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Paris Hilton Jail Time


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I was watching the news last night, and a feature story was about a wax doll of Paris wearing prison garb. :bicycle: I was hoping with Paris going away for a couple of weeks that the press would give her name a rest. Well, now we hear about her more than ever. She sees herself as a role model, that is a sick joke if you ask me. Rumors are she is writing a book as I type, about her (three week) prison experience. I'm sick and tired of Paris, and I believe most people are too. I love the video from Live Leak where Sarah Silverman talks about Paris going to jail, and the audience goes crazy cheering. Paris said that during her time in the slammer she is going to try to figure out how to make the world a better place. I suggest she use her bed sheet and jump off of the chair, and the world will be a better place. Obviously, I'm no fan, and I'm sick and tired of Paris Hilton. Come to think of it, it would probably make her more famous than ever if she offed herself. Man, would she just goooo away! :thumbdown:

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i met her and her sister at a party i had the misfortune of attending 4 years back or so in New York... they weren't the most pleasant of people... very superficial and overtly judgemental... ... scarily enough Paris is a role model to a lot of young girls ( wether or not that is a good thing is another issue entirely)... on the other hand i don't find any pleasure in her 'crying' ... she is just a very sad sad person... ill equipped to deal with reality ... and that is really just a shame see people like that ...

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... scarily enough Paris is a role model to a lot of young girls ( wether or not that is a good thing is another issue entirely)... on the other hand i don't find any pleasure in her 'crying' ...

My pleasure in her crying is precisely because she's a role-model. Do the crime, pay the time. If one less girl drives drunk because of her tears, then it's a victory.

Would you laugh at a regular guy thinking he was a star athlete, getting his ass well and truly handed to him on a sports field? Then you can laugh at Paris Hilton trying to deal with reality.She simply should know better.

I find it difficult to feel pity for anyone that privileged.

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I've met more than my fair share of porn stars and some of them are very nice people. Don't judge a person by their career.

I agree. I have been to several Player's Balls and Internet Porn star conventions in Miami. Very nice people. May have something to do with all the coke being snorted but still..................

As for Paris, [censored] her. She's just an uneducated [censored]. A little grey goose and a bag of blow, you get her panties off. She isn't going to prison, it's county jail. I have friends that are away for lifetimes and everyone is making a big deal about a few weeks. I could do that standing on my head (not that i'd want to).

I say instead of jail send her to my old neighborhood for a month. Let her hang out with the people and find out what lif is really like. Make her drink beer from a paper bag and wear clothes from the flea market in public. The private humiliation isn't enough for the drunk [censored].

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So, I wonder why you felt the need to make sure there is a topic about her on this form then?

Good question! Like I said earlier, just venting! I guess in reality I'm still angry that 'A Night in Paris' was so lame, and was an insult to quality porn like the 'Sopornos'. I wasted valuable time watching her run her trap on the video, when she should have been going for more 'money shots'. I'm just very disappointed in this young ladies theatrical performance. Like I said, an insult to good porn. Poor little rich girl, yea right, she looked right into the camera with those glowing green eyes and started babbling, when all of my buddies said the same thing, shut your hole, know your role, and finish the job(literally).. She needs to go on a long hiatus, or let me direct her next film, hell, I might as well even star in it too :thumbsupsmileyanim::victory: !

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That Sarah Silverman rant was pretty damned funny. I loved when she was talking about the prison bars being painted like penises to make her feel more at home and then said that she might break her teeth on them.

Read somewhere that Paris was overheard saying "She's a f#%$ing [censored]. I hate her" afterwards. lol, looked like she wanted to cry when everyone was cheering.

I personally don't really care about Paris (enough so that I've never even bothered to look at her so called porn). I simply don't understand how someone can be famous for absolutely nothing. Perhaps she she get props for pulling that off...

And it's not like she's going to "real jail". Gimme a break. She's gonna get cushy treatment and be even more famous because of it. Stupid world we live in.

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Aw, come on, that's unfair. It's not like she killed anybody! :whistling:

Hey, I for one don't want her down here! (But Pug, feel free to give the porn stars you know my address...)

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Aren't Britney Spears and Paris Hilton just the same kind of scum?

I read on the news that Britney demanded a flight to land and let her out of the plane just after the takeoff... because her 1st class seats weren't made of real leather. She delayed the flight for hours because of this. I can't believe people are willing to kiss ass of these braindead, spoiled skanks just because they have some money. The "music" they have both recorded should be a criminal offense too.

If I were the captain of that flight I would have thrown the B1TCH out of the exhaust port and said "oops I did it again".

Edited by By-Tor
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Nothing like three days of 'hard time' to get someone's head right. :thumbsupsmileyanim: What a joke! :thumbdown: It goes back to not what you know, but who you know, or blow, or whatever. The family probably made a large donation for the new Paris Hilton wing of the prison. I can't believe only 3 days, now she will be all over the news talking about doing hard time in the slammer. Someone please shoot me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :bicycle:

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So now she is under House Arrest , for me you would call that a weeks paid vacation , resort & spa with your own luxory mansion at your disposal ...

I can't play tennis today , my ankle bracelet is just killing me , I wonder how I can get them to remove it for me :whistling:

Jives , another Margarita please !

260288-5581.gif Poor B!tch :thumbdown:


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Update: Paris hilton may be going back to jail. The news this morning said she goes before a judge today.

Bet she gets to go right back home or to some kind of cushy facility.

There is public outrage over celebrities getting special treatment.

No kidding. I really wonder why...

Disgraceful judicial system.

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