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Trends Men Wear That Women Hate


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Interesting read. I have to say, as a man I basically agree, and my wife wholeheartedly agrees.

http://www.stylecast...that-women-hate - Link here.

Summary, not sure how this will cut and paste....

Trends Men Wear That Women Hate

By Kate Devine January 21, 2010 Eight trends we wish men wouldn't wear.


Here is our list of eight men's fashion trends we [women] just can't stand.

1. Graphic Tees (pictured above)

We get it --- you heart party girls. From trite phrases to tacky screenprints, wearing these ridiculous tees might be one of the easiest fashion crimes that men fall victim to. Rule of thumb: if you're too embarassed to say something out loud, then you probably shouldn't broadcast it on your chest. In the spirit of world peace, we're willing to make a deal: If you ditch the graphic tees, we'll trade in our Uggs.

2. Manpris


When we started wearing cropped pants years ago, you guys kept the "When's the flood coming?" jokes rolling. But, oh, how the tides have turned. Sadly, these pants simply don't work for men. The time has come, gentlemen, to make a decision: pants or shorts. Manpris are not much longer than good old-fashioned shorts, so it's not like they're keeping you any warmer. And PS --- just because Tom Brady wore them doesn't make them okay.

3. Cargo Shorts/ Pants/ Manpris


We have to ask, why do you need so many pockets? It's not like you're toting around makeup compacts and eight tubes of lip gloss. Cargo shorts were acceptable when you were dodging opponents in Capture the Flag at camp back in the summer of '95, but unless you're planning to join Bear Grylls on one of his Man vs. Wild expeditions, we're going to need you to bury these in the back of your closet.

4. The "Going Out" Shirt


Guys, we understand that it's tough to dress for a night out. Clubs have dress codes and bars get super hot. We appreciate your efforts to spice up the boring pants/shirt combo, but we have to address the "going out" shirt. Don't be coy --- you know exactly what we're talking about. Those thin-fitted button downs (the ones you stop buttoning mid-chest) that hang neatly in your closet --- well, we can spot the awful vertical stripe patterns and wacky prints from the other end of the bar. Don't untuck it. And pretty pretty please --- we're begging you --- don't pop the collar. It just makes bad look worse.

5. Scarves


Now this is tricky. We're all about warmth, especially in the dead of winter, so we fully support men who accessorize their outerwear with a nice scarf to keep them from getting frostbite. However, we draw the line there. Politics aside, the keffiyeh was one of the most overworn pieces of 2009 (see: Kanye West, Chris Brown). Sure, it came in every color combo possible and "worked" for every season, but its shelf life has expired. After all those months of being covered, give your neck some breathing room.

6. Bad Leather Shoes


They say you can't judge another man unless you've walked in his shoes. Well, if these are your shoes, you can be rest assured we won't be walking in them anytime soon (and unfortunately, we're going to judge anyway). A lot of guys don't pay attention to their footwear (unless they're talking classic Nikes), but women are shoe people. We notice (and cringe at) the bad stitching, weird patterns, and pointy toes, and we long for the day that you'll ask us to direct you to a more fabulous pair. Sorry guys, but this one's a dealbreaker.

7. The Deep-V


Here's the thing. Technically speaking, there's nothing we hate about the deep-V tee --- it's about as basic as it gets. But every hipster from Williamsburg to Venice Beach donned the deep-V this year, and frankly, we're just tired of looking at your chest hair through the plunging neckline. They might be unisex, but leave this one for the girls.

8. Clipping your cell phone to your belt


Whatever it is that you're doing --- stop. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. We appreciate the convenience factor, but let's be serious --- there's a reason cell phone carriers give away the belt clips for free when you purchase a new phone. Either invest in a jacket with deeper pockets or start carrying a messenger bag with you to work. Belts are there to hold up your pants, not your tech gadgets.

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8. Clipping your cell phone to your belt


Whatever it is that you're doing --- stop. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. We appreciate the convenience factor, but let's be serious --- there's a reason cell phone carriers give away the belt clips for free when you purchase a new phone. Either invest in a jacket with deeper pockets or start carrying a messenger bag with you to work. Belts are there to hold up your pants, not your tech gadgets.

Oh, come on! It's better to carry a man-purse just for a cellphone? :bangin:8)

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Don't shoot the messenger here. :)

I have to say, living in the metro area I live in, the majority of this I think applies to the College aged crowd.

