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Attention friends of Dave Gates...


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Many of us are lucky enough to call Dave Gates a friend. Some of us were lucky enough to share an afternoon with him in Escondido, enjoying watches, beers, and good food!

Anyway, Dave's still around, and he would love to hear from some of the old timers here. You know who you are!!!

Please send me a PM for an update.

Thank you.


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I didn't interact with him a lot, but whenever I did... he was always nice and helpful. And I always enjoyed his great reviews. Many of them were a source of inspiration for me.

Definitely would like to see him here.

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Dave is alive and well.

He recently told me that he has reps that he hasn't even worn yet. A rep collector par excelance.

A classic gentleman in the true sense of the word. We all would be lucky to have him participate regularly once again. Cross your fingers.

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Ditto. Please relay our regards and best wishes.

I had the pleasure of buying one watch from Dave during his fund raising auction for his mother's nursing home. Although the watch was a fantasy version that I no longer wear, it was worth it during my early days on the forum just to exchange e-mails and become acquainted with Dave. Needless to say the discussion ranged more interesting subjects than mailing info.

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Ditto. Please relay our regards and best wishes.

I had the pleasure of buying one watch from Dave during his fund raising auction for his mother's nursing home. Although the watch was a fantasy version that I no longer wear, it was worth it during my early days on the forum just to exchange e-mails and become acquainted with Dave. Needless to say the discussion ranged more interesting subjects than mailing info.

This is the exact same experience I had with Dave.........the watch I won in nis benefit auction is still on view in my avatar......it was through the mails sent to each other over this auction that we became friends.

Thank you Trunk21 for the update and to everyone else I believe it would be best if you all personally E-mailed Dave instead of sending your best wishes through a third party as I understand he is in need of our support at the moment.


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Hey, guys, I am still here even if inactive for a while. I've had a great number of messages recently and will get around to answering personally but meanwhile thought I should drop in and explain myself a bit.

I just got back from one of my periodic visits to Oregon because I am going to be stuck more or less at home for the next six or seven months: I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in March and am about to report for my CAT-scans, etc., next week, then a couple months head start with hormone therapy before having radioactive targeting markers 'installed' and then a couple months of radiation treatments (42 of them, five days a week). I can assure you that I'm not letting this worry me particularly, but it certainly puts a crimp in my schedule! As soon as this is past, it will be time for my first cataract surgery, so the remainder of 2007 is somewhat shot. I hope my right knee will last another year, however. :lol:

Ah well, the old fart is still allowed to attend my usual watering holes and indulge in sins of the flesh (at least for the time being) if any such opportunities should arise (doubtful, but one should never lose hope). In other words, while I thought turning 65 would be no different from turning 60, I was wrong: all sorts of [censored] started hitting the fan at once! Maybe this will also create an opportunity for me to get back on board regularly--I do miss the camaraderie. Indeed, I had vague plans for making a trip to SoCal in early May and hoped to see some of you guys there again; that will probably have to wait until the spring of 2008 now. Meanwhile, while not en route to and from the cancer center, I expect to be lazy as hell, continue to read five or six books a week, hear as much good jazz as possible, but not be buying any additional watches (I have some I still need to put on and wear one of these days!)--unless, of course, something just too irresistable should happen along, such as a Lange with the correct size windows. Sooner or later my resolve will falter, I'm sure.

Now, I see I must have allowed my VIP membership to lapse rather recently since there are a couple places I can't see at the moment. I'll also try to remedy that this evening.

The picture was taken a few months ago at the Rose & Raindrop in Portland, one of the most authentic London-style Victorian pubs I have seen in this country and at which two or three RWG members have joined me for drinks in the past. I'm sorry to report it has recently gone defunct, apparently as a result of some financial mismanagement, and that is a great pity. It was genuine rather than tarted up, so another is not to be found in the city now. Fortunately, back in Texas, my considerable capacity for double Scotches and decent red wines pretty much directs my culinary habits towards a few enjoyable spots to hang. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

I didn't really intend to ressurect my reputation for being long-winded, but it happens. I really do apologize for all who have written such welcomed emails recently and definitely will be answering--but this gives you a heads up so I needn't go through a lot of gory details repeatedly!

Someone asked if I was still enjoying my Jag XJ8, to which I say: so much so that I may never be able to drive anything else again! It will probably need replenishing about 2008 when in theory I could hit some open roads again.

Cheers to all, and be seeing you around the forum sooner than later!

Always grateful to my good friends here! :rolleyes:

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Ahh...DLG has returned...albeit briefly......:D

I wish you good health in the years to come Dave.....I know the feeling that you think nothing changes in 5 years.......I know that's not the case......my knees have gone south now...more's the pity....!

I look forward to future posts from you......keep up your spirits.....and keep us posted.......!



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So pleased to see you post again. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Sorry to hear of your recent problems, but great to see your positive attitude, and that means you're already on the way to recovery.

Dave, I just reread your siggy, and I hold it up to all the members ..old and new.. as a thought to take with them.

Good to see you here again mate, and hope to talk real soon.


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Dave! Hello my old friend. :)

Great to see you sticking your head in and to see the fighting spirit is truely with you. I look forward to seeing much more of you in the near future. ;)



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while i cannot claim to have gotten to know dave as well as i would have liked to, i will add to the chorus of 'welcome backs' as we all have benefitted from dave's insightful reviews, excellent photography, brimming interest in this hobby, encouragement and the occasional superb watch trade.

i bot a fantasy patek from dave which remains one of my absolute favorites and works like a charm... while it is not a daily piece, i always enjoy taking it out for an occasional dress occasion... all the best to you dave...




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