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  On 8/11/2009 at 4:31 PM, fcaap_dan said:

Might be a good idea to do each disc separately instead of the whole thing.

The first disks are slightly easier, and the program flows as such. The payoff comes in the later upper body work outs. At least in my case.

Remember P90X is NOT for new/returning to working out people. There is actually a Fit Test you should take prior to starting.

In my opinion, if you can not do:

25 push-ups right now

1 pull/chin up

60 situps

Run 1 mile in under 9 minutes

-or- Bike 20 miles with relative ease

Then DO NOT jump into P90X. Start with something else.

  On 8/11/2009 at 9:47 PM, fcaap_dan said:

I just figured upload each disc separately so when rapidshare nukes a link people don't lose the whole thing.

Ok so I'm going to have to download some kind of rar compressor for mac any suggestion? In the meantime I found all the files on rapid share already!
























P90X does work Im sure.

My personal feelings are this. Diet is 80% of anyone's battle in weight loss and changing body comp when it comes to increasing lean muscle mass and losing fat.

The other 20% is 10% genetics which you cant do a thing about and 10% workout or training regiment. Some people simply do it all wrong. Like the guys who do 30 sets of bicep curls and see no results. Do 3 heavy sets of any major back/pulling exercise and you will fry your biceps anyway, and to much more effect.

I give anyone who ask me this advice. Get the right calories and mac nutrient combination each day. Eat small meals every 3 hours. Lift properly and as heavy as YOU can go with PROPER FORM, focusing on COMPOUND movements. Bench press, bent over rows, barbell squats etc etc. THEN you will see incredible results that will LAST.

Just saying.


I have many colleagues who have done the program, and the results are excellent. There are 2 main roadblocks to any exercise program:

- Diet

- Motivation

The diet for the P90X program is geared towards progression in the program...so as others have said, change the diet and YMMV as an uncontrolled variable.

More importantly, motivation to continue in any program is one of the hardest things to maintain, and that is one of the strengths of the P90X program - variety and the FEELING of results. By doing the different components, it keeps things interesting, and helps work weak points in such a fashion that you start feeling results all round, and that should fuel the desire to continue.

If somebody does 1-2 hrs of intense workout everyday with a careful diet, it doesn't matter what the program is, they will get some form of results. With P90x, you're working all muscle groups as well as endurance, flexibility, balance, agility, etc so you keep motivated to stick with it.

  On 8/18/2009 at 3:45 PM, gravityhammer said:

P90X does work Im sure.

My personal feelings are this. Diet is 80% of anyone's battle in weight loss and changing body comp when it comes to increasing lean muscle mass and losing fat.

The other 20% is 10% genetics which you cant do a thing about and 10% workout or training regiment. Some people simply do it all wrong. Like the guys who do 30 sets of bicep curls and see no results. Do 3 heavy sets of any major back/pulling exercise and you will fry your biceps anyway, and to much more effect.

I give anyone who ask me this advice. Get the right calories and mac nutrient combination each day. Eat small meals every 3 hours. Lift properly and as heavy as YOU can go with PROPER FORM, focusing on COMPOUND movements. Bench press, bent over rows, barbell squats etc etc. THEN you will see incredible results that will LAST.

Just saying.

Word. No squats, no results.

I used to use www.fitday.com to track my calories and macros.

  • 2 weeks later...

i guess LESS not MORE ?.. :)


  On 8/19/2009 at 1:31 PM, fakemaster said:

Simple. Eat more than you burn and you will lose weight. P90 is not going to do anything more than that. The muscle magazine guys are all on the juice.


Hey guys, there are several comments being made that are simply way off. The program has been posted by someone. Try it out, then comment. Just watching it doesn't count. If you can follow the program, that's a big IF, you will see obvious results.

I think that's the whole and only point.

IF you are motivated, can't make it to a gym or maybe you can't afford it, don't have room for a home gym, want to see results, and can follow the program, then it will work.

That's it. It's the only claim. Nothing else. I've worked out for years, this gave me better results then any other "natural" workout program I've done and it did it in a shorter time. It's not just "fancy marketing and buzzwords", it's a program that works.

If you are looking to get un-humanly jacked and ripped then do a stacked cycle of Sustanon and Winstrol with super quick sets of chest and squats. Those work too. Results will be quicker then P90X by a whole month. Less energy and effort expended too. In the end, you'll achieve your goal, which is just a different goal then set by those who do P90X.

Not being sarcastic or a jerk. Just pointing out that people's goals vary and may be different and thus this isn't the program for you.

  • 3 weeks later...

i just did a search here for p90x to see if it was discussed ... and what do you know, here it is. it was cool to read everyone's comments. i just started the p90x program on monday and have every intention on following the diet and completing the 90 days. it's nice to know that there are others here to lean on. as a newbie, i don't have any tips but i hope that we can keep this topic alive and help each other reach the finish line. one problem i've already been faced with is time to prepare meals and do the workout. i have two young kids and i can see it already eating into family time which could cause problems. i am hopefull that i can get into a groove where i can balance everything. my wife and i were joking last night that the p90x slogan should be ... "decide. commit. divorce". lol. anyway, thanks for the topic post and i look forward to hearing more! all the best.

  On 9/23/2009 at 8:28 PM, TheBluePrince said:

DO you need a lot of kit already for P90x...weights/equipment etc?

not really, you need the program, weights or resistance bands and a chinup bar. there are other things you could buy but you don't have to have them.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I did the first phase and lost about 10 pounds of 15 pounds of fat and added about 4 pounds of muscle. Workouts were brutal, especially the Yoga! Had me sweating like crazy.


I ended up picking up hardcore athletic yoga as a cross-training activity, and have not had better results over any SINGLE activity even when training hardcore for competitive rowing and cycling. The overall conditioning, general core strengthening, balance and flexibility improvements were astonishing. In itself, I think any activity has shortcomings...but I now integrate it regularly with cycling, swimming and rock climbing and find it one of the best cornerstone training foundations around.

Obviously it's not good for packing on pounds...but for sports like cycling or running, the strengthening and flexibility increase are extremely useful, and as a recovery aid are sound. For climbing, the balance and flexibility improvements are key.

I highly recommend people try integrating it into your regime.

The local flora and fauna that attend an intermediate or advanced class are...ummm...very motivating as well... ;)

  • 2 months later...

Found this thread and thought I'd bump it up. P90x works extremely well, though my lazy self only went hardcore at it for about 60 days. On and off since then. Still, it had gotten me into fantastic shape. Only really followed the diet for a few weeks too, so I have no clue how unbelievably well a true 90 days of diet and exercise would work.

Also, Tony is annoying at first, but give the program a chance and you'll actually look forward to his commentary.

I'd highly recommend P90 to anyone who is interested. Have some compressed video files of it too if you can't afford the hundred or so it costs.

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