Also, I am guilty of cargo shorts on a hot day, or while on a hike. However, if I am not out to be active, I stick to pants even on a warm summer day, and would never eat at a restaurant wearing shorts (unless fast food). I am a little bit old school that way. Shorts 24x7 in the summer is a very American thing.

Phone on your belt. I have to agree. The only people that seem to be still doing this are doctors and the IT/Computer Tech/Engineer crowd. Having many female friends, this is one thing they giggle about. It has the fashion sense of a Pocket Protector. Useful and functional--yes, fashionable--no.

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I am in the IT field and I would have to agree most people have their blackberry attached to their belt or in the hands lol. I am probably one of the few who only carries it in the pocket.

I have worn cargo shorts. because I need to have a place to store all my stuff lol. keys, money, phone since I can't have it on my belt, anything I might buy. Having the pockets are great because sometimes you need them.

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I am in the IT field and I would have to agree most people have their blackberry attached to their belt or in the hands lol. I am probably one of the few who only carries it in the pocket.


this is true....I've also notice it depends on where you live and the type of phone you have. Here, flip phones rule along with the belt holders.......up north the Iphone seems to be the phone of choice and a backpocket to put it in.

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this is true....I've also notice it depends on where you live and the type of phone you have. Here, flip phones rule along with the belt holders.......up north the Iphone seems to be the phone of choice and a backpocket to put it in.

I would bust my phone it it was put in the back pocket lol. Forgetting to take it out would lead to bad times when I sat down. I keep mt phone palm pro in the front pocket with my keys lol. Also keep the blackberry there as well when I am working.

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I am in the IT field and I would have to agree most people have their blackberry attached to their belt or in the hands lol. I am probably one of the few who only carries it in the pocket.

Hah...I'm in IT, married, kids, etc...so I'm completely uncool on many fronts...but I still have to agree with a lot of it. I keep my Blackberry in my pocket...on the belt it's a little too Dilbert-onian for me.

Manpris?? I just had this discussion with a couple friends. One friend likes them for working out...we understand the practicality of having your knees covered for certain activities, but can't do it because they're...well...their Manpris...kind of like the "Bro" or "Brossiere".

Deep V's. Brutal. Hate 'em...especially given 99% of the people who wear them are hairy like a primate or skinny as twigs...making things look way too waif like.

Scarves? No Can do.

But cargo shorts? I like mine. And remember...nowhere in the article did it say men don't like them or that the items listed aren't popular...it was all about what men like that women DON'T.

Ok...so I either agree with much of the article, or I'm a self-fashion Geek.

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I think the majority of comments to Kate's article, even by the women, sort of match the comments by us on the forum. Women on the whole don't see anything wrong with cargo shorts but agree with her other fashion hates. There's even one woman's comment that wearing a clipped phone was her preference for herself. Obviously, one woman doesn't speak for all women.

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With age...comes reason.

That is probably the reason I must say no to cargo shorts.

Cargo PANTS when I travel (to carry things..passport/tickets/money), but that is it.

For shorts the only way to go is board riders...long but loose fitting and low waisted.

Low waisted means that most fat people can't wear them... I like that.

Does that sound pretenscious?


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With age...comes reason.

That is probably the reason I must say no to cargo shorts.

Cargo PANTS when I travel (to carry things..passport/tickets/money), but that is it.

For shorts the only way to go is board riders...long but loose fitting and low waisted.

Low waisted means that most fat people can't wear them... I like that.

Does that sound pretenscious?


I think with age....comes more of "I don't give a damn!" rather than reason. :p

Jeff, when you come to Maui, I'll make sure to meet you wearing my low waisted unreasonable cargo shorts. Cargo pants! No way, they are even dorkier than cargo shorts, ah but to each his own sense of fashion. "In step with the out of step" is my mantra. 8)

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  • 1 month later...

I love reading this kind of thing. Its like the dating advice columns in mags like Zoo and Nuts. Good for a laugh but dont beleive it. Granted pretty much everything she says is basically true, never ever trust a woman on fashion advice. You'll end up looking so plain that even after they dress you they'll notice the man standing next you beofre they see you. :)

When I wear my purple velvet tux jacket I get nothing but smiles from girls, but I'm sure none would pick it out for their friends ...

Now trusting a woman on the fit of clothes, thats something you can definately do ;) They know better than you.

Oh an am getting married but I'm still interested in looking freaken awesome ;)

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