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My Phong 5508


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Hi everyone, 

I mentioned in a thread that I had bought a Phong 5508 ETA and Mendota-Explorer asked if I could post pictures and give impressions, perhaps others might be interested. So let's start with a little history. I'm a Geek through and through. I used to design and build robots for a living, always loved and obsessed over mechanical things so it was inevitable I'd become a watch guy. I'm a car guy as well. Anyway as a kid I used to gaze in the local watch shop at all the expensive watches and Rolex soon became a favourite. A certain Commander Bond probably influenced that, I bought watches over the years each time stretching a little further in price until I finally managed my first Rolex. About twelve years ago I was cruising the net and bought a couple of reps. An Explorer 1 and a Comex. I didn't know much about models at that time and had little idea what Comex was. Anyway the Explorer was a good buy. The dial is very poor and may soon be updated, but the case is as good as it gets. The Comex.... Well it's a no date 1680 Comex without lug holes. Very rare model! As I got to know more I became embarrassed I even owned the Comex and never wore it. Lesson learned, I stayed away from reps for years.

I got sucked back into the rep thing by discovering this and other sites. I lurked a lot, even before I signed up. I read and became a bit obsessive. I knew I wanted a good rep. I don't much care what others think. Actually 99 out of 100 people don't even notice my watch and most of the rest don't care. If they say nice watch, I say thanks. If anyone I don't know asks about even my gen, I usually say it's fake. I don't want mugging thanks. So I only want the detailed accuracy for me. I knew Phong had the reputation as the best. I firmly believe his cases are the best. The price was a hurdle for me. It is a lot to pay for a rep and I kept thinking what if I'm disappointed? What if it's a piece of ***? Why don't I put the money in a gen or towards a Rolex gen? 

Well I ordered, sent off my money and sat having pink kittens about Customs either seizing it or taking it as gen and wanting thousands in duty. I followed the tracking and it duly showed up at my door without problem. I opened the package and if worn it every day since. I totally love it and don't regret the price one bit.

If or rather when I buy from him again, I will only buy a case. I know more now and will buy dial and hands elsewhere. I think my 5508 will get some modding in the near future. Some gentle aging would be good. 

The Comex? Well when I looked at it again despite all it's faults the case is a good 1680 project base. It's gone to a modded in Paris and I'm hoping it will come back a killer double red.

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Pictures. Sorry they are not great. The NATO is an old cheap one I dug out to use until a nice new leather NATO arrived? I also forgot in my ramblings to say, personally I can use Phong for reps of genuine a that costs 15000-20000 or more, but if the gen is 4-5000 I don't think it makes sense. So basically vintage builds in my opinion.






Edited by Sogeha
Embarrassing strap.
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It looks nice, but my only comment is that the minute track is too far away from the edge of the case.


Don't know what you could do about that, other than to get another dial- maybe NDT or Yuki

Good call and yes there's little that could be done shaping/moddding wise outside of a new dial. +1

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Nice looking rep!!!  Thanks for sharing your purchase from Phong.  I know some members here are probably fairly familiar with what he offers, but I've seen little in the way of actual pieces purchased from Phong from forum members.

He's kind of a back woods kinda guy.  I don't know that he ever posts on the forums or participates in the community in any connectable way.  Maybe he does under a pseudonym... but he seems rather elusive, and his pieces are priced such that you're not going to see them very often on the fora.   I've looked at his photos on his site, and they're not high enough resolution or photo quality to compel me to spend the numbers he's asking.  So it seems like a bit of a gamble overall...  but you have a nice looking watch!  wear it well!


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Thank you to both Angler and GBX. I agree with both of you. Yes the dial is lack lustre and eventually it will be replaced and yes the case needs a little finessing. I'm not mad on the crown either. I won't be doing the work on this case. I need to serve my apprenticeship on cheapies.

Phong almost has the urban myth status as do a few others of the best parts sellers and modders. I guess there is a reason for that. We all know this hobby depends on the illegal production of counterfeit goods. Whatever counter arguments are made, that is the bottom line. Depending on where a buyer/owner is based, they may well not be doing anything illegal. I don't think I am, but manufacturers and sellers are and Phong is US based. Keeping quiet is probably a very good idea for him. This is not intended as a slap in the face for anyone, I'm in this up to my neck and have two more builds underway.

i will try to improve my photography skills and post better pictures for any who wish to see. Constructive criticism is very, very welcome. 


Best set wishes to all in this community.


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very cool 5508! Love it!

Did you mean the 1680 is being converted to a single red? Or did the case have a escape valve?

Yes you are quite correct, single red. It was a stupid mis-type as I was looking at 1665 cases on Phong's site. It will be a while before I buy one though as I've two projects on the go and another in planning stage. Down the rabbit hole I go......

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry for resume this old post :blush:, but i can't found other 3D about your watch Sogeha..


im curious, then do have improved the watch?

But above all i cant figure out if the diameter and thikeness of phong 5508 are  gen spec or is bigger ?




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Well that was a blast from the past. I wear this watch more than any other. I have a small hoard of parts waiting to go into it once I finally retire. Anyway on to dimensions.

I found this on Bob Maron's site 


Intestingly it is where the picture of the gen above came from, but anyway going on the dimensions he gives, mine is pretty accurate.

38mm but I guess it figures that after all these years and service polishes most will now be a little less. His gen is 0.5mm undersize, my rep is 0.4mm according to my calibrated digital calipers. Height I think will depend on exactly what crystal is fitted, but he states 12.8mm mine is 13.7mm but I know the crystal isn't too hot and is due to be replaced. 

Overall I think Phong cases are very, very good and I've heard stories, including one posted here of the unscrupulous passing them off as genuine.

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Well it has been on my wrist for pretty much the last eighteen months gaining some artificial natural patina as we recently named it. It does not look either clean or cared for at the moment. Anything in particular you would like to see?

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The dial that is currently in it is frankly rubbish my friend. I am happy to show pictures. The Vietnamese dial that will go in it is stored away in my house in Poland so I can't share pictures at the moment.

I believe that a little visit to one of our really clever guys and this watch will look as convincing as can be. I never for a second regretted my purchase 

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I will share once it is done, but don't hold your breath, it will probably be autumn.

BTW, I would recommend buying just the case from Phong and getting the watch built by someone else.

Also since you are in Italy, triangle shipping may be wise. I believe they take a hard like on counterfeit goods in your country

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Yes , I don't think phong have the triangle shipping ..maybe buy only parts is less risky. When will be the moment i well ponder the best solution ..also I like the phong tudor 7016 and the blanckpain ..maybe with these 3 piece I will can calm down my watches avidity? Mmmm



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