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You got that right Freddy. This situation is being investigated.

It's a sad day when a dealer thought to be reputable goes to this much time and trouble to have a third party hacker trash the competition.

When said "dealer" is dispositively identified (and you will note that I did not say, "if,") what should the penalty be?


Pistols at dawn


well all these shenanigans thwarted my attempt at a purchase, and while I was waiting I saw something on the bay and spent my money on it, so yeah they do have an effect.

DDoS attacks are illegal, so is selling rep's...

While being engaged in the sale of contraband goods does make it difficult (but not impossible) to take legal action, it is not difficult to have the perpetrator's internet access cut off. Most ISPs have a 0-tolerance rule when it comes to this type of activity. All that is needed is the proof. If/when that becomes available, the perpetrator could potentially find himself in a world of hurt, at least when it comes to doing business on the internet (until he changes providers). :bangin:


If the situation is being investigated, what is the outcome without naming names? :thumbsupsmileyanim:

I've been trying to buy a watch for the past few weeks with no luck... Emails have failed to deliver, payments have failed as well. This is wasting my time and money :angry:

Joshua and Andrew have been top performers when it comes to providing us all with excellent service, never before seen quality and products.

Can't there be some extra effort made to protect dealers in situations like this?


The site seems to be working fine for now....but was down yesterday for some time. Guess Josh is trying to fix things.

Hope the issue is sorted out for good. Engaging in unethical tactics to thwart competition ...well it's up for discussion. Like Ken said "Those in the firing line now may have pulled a few triggers themselves..." :p

In any case, since a large part of the rep community has suffered to some extent... this should be brought to a logical conclusion.


This is deeply saddening. I have had the privilege of meeting Jos and Andrew and I know them both to be stand-up guys.

Sure, they are in business to make a living - but I have seen how hard Jos works to bring us the good stuff.

I certainly don't believe, as has been suggested, that Jos had ever employed such underhand tactics to disable a competitor.


Well, firstly, he is too busy to spend time on shenanigans of such doubtful value and secondly, he doesn't need to. He is the best.

The very fact that he is being attacked in this way kinda proves that.

Nice when competitors do the PR for you...:-)


My involvement in this matter is concluded.

Those responsible have been identified, they have acknowledged the evidence, admitted their actions and proffered written assurance that this will not happen again.

Beyond that, I cannot comment.



My involvement in this matter is concluded.

Those responsible have been identified, they have acknowledged the evidence, admitted their actions and proffered written assurance that this will not happen again.

Beyond that, I cannot comment.


That's all we get? :whistling:


An official statement will likely be forthcoming, but, for now, just know that, as Bill suggested, the relevant parties have been identified & the related attacks against Josh's & Andrew's sites have ended.


@ Josh I have set your post invisible and it shall remain such until the Admin team has decided what (if any) action we will take.


Guest zeleni kukuruz

I have some old emails from this guy!

And he is realy badmouthing A&J hard in thouse emails!!!

I think what he did speaks for itself, and i hope that ther will onely be one outcome of this!

A&J dont post so much here on the forum, but i know that they work realy realy hard to get the best of watches that we want.


I can only agree that if there are proof as the others have said,this behaivor should NOT be tolerated and the dealer should be outed and banned from our forum.

Just my 0,02



Glad to learn that the perpetrator or perpetrators have been identified. However, a promise to discontinue these attacks really doesn't mean much from an individual who is proven dishonorable in the first place. Lets all hope that justice is done so that this kind of thing will not occur again.

I have always had respect for Joshua and Andrew as dealers who have provided stellar service to our members over the years. They deserve our support.

It is good to know that our "detectives" were on top of this one and it was brought to a swift conclusion.


Joshua and Andrew are stand-up guys... and have been providing us with top quality watches for years...

They always recommend what and what not to buy for me, which is leagues above the rest...

I've had food, drinks, and fun times with both... they've even helped me when in need, a rare thing in this world today, and even rarer in these parts... Bottom line is I can't say enough good about these two...

We're all here for many reasons, but one is to be protected from the countless scammers and c0ckheads in this industry out there... why shouldn't our dealers have the same kind of peace of mind??

I really hope severe and swift action comes to the people behind this.... :whistling:

Guest zeleni kukuruz

Joshua and Andrew are stand-up guys... and have been providing us with top quality watches for years...

They always recommend what and what not to buy for me, which is leagues above the rest...

I've had food, drinks, and fun times with both... they've even helped me when in need, a rare thing in this world today, and even rarer in these parts... Bottom line is I can't say enough good about these two...

We're all here for many reasons, but one is to be protected from the countless scammers and c0ckheads in this industry out there... why shouldn't our dealers have the same kind of peace of mind??

I really hope severe and swift action comes to the people behind this.... :whistling:

And i dubbel that!!!


Enough already!!!

Let's take a look at what we are here for:

First, what is the forum for? The forum is here so that members can find info about everything that has a connection to replica watches. It is here so that the members can share information that will allow other members to make informed decisions on whatever they decide to do in the replica world.

Secondly, as a forum, we have a set of rules that we operate by. So what are the mods and admin here for? As we have said in the past, our "job" is basically making sure the members follow our rules and have the best and safest place on the internet to buy and learn about replicas. We are not here to police every purchase, and save every member from a transaction gone south, or have been scammed one way or another. And we sure as hell are not here to police stuff that the dealers or members do outside of our forum.

Now we know that things are not as clear cut as this short description here, as we usually do our best to help members with bad transactions or other problems.

But when "professional" parties, like our dealers start running to us to get help, it is time to draw a line. There has been tit for tat between the dealers for as long as replicas have been around. I bet we can safely say that none, no not one, is clean of any wrong doing at one point or another. Clearly this forum was not created to learn their business ethics.

All parties involved with this issue will be communicated with and a one time warning will be given. If there is anymore of this bullshit in the future the whole damn lot of them will be removed.

You want to hash this out anymore? Then take it somewhere else.

Admin Team

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