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Well, I'm Off To See The New Guitar Buddies

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Hallelujah!! ..Alejandro Fuentes has a REALLY annoying voice btw. Sounds like me when I am on the toilet talking on the phone.

But Enjoy Insane!

Hallelujah!! ..Alejandro Fuentes has a REALLY annoying voice btw. Sounds like me when I am on the toilet talking on the phone.

But Enjoy Insane!

Not a huge fan myself, but the GF really wanted to go, and you know...

But it was infact quite good.. Lind and Nilsen especially.


hey any of you RWG guitarist have ever broad cast your licks & riffs on YOUTUBE.COM ?

i recently discovered some cool guitar solos on you tube & wondered if any our memebers ever broadcast over there ..

im thinking of uploading my rendition of EVH hot for teacher solo :rolleyes::victory:

hey any of you RWG guitarist have ever broad cast your licks & riffs on YOUTUBE.COM ?

i recently discovered some cool guitar solos on you tube & wondered if any our memebers ever broadcast over there ..

im thinking of uploading my rendition of EVH hot for teacher solo :rolleyes::victory:

I'ld love to hear it,,,,Man, I could NEVER get that solo right...... :(

that dude is one awsome bass player man ! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

awsome funky/progressive / pluking / tapping sound ! very clean sound !!

wow would like to hear stuff from that band ..

thanx for the link ..

Ask and ye shall recieve -

- i'm playing drums - this is a highlights clip of a show.

man- this was a great band only 13 yrs ago. but when your at your peak your at your peak

Ask and ye shall recieve -

- i'm playing drums - this is a highlights clip of a show.

man- this was a great band only 13 yrs ago. but when your at your peak your at your peak

HEY PO thats some cool stuff man ! :thumbsupsmileyanim: you have a great tight snare sound going there .

i like the reggae/funk/rock sound !!

i heard alot of police drummer type chops ! sounds great man excellent job !

I'ld love to hear it,,,,Man, I could NEVER get that solo right...... :(

hey ima gonaa post it soon man :thumbsupsmileyanim: its not that difficult just have to practice it 1000 times :bleh:


E -12-5---12-8-7-5-------------------------------------------

B ------8----------8-12-8-7-5--------------------------------

G ----------------------------8-12-8-7-5---------------------

D ---------------------------------------8-12-8-7-5----------

A ---------------------------------------------------8-7-5-0-

E -----------------------------------------------------------

^ I think he hit a wrong note here


E -----------------------------------------------------

B -----------------------------------------------------

G -4(B)6~----2^4///-6///-9///-11///-13///-14///--14w~\\-

D -----------------------------------------------------

A -----------------------------------------------------

E -----------------------------------------------------

E /14---------14----------------------14--------------------------------------

B ----17(b)19----14^17^14-14-14^17^14----14^17^14---------14------------------

G ------------------------------------------------16(b)18----16(b)18-16-14-16-

D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[pinched harmonics abound]

E ------------------------------------------2------2-2-----------------------

B -14-------------------------------------2---5^2------5^2--5-5^2^0--5-5^2^0-

G ----16w~\\----2--2--2(B)3--2----2-4--(B)6-----------------------------------

D -----------------------------4---------------------------------------------

A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

E ---------------------------------2--------2----------------------

B -5-5^2^0--5-5^2^0--5-5^2^0--5(7)---5^2----2---2------------------

G ---------------------------------------5--------4-2--4-2---2w~/\\-

D ---------------------------------------------------------4-------

A -----------------------------------------------------------------

E -----------------------------------------------------------------

E -------------------------------------------14--14-------14-----14--16^14-

B ------------------------------14--17--17(b)19-----(b)19---(b)19----------

G -2~-4--5--6~---9--11--13--14---------------------------------------------

D -------------------------------------------------------------------------

A -------------------------------------------------------------------------

E -------------------------------------------------------------------------

E -17^14--19^14----17^14----17--16--17--16^17^16-14----14-------------

B --------------14------14--------------------------17----17--17(b)19-

G --------------------------------------------------------------------

D --------------------------------------------------------------------

A --------------------------------------------------------------------

E --------------------------------------------------------------------


B -------------------14-17^14--------------------------------------------------

G -14^17^14--16(b)18----------16(b)18---16(b)18-(b)18-16-16-14-16---16-16-14~\\-

D -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

E -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

E -------2----------------------------------------------------------------

B -------2---------2------------5--------7--------------------------------

G -2(B)4---(B)4^2----2---4(B)6--7(B)9----9(b)11w~-----------------------5-

D ---------------------------------------------------2---2----2---2-----2-

A -------------------------------------------------\\-2---2----2---2-----0-

E -------------------------------------------------\\-0---0----0---0-------

Thanks,,,now I'll have to dig up my Ibanez and see what I can do.

hey have to tried JAPAN JACKSON guitars ?

man i cant take my hands of my JACKSON , is the sweetest guitar iv ever played :thumbsupsmileyanim:

i have 4 guitars in my rack & the only one thats played is the JACKSON :wub:


i swear by my Hamer archtop flametop - solid guitar, smooth, lots of sounds with the various pickup positions.

i can go from jazz to hendrix to soundgarden


thanks for the compliments 2005sub - i still say we should record a theme song for rwg :)

hey have to tried JAPAN JACKSON guitars ?

man i cant take my hands of my JACKSON , is the sweetest guitar iv ever played :thumbsupsmileyanim:

i have 4 guitars in my rack & the only one thats played is the JACKSON :wub:

Jackson,,,,,,,yes,,,that rings a bell. Didn't Randy Roads play one of those? Any luck with Mr. Crowly? now that was a great solo, would definately make a list of the top ten guitar solos for me.

i swear by my Hamer archtop flametop - solid guitar, smooth, lots of sounds with the various pickup positions.

i can go from jazz to hendrix to soundgarden


thanks for the compliments 2005sub - i still say we should record a theme song for rwg :)

HELL YEA THATS A GREAT IDEA ! sounds awsome i know theres afew musicians

here on RWG :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Jackson,,,,,,,yes,,,that rings a bell. Didn't Randy Roads play one of those? Any luck with Mr. Crowly? now that was a great solo, would definately make a list of the top ten guitar solos for me.

YEAP THATS A GREAT song ! & solo will have to dig up ozzy cds & give it a try ..

YEAP THATS A GREAT song ! & solo will have to dig up ozzy cds & give it a try ..

i can write music in different genre's but lyrics - i suck at. so if someone wants to start that boat, i'm happy to chime in :)



i can write music in different genre's but lyrics - i suck at. so if someone wants to start that boat, i'm happy to chime in :)

im down to lay some heavy geeeetar trax useing my pc geeeetar studio :victory::thumbsupsmileyanim:

i know we have some wicked geetar players on rwg :thumbsupsmileyanim:

i think KENBURG gets down with the acoustic


im down to lay some heavy geeeetar trax useing my pc geeeetar studio :victory::thumbsupsmileyanim:

i know we have some wicked geetar players on rwg :thumbsupsmileyanim:

i think KENBURG gets down with the acoustic

Hmm, i've been tlaking to him alot lately, hadn't mentioned it :)

i was just thinking, we should do a rep, uh i mean cover :) and change the words

Hmm, i've been tlaking to him alot lately, hadn't mentioned it :)

i was just thinking, we should do a rep, uh i mean cover :) and change the words

hey PO that mp3 of you jammin to the floyde kickes some ass man !!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

sound great ima try to lay something down useing that aol mp3 player .. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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