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Michael Allen - Buyer beware!


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Hi all,

I have not posted for ages but feel I have to warn you all about the 'service' offered by Michael Allen in the UK. I sent him an EE Daytona 6263 for modification. The watch was returned to me supposedly finished but there were a myriad of problems. Thankfully Michael Allen was happy to take the watch back and fix them at no extra cost. I gladly sent the watch back to him. It took 8 months for me to get my still non-functioning watch back. Mr. Allen did refund me the money for the initial work done but basically he was in over his head. I know the 7750 movement is a s.o.b. to work on but I think a man should know his limitations and Mr. Allen clearly does not know his. So, now I have a 6263 that does not run at all and has two of the three chrono hands floating round the inside of the glass as they are no longer attached to their pinions. Great.

Needless to say I will not be using him a gain - for anything - I suggest fellow members do the same.

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The problem is not the fact that you sent in a 7750.

It's not that bad of a movement, your issue is one of un-skilled labour. Sorry to hear about the problems, hopefully no one else sends in anything to this clown.

If it makes you feel any better, at least it wasn't the antique vintage family heirloom that the other member had sent in, and which was completely ruined and destroyed..

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Sorry to hear this, Diesel. I know you have had more than your share of bad experiences with modders.

What movement is in the watch now? Is it a standard A7750?

It is the same movement that has always been in the watch, I believe it is a standard A7750 (de-rotored) but the EE case has asymmetrical pushers so there must have been some jiggery pokery gone on to get the pushers to operate (which they did do before Mr Allen got his hands on them).

Thanks to all of you for your best wishes and concern, I must admit this episode had really put a downer on my enthusiasm for reps and in fact watches in general but these words of support are fuelling my fire back in the right direction. I have contacted Domenico and will send the watch to him for rectification, that is unless anyone can advise me otherwise?

You have to laugh, but I reckon I could have bought 3 Spinmaster 6263's for the amount of money I have sunk into this watch. I know a lot of 'old timers' on this forum have got similar tales to tell, it's just so annoying when you deal with idiots like this 'cause it makes you feel so stupid. Oh well I'll soldier on and chalk another one up to experience and please please please anyone who reads this thread remember the tales herein and do not send your timepiece to anyone until you are confident that they are up to the job.

I hasten to add that I only read about Domenico and his excellent reputation after I had already sent my watch to Mr Allen. Also, I bought the EE6263 way before Spinmasters lovely pieces reared their heads.

@ gplracer, thanks for your thoughts and I'm really pleased that you chose wisely (and took my advice :whistling: ) and opted for a spinmaster 6263 wear the watch well and enjoy.

@ The Zigmeister, thanks for your little story - I can indeed count myself as lucky - but I can't help feeling for the poor sod who had his heirloom ruined. There is indeed always somebody worse off than yourself. Best wishes and my sympathy to him/her.

Regards to you all,


Edited by dieselpower
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