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If it was a Gen

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I always be careful about wearing bling-bling reps (unless you don't care answering the question of "where did you buy this rep?") It's easier spot a fake when it is not within your budget... and at work that's easy to know.

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Price is a consideration for me, but for a slightly different than Vnema's point. It is a good point, if you work within a certai salary and turn up wearing a watch that is worth half your years salary there will be some curious faces! However, on another point, if a watch is out of your price range, and you can afford the rep, then buy it. You will get a feel for how the watch looks and feels for a fraction fo the price, and wear it as a rep. (not saying that you would wish to fool anyone etc...) You will probably find people are amazed at the quality of it. Just don't go flashing it in the face of the board of directors, they may get a little jealous ;)

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I have never been questioned once about any of my reps whether they were real or not , most people think they are real because of the quality , when and if they think of reps or the more popular word "fake" they always think of the NY NY $10,00 Rolex Canal street junk ...

I think it also depends on your age and where you live and work ?

Only a person like us who is into rep watches would take notice and there aren't really that many out there ?


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nearly no one will get the idea of a wreck looking double red sea dweller is worth $20k...

so there is no problem here. :)

but in case if someone asks about your double red and mentions that it is out of your price range,

tell them "it is passed to me from granddaddy"


Edited by deepsea
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I doubt there would be many people outside watch circles that would even have heard of AP, let alone how much they cost. And most people would be able to go into a AD and get a reasonably expensive gen on a '3 year low monthly payment' plan in these days of everyone wanting to lend money, so it would probably come down more to how frivelous people would see you spending your money rather than whether you can 'afford' it.

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I would say you have either "expensive" look or "cheap" look, no difference if it was a Sub or AP ROO, if you are percieved as not very rich type of a guy, Sub or PAM or AP whatever you sport around will be assumed fake, if you are on the moeny or give such impression, a good watch is believable, no matter the brand; you can always find a good price second hand AP, it does not matter if it is 22k or 4k, it is just an "expensive watch".

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