking at $5k. Actually the rep looks like a bargain to me (if the movement is durable of course).

  4. Very nice project. Why does the 217 crystal look better than the 127. I assume they are the same crystal but the number distortion is much more credible on this watch. Perhaps it is just the angle of the photograph.

  5. As folks intimate there is all kinds of modding - it can be simply reluming a dial, altering a case to make it closer to gen, replacing rep parts with gen parts. You can take a rep PAM for $300. Add a gen dial and hands and low and behold it is a $1,000 or $1,300. You have to decide how good you want your watch to be. If a new state of the art PAM is 95% of gen (aesthetically) you have to decide how much that 5% is worth to you. :)

  6. Ah ok so I guess I should go for one!! I know I have a small wrist but I never learn from others mistakes :)

    IMHO. be forewarned it is more unwearable on a "not giant" wrist than just about any big watch I have ever tried. It just sits their like a hockey puck if you have a smaller wrist. The lugs extend out beyond your wrist if you do not have at least 7 " plus wrist so that it flops back and forth. The monsterous Hublot Diver wears better than the Super Avenger. I have a 7.25-.50" wrist and comfortable wear my old school Chrono Avenger but this one just didn't fly. And now I will let Dave weigh in. He loves those puppies. :)

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