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Everything posted by V

  1. V

    Ferrari - Panerai

    Yeah its beautiful.. When you will know the price PM me
  2. V

    Ferrari - Panerai

    Ahhhhhh... my favourite Ferrari Pam and the only one I would consider buy... Now let me get the gen photos and compare it
  3. I like this custom Cali dial A LOT.. Great work my friend
  4. Well this strap i have to admit came out almost perfect.. Leather is the Italian black hide I got and I have sewn-in a MF polished buckle.. 5-6mm thick very very soft and white stitching at the lugs .. I also made the strap 120-90.. I found out that if you get the buckle side of the strap l, the buckle stands higher on your wrist and it doesn't bother you when writing or using the keyboard... Enjoy..
  5. Thanks guys for your kind words... I will offer those straps (same style) with all my available leather for sale sometime next week.. I want to have samples from most of the hides. David the destro will not gonna be for sale.. I like it the same as my gen 112..
  6. YEap.. it is the black textured shrunk.. I think it looks nice stitchless because of the pattern
  7. Well what the topic says.. This is my first stitchless strap I ever get.. 5mm thick and with one hole to fit my wrist. I like it more on my BASE but I tried it on my destro hence the pictures
  8. SOrry guys I 'll be in Greece that time for Easter...
  9. V

    I'm back

    Welcome back Mark
  10. My father was always telling me... 'You were born in Greece and you are a Orthodox Christian.. What if you were born in China? or Pakistan? Would you still be a Christian then?' Religion is a cultral phenomenon NOT a spiritual one...
  11. Excellent news Admin... Can't wait
  12. It is not a secret source. I got two 001 watches from Joshua.. One had the crap regular crown and the other one has a high polished thicker one (1,8 mm approx) with no bevel edges.. I guess it is just luck or another batch from the crown manufacturers...
  13. It's called 'THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH' by Roger Corman.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058333/ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058333/quotes
  14. Well do not be fouled by the topic and my reply.. I do believe in God.. my personal God.. which I sometimes worship through the Orthodox Christian traditions but in my own way The same movie has another great discussion towards the end... Man in red: Man creates his own God, his own devil, his own heaven and his own hell.
  15. Well a couple of days ago a guy came to my house and knocked the door.. When I opened he asked me if he can tell me some things about god and his greatnes etc etc.. I said No and closed the door... I was a bit unprepared but today I had my glorious chance.. While I was browsing to my lovely RWG and changing straps to my Pams.. the door knocked again. THis time I was prepared.. I opened and two elderly ladies asked me the following question: Does anyone in this 'house' believe in God? Anyways.. we should not discuss the greater evil that ruins this world but in a city called 'Gun City UK' with half the population carrying guns and murders very often.. well we are not CItade de Deus (a small ghetto in Rio) but it is quite hard in our area.. they asked me if I believe in God... My answer was the last two lines of the following paragraph... A quote from a magnificent movie adaptation to E.A. Poes Masque of the Red Death (staring Vincent Price) - Francesca: But you need no doors to find God. If you believe... - Prospero: Believe? If you believe you are gullible. Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease and Death! They rule this world. - Francesca: There is also love and life and hope. - Prospero: Very little hope I assure you. No. If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something, rules in his place. The bolded quote was what I answered them.. I guess they will not visit again my house for a long period of time... or maybe ever again.
  16. V


    Hahahahah.. [censored]ing brilliant!!!! This is one of the best: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2lrw9OoHlc 'I will go to RSPCA' .. hahahaha P.S> RIchard I own you one.. I am laughing like an idiot for more than half an hour... I am anyways a tintin fan but these dubs were brilliant.. This Boro accent is hilarious.. I wish I could understand everything they say
  17. - Yes I still wear my reps... But I kept the higher quality ones (frankens) - You are right.. They degrade the value to the people who knew me (not the close friends and family).. But if they ask I tell them the truth.. some of them they believe me some of them not.. The most important thing though is that I KNOW it is a gen.. And I enjoy looking at it when I wear it. At the end .. who cares what other people say? As long as you enjoy what you wear
  18. Thanks guys. I want to try to put a rep tube to a jimmyfu case.. So I want to remove the tube from one of my rep cases... I have found a great rep crown that it is amazingly similar to the OEM.. But it will only work with the rep tube.. Jimmys is too big and cannot fit the case well...
  19. Ok.. I am better than that The crown guard will probably fit the case.. Homer is buying his parts from the same Asian factories they make the usual replica Pams.. Normal rep crown guards fit JimmyFu cases, so I don't understand why Homer's won't fit
  20. As beano said I haven't bought parts for him.. If you read the original post I say that I HAD the parts beano was searching for and told him to do an offer if he wanted them immediate and without the research... He said Ok at the price, I gave him my paypal and I was waiting for the payment. Anyway.. I think it is probably my English but my problem never was the 'non-taking part' deal (although it bothered me as well because usually when I personally say I will buy something you can consider it SOLD - or I don't say anything) in the first place but his excuse... of not wanting to spend 30$ more while I have already saved him 200$ with one day of my time with PMs back and forth...
  21. Thanks for all the replies and PMs for help I received throughout the last week.. Today my friend Aaron 'phoband' has bought and sent me not only the package i wanted but more threads, sealants and many more things for making the strap-maker's life easier.. A HUGE thank you again to Phoband and whenever you will need anything from me let me know Of course the first strap I will make (let;s hope it will be decent) it's yours as a gift
  22. I say BAN him.. We don't need people like him in the forum.. PM sent to Admin.
  23. Ok then... apology accepted.. This forum doesn't need and doesn't deserve any negative vibes.. It is one of the best forums and by far the best Replica forum that exists (and will ever exist) and we should protect it.
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