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Hello my friend. Please don't take this comment as discouragement. I encourage you to come here, learn, explore and contribute.

Your first post - or contribution to the site you are asking for us to do work. What is curious is the use of the word "our" trusted dealer. As much as i hope you do stick around and contribute. many of us don't take kindly to those who pop in out of nowhere and expect that were just sitting waiting to serve :)

if you stick around for a while. learn and maybe even contribute a bit there are many member of this forum that go above and beyond to help out a fellow watch loving soul

In conclusion - the holy grail is not an item produced by any dealer - but a thought, a feeling and a peace of mind.

Stick to that

and - choose your dealer then your watch and you will find all you seek

Forums are Forums! And as the word says (latin for market square) you will find all sorts of people, opinions etc. And that is the real value of this forum.

it is beyond me why people on this Forum permanently lecture others "how to use the forum properly"

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Ok everyone together now. Hi steve.

Its not that its a problem. Its just that so many folks pop in and want a good sub and are off. Frankly that's not what the board is about in my mind anyway.

You may have gotten a different reaction if you had asked more specific questions. But as el pointed out or wait as el almost always points out there is no such thing as a perfect rep. So how is one to decide what flaws constitute better or worse or even price for that matter.

Its all subjective. Real happyness won't be achieved imho by having the most accurate rep. Its by finding the rep that makes you the most happy:)

For some its the look some its the modding and for some its the hunt. But the "who has the best" question 8 times out of 10 is not answerable objectively.

I wish you well on your quest and look forward to sharing the journey with you.

And in responce to the hazing thing. Its not about hazing or right of passage till your good enough to get our info. Its about there being no answer to the question. We don't haze those that come and do their best to learn we open arms and contribute much. Many board members go to great lengths to help and advise.

And above all that this is a "message board" and all messeg boards frown upon creating new threads that cover an answered question

The answer to this question is---there is no answer. At least to the sub question.

And finally on a personal note I don't like giving time to folks that don't want to help themselves. I have shown the way to dealers helped with posting photos ect ect. But if you want my valuable time used on help you gotta meet me half way or at least try. That's just my personal opinion. (Nothing to do with steve here just talking in general)

Great post. My opinions on this are probably been expressed too well. I just don't care for either the lecturers or the frat house mentality. A naieve newcomer who asks a question answered thousands of times shouldn't automatically brand them as lazy or entitled to the "keys to the kingdom" some of think we have here. I submit that if you have experiential information that you feel someone doesn't deserve to know, then stay off the thread. It's not so much the attitude of "this guy hasn't paid his dues yet". Everyone has a right to their opinion and is free to make a chioce not to share "insider information". It's the posters who write "Do you believe this guy. Who does he think he is? Noobs...noobs...noobs...tsk...tsk...tsk." Nothing would speak louder to a novice who asks "Who has the best sub" than a 0 reply statistic. And if that thread happens to get 10 answers that are kind and helpful, and you're angered by that, I think you need to ask yourself why.

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Great post. My opinions on this are probably been expressed too well. I just don't care for either the lecturers or the frat house mentality. A naieve newcomer who asks a question answered thousands of times shouldn't automatically brand them as lazy or entitled to the "keys to the kingdom" some of think we have here. I submit that if you have experiential information that you feel someone doesn't deserve to know, then stay off the thread. It's not so much the attitude of "this guy hasn't paid his dues yet". Everyone has a right to their opinion and is free to make a chioce not to share "insider information". It's the posters who write "Do you believe this guy. Who does he think he is? Noobs...noobs...noobs...tsk...tsk...tsk." Nothing would speak louder to a novice who asks "Who has the best sub" than a 0 reply statistic. And if that thread happens to get 10 answers that are kind and helpful, and you're angered by that, I think you need to ask yourself why.

i'm somewhat confused on if you agree with me or not. But for the record, the reason i post in these threads occassionally is to offer helpful advice - and or my "opinion" i don't pretend to speak as an official to the board. The guy opens a thread asking for advice, and i gave him some advice - usually the poster isn't happy with the advice i give.

i never post anything like- cmon dummy use the search button. but i do often recomend maybe a different approach. I'm trying to be helpful. I think if this poster approached the question more like - Hi, i have been researching and i see this, this and this, and on another version i see this this and this. Am i missing something ? or , is this piece on the gen or not, i can't find a good photo. and it was a first post. i'm sure dozens of people would have lept to help.

many people are new to "forum culture" and don't realize that in most forums the best way to get help is to figure out as much as you can and ask specific questions - as we all know our individual time is very valuable. And as regulars know there are many many helpful people here.

I'm just making an observation and giving some advice to someone who made a post. its just my opinion, which of course, i am entitled to. :) often its the not the question itself but how it is asked that will garner the best response.


