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In December, there are a few of us going out to dinner...we're all graduates at the company I work for, but we've labelled it as a 'black tie' event.

I have a grey suit (fractionally lighter than charcoal), and I am considering wearing a deep red bow tie with it.

Firstly, do you think this is would look ok/be recognised practice? Secondly, should I buy a 'proper' formal shirt that has the collar shaped to fit a bow tie?

Thanks everyone!


Firstly, I would not wear a bow tie with anything other than a dinner jacket.

Wearing a bow tie with a lounge suit (charcole or not) is just going to make you look like a lefty Architect.

Also, don't bother buying a wing collar. Think about it; lounge suit, bow tie, wing collar. Too many missmatched themes going on here. It will just make you look like a Second Division footballer.

Simply put, wear a bow tie with a DJ, not a lounge suit.

So wear your suit and splash out on a silk tie (not a bow tie) and be proud of it.


"black tie event" Need I say more?

Bow Ties are worn by professors and scientists that smoke pipes and ponder the theory of relativity.

Even modern tuxedos are seen with button collars and without bow ties.


A nice Armani Tux with a bow tie.. cool.. and not the clip on variety.. it looks so cool at the end of the night to untie it and have it hang from the wing collar.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:




Come on guys!!!

I have two custom tailored suits, not to upthight. I have 6 custom tailored shirts and one of them are white with a wing collar. I would beat up anyone saying I needed a tux to pull of a propeller!

Look at it like this; Does an oldschool vintage look stupid with a suit, just because it's old fashion?? People think they know fashion, I'm no expert, but wear what YOU think look cool, that is what matters.

I'm tempted to put on the suit and post a picture to prove my point! Propellers ARE cool, way cool!


For black tie events a bow-tie is correct. Though you should really be wearing a dinner suit, or tux if in america (they are very different but both for the same occasion).

Worn with anything other attire/suit/occasion they are refferred to as "peado-ties" for good reason.



b16a2....If you live near a Syms go there and buy your tux. Two days ago I was there and they had FULL tuxedos for $25.oo. They also had white dinner jackets for $20.00. I almost fell over. I am a certified fashion wanna be as well as one that can spot a cheap fused breasted suite from 10 feet away. These were pretty good. Looked far more expensive than $25.00

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