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Will Someone Explain This Locked Thread Bs


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I have said this before and I'll say it again -- Color me wound up, but it seems asinine to me for anyone to decide that any thread should be locked under anything but the most extreme situations. When nobody has anything else they want to say, the thread will die, and as long as they have something to say, why would any moderator take it upon themselves to lock the thread.

Are we children that we cannot quit reading a thread when we have had enough? Do we need a babysitter to tell us it is time to shut up? If this little bureaucratic privilege amounts to something to you . . . what can I say.

I just set aside Sunday Night Football and spent a good bit of my valuable time responding to a thread, apparently by a Troll, only to find that by the time I was ready to post and spank the silly son-of-a-[censored], the thread had been locked - for no good reason I can see.

I value my time, that is pretty damn infuriating and I wish our illustrious moderators would kindly knock it off!

Thanks so much


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Think I may have been the one who locked that thread, and if so .. apologies.

My reason for doing so was the thread was being crapped all over, people were not obeying rule #4, and I am just plain getting sick of all the thread crapping & off topic posts.

Please realise it is a tenuous rope we walk in moderating... you can't please all the people all the time, although we do try hard to.


PS Have now just seen another thread that may be the offending one, not my locking... but only 'cos I didn't see it first.

Would have done exactly the same.

I don't beleive we need that sort of crap here.

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I love TJ. Can he post it here? Or maybe in off-topic?

Hi Gio,

It just annoyed me to have that Troll suggesting that we are a bunch of losers pretending to wear watches we cannot afford. I think most of us could easily afford most of the mainstream gens if we wanted one.

Rolex got where they are, and they have stayed where they are, by violating US law as related to unlawful trade strategies and price controls.

My response to "D," that did not get posted was a rather long winded response to his nonsense, castigating him for labeling us according to his narrow viewpoint, ignorance, and very limited understanding.


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Think I may have been the one who . . . now just seen another thread that may be the offending one, not my locking... but only 'cos I didn't see it first.

Would have done exactly the same.

I don't beleive we need that sort of crap here.

Let me ask you this -- why?

If some Troll wants to blather on with allegations, why hide? I'd rather address his concerns, paddle his [censored], and send him home than have it look like the people who run this show fear criticism.

Besides, when you lock it, he looks vindicated and that encourages more such [censored]. Straighten him out, clarify his little mind, put him back in short pants and discourage such crap in the future.

Further, what if he is not a Troll. What if his questions were sincere? Is it incomprehensible that a person looking in from the outside would wonder if we are all a bunch of losers trying to pretend we have watches we cannot afford?

If that's what he genuinely thinks, I'd rather disabuse him of his misconceptions than leave him confused.


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We hear you loud & clear.

Firstly he has been given a sabbatical, we don't need trolls stirring s**t.

As I said its a tightrope we walk... but in this instance , he has shown his colours elsewhere, and might I add been permanently banned, so a "cooling off" period, may mean he comes back with a better attitude... if not, he will join the ranks of the disenfrachised.

As far as closing the thread...the content was against the rules of the board... it was achieving nothing except hostility and anger... why keep those things going? The troll was never going to respond again, ( not for a week at least), so the whole thread became pointless.

No further defence... thats the way its done here... each mod has his own decisions to make... we can't be all here all the time.. but we will back each others calls, as long as they are just and valid.

AND this WAS.

Hope you understand.


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Ah you haven't seen my supersoaker XZ 7500 fitted with pump action water bombs :D

Bill I know you see this is issue as frustrating but then if you cast your mind back to the chaos that was the old board a little while before we moved you would understand when we need to keep at least a little on the ball here.

And yes Offshore was right all the mods will back the decision.


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I would just like to ad that sometimes pooping on a troll is a good way to release some steam. The offending troll in fact tee'd it up nice and high for any passer by and that particular day I was in such a mood to take a swing.

(Read following in douglas adams voice)

Also, as is well documented throughout history the creation and villification of a common enemy is a primary means of group solidity and unification.

I.E. Kicking the crap out of a shill/ troll is as good a bomding experience as, let's say a nice game of poker.

Just food for thought :)

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When the need arises I’m all for the short, sharp, no shilly-shallying “You’re a f**kwit now f**k off” approach then…… subject closed and then…… “move on, nothing to see here”.

Drawn out public beatings and lynchings under the guise of punishment but in reality sport and schadenfreude for the masses, whilst entertaining for some, are space wasters for others and entirely unnecessary in my opinion…………………unless of course I’m actively promoting it, in which case it’s fine. ;)



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When the need arises I?m all for the short, sharp, no shilly-shallying ?You?re a f**kwit now f**k off? approach then?? subject closed and then?? ?move on, nothing to see here?.

Drawn out public beatings and lynchings under the guise of punishment but in reality sport and schadenfreude for the masses, whilst entertaining for some, are space wasters for others and entirely unnecessary in my opinion???????unless of course I?m actively promoting it, in which case it?s fine. ;)



Jolly yes, good show ole chap.

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