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i'm somewhat confused on if you agree with me or not. But for the record, the reason i post in these threads occassionally is to offer helpful advice - and or my "opinion" i don't pretend to speak as an official to the board. The guy opens a thread asking for advice, and i gave him some advice - usually the poster isn't happy with the advice i give.

i never post anything like- cmon dummy use the search button. but i do often recomend maybe a different approach. I'm trying to be helpful. I think if this poster approached the question more like - Hi, i have been researching and i see this, this and this, and on another version i see this this and this. Am i missing something ? or , is this piece on the gen or not, i can't find a good photo. and it was a first post. i'm sure dozens of people would have lept to help.

many people are new to "forum culture" and don't realize that in most forums the best way to get help is to figure out as much as you can and ask specific questions - as we all know our individual time is very valuable. And as regulars know there are many many helpful people here.

I'm just making an observation and giving some advice to someone who made a post. its just my opinion, which of course, i am entitled to. :) often its the not the question itself but how it is asked that will garner the best response.


What I enjoyed most was the tone of your post. You have an opinion about newbies without a "Who do you think you are wanting to play with us" mentality. I, being a teacher as part of my duties , have a different opinion about newcomer questions and the purpose of internet forums, (I mean come on, "individual time is valuable"?????. If I were really concerned about the best use of my time, I shouldn't even be on this site today!!! ) but I always appreciate a civil tone when reasonable adults disagree.

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When someone posts a question like "Who has the best Subs?" this opens up a sometimes subjective opinion. One may say Josh, the other may say Eddie Lee, and the other could say King, or whoever. It is the opinion of the experienced Rep guy, and what features he may like about a particular watch. The fact is that it is simply a opinion, and if a 'noob' reads and learns something about these watches, then he can form his own opinion. We were all noobs at one time, and no one likes to be made fun of or picked on, but simply doing a little research and reading own your own, one can form their own opinion. Unfortunately, SOME people are too lazy, and ask questions because their time is too valuable to do research, you see them all of the time, 2 post at max, got watch they wanted, and gone. It's o.k. with me, but don't come back bitchin! Remember, you are at the mercy of those who respond, those that may have different taste and likes in each particular watch. No two Rep watches are exactly alike, and likewise, no Rep is exactly like the real thing, but many a 'noob' has asked the question "Who has the best Sub" thinking that the answer that they will recieve will lead them to the perfect watch that could even fool their jeweler. Many a 'noob' has come on the forum and asked such a question, buys a watch based on someone elses opinion, and then comes back and bitches about the rehaut, lettering, or something else wrong with the watch that they don't like, as compared to the real thing. They'll say they thought this or that about the watch, but were disappointed in some way. If I only had a dime every time, I wouldn't be rich, but it happens. I think in a civil tone, it can be said that one should read all of the post about the particular Sub, are whatever they are looking for, and form his own opinion after reading said post. If one can still not form an opinion, then by all means ask "WHO HAS THE BEST SUB", and then please remember it is a REP, and enjoy the watch you decide to purchase.

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ekhunter... My thoughts exactly, and I cannot agree more.

There are pages upon pages of valuable information contained here, and the other forums as well. And, as long as you have access to the Internet, not one bit of it costs a cent to read.

We all started as noobies at one point. We all did our fair share of reading, asking questions, and also contributing to the forum. I have no problem helping people with questions, and whatever else I can provide (I think I even helped you out, crystal cranium, with a movement, sent to you free of charge). But people also need to take the initiative and put it upon themselves to at least make an effort to research their interests (and not expect an answer handed to them on a silver platter). After all... This is also what being a forum is all about, and why we have things like the Photo Gallery, Dealer Review, archives of history and so forth, to provide information on who carries what product, the kind of experiences we've all had, etc.

As someone who has been around for a while (not nearly as long as some of the veterans), I had to start somewhere as well. I had to do my own research on things. I had to establish my sources for parts, and I had to learn a lot of the things that I know now the expensive and hard way (sometimes this is the only way for someone like me to learn).

Now, this is not aimed at the original poster... As I'm really just bantering on... And perhaps venting a little, as I just emptied out my PM Inbox not so long ago, consisting of message after message of questions asking for help on things. Most of it is stuff that I am glad to help on; but a lot of PMs also get rather demanding with questions, inquiries for parts (I am not a dealer), who do I get this from, who do I get that from, sell me this, sell me that etc. And to make matters worse, Some will even go so far as to send me a follow up PM just a few hours later asking if I got the last one, and so on and so forth. So... Yeah, it's a little frustrating. Don't mean to take it out on anyone... And this is not aimed at anyone directly. Just a vent.

To close... I really don't mind helping people out. If you have a question, I'll do my bst to answer. But, if you get demanding... Or if you feel that I'm not answering your question fast enough... Please don't expect a response.

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ekhunter... My thoughts exactly, and I cannot agree more.

There are pages upon pages of valuable information contained here, and the other forums as well. And, as long as you have access to the Internet, not one bit of it costs a cent to read.

We all started as noobies at one point. We all did our fair share of reading, asking questions, and also contributing to the forum. I have no problem helping people with questions, and whatever else I can provide (I think I even helped you out, crystal cranium, with a movement, sent to you free of charge). But people also need to take the initiative and put it upon themselves to at least make an effort to research their interests (and not expect an answer handed to them on a silver platter). After all... This is also what being a forum is all about, and why we have things like the Photo Gallery, Dealer Review, archives of history and so forth, to provide information on who carries what product, the kind of experiences we've all had, etc.

As someone who has been around for a while (not nearly as long as some of the veterans), I had to start somewhere as well. I had to do my own research on things. I had to establish my sources for parts, and I had to learn a lot of the things that I know now the expensive and hard way (sometimes this is the only way for someone like me to learn).

Now, this is not aimed at the original poster... As I'm really just bantering on... And perhaps venting a little, as I just emptied out my PM Inbox not so long ago, consisting of message after message of questions asking for help on things. Most of it is stuff that I am glad to help on; but a lot of PMs also get rather demanding with questions, inquiries for parts (I am not a dealer), who do I get this from, who do I get that from, sell me this, sell me that etc. And to make matters worse, Some will even go so far as to send me a follow up PM just a few hours later asking if I got the last one, and so on and so forth. So... Yeah, it's a little frustrating. Don't mean to take it out on anyone... And this is not aimed at anyone directly. Just a vent.

To close... I really don't mind helping people out. If you have a question, I'll do my bst to answer. But, if you get demanding... Or if you feel that I'm not answering your question fast enough... Please don't expect a response.

It was hands for a submariner and it was greatly appreciated!!!

Hey, I agree a-holes pop up on these forums and in the PMs of knowlegeable members and they should be torn a new one. It's the poor schlub who is new to the forum, asks one of the 7 deadly questions, and is eaten by frenzied sharks that I feel sorry for. Now that is not to say it happens often. The vast, overwhelming majority of responses are curteous and helpful. I just didn't like and reacted to the "Christ, have we gotten soft" post in this thread. There's no need for that attitude.

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Who has the best sub? Can you sell it to me? :lol:

By the way I am all for hazing. Scares off the riff raff. Those who are truly interested will persevere. I am kidding but not really. ;)


Sure I can sell it to you... Just let me go visit the AD so I can pick it up for you ;)

So, now that you mention it, maybe hazing does have it's place... Think of it as a riff raff filter. I like it!


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WOW!!!! i wish i never made this post now!!!!

yeah i am new to replica watches and yeah i am new to using forums so after reading all the replies i now understand how much of a bad question it was! in my defence tho, i havnt just come on here and posted.ive read countless posts on watch reviews,pictures,modding etc.i just wanted to know what people thought about the sd and wasnt ever expecting to be told that i can get one from mr x and it will be exactly like the real thing.i will never realy be a very active member with 1000's of posts but im interested in rep watches and hope to stick around for a while and build up a nice collection.

i will be very carefull how i word my next post tho!!!!!!!!

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I pretty much agree with what everyone said. Maybe with some watches there is one clear answer as to who has the best "insert watch name", not with the sub, or sd, etc... :)

From my experience each vendor has a slightly different offering, some may offer better dial printing, crown guards, crowns, cyclops, the famous "rehaut":), price points (The aspire sub is only $129 for an ETA), TTK is even less with Asian mvt, etc...

So at least in theory you kind of have to pick which features are important to you. Everyone wants the "best" hence the questions of which sub is best on average combining eveything...I guess there is no clear winner or people would just tell you :) like MBW for vintage, thats a clear winner. Current subs I dont think there is a winner. Maybe the Eddie Lee TW Best versions. Id vote for that one, I could be wrong, or right, I dont know !!!

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no probs mate

its all a big learning curve and i fully understant that.guess its half the fun!!!

yes my friend steve - don't fear. we all have to learn. I happened to be involved in forums before this on phones and tech toys. But, none of this is personal tword you, it just became an open debate which will continue to be ongoing between many of us.

You don't need a 1000 posts to contribute or enjoy. We all have learning to do. Even the people with 1000 posts still have more to learn, nature of the buis.

I really do wish you well and i hope you report back on your findings, your likes and dislikes.

The key is keep reading. :)

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What I enjoyed most was the tone of your post. (I mean come on, "individual time is valuable"?????. If I were really concerned about the best use of my time, I shouldn't even be on this site today!!! ) but I always appreciate a civil tone when reasonable adults disagree.

Thank you friend, as long as discussion remains in the relm of logic, tone can remain civil.

But - re: valuable time :)

i have 2 full time jobs, a radio show, and a 4 week old baby and a watch obsession.

if my minutes are not used wisely, not only will i get complaints of everyone not getting enough of my time, but i won't be happy either :)

this board is my escape, gotta do somethign to get away

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