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Pornographic avatars et al.


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If an upside exists, would someone please explain?

Personally, I just see it as freedom. Even in such a little thing as a rep forum.

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Sure, it is the freedom, but isn't this just exercising that freedom for its own sake (with no other benefit)? By that argument it is basically the equivalent of walking up to people and screaming "[censored] YOU" at them and waving porn in their face... just because you have a right to do so?

It seems the only "benefit" is showing that one can do it... which seems silly to me.

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You don't know me, because if you did, you would know that my time spent working in the porn industry was an excellent and entertaining period of my life and didn't change my views on how I see porn.

:blink: Not to be polemic with you but it doesn't seem me that really an event to be mentioned in the curriculum vitae ... :blink:

and I don't even believe that you could have learned who knows what around the women or the way of looking the women...

but I repeat I don't want to attach you in any way... mine is only a thought

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:blink: Not to be polemic with you but it doesn't seem me that really an event to be mentioned in the curriculum vitae ... :blink:

and I don't even believe that you could have learned who knows what around the women or the way of looking the women...

but I repeat I don't want to attach you in any way... mine is only a thought

I'm not so sure I understand you, but I think you're saying it's not the sort of thing I should talk about.

Like I said, I don't see it as shameful. It's not looked upon as an evil career here in Paris.

In porn photography, there is a lot of down-time, where people just sit around talking, so you get to know the models well, especially as the photographer didn't speak good english, but I, being english, did, and most of the models didn't speak french as they're from budapest, prague, etc., so I got to chat a lot with several models and was able to get to know them much like any other people you'd work with.

The industry is very well regulated these days and the advent of the internet and digital video has taken the management out of organised crime and into normal business.

Personally, I just see it as freedom. Even in such a little thing as a rep forum.

With freedom comes responsability.

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Personally, I just see it as freedom. Even in such a little thing as a rep forum.

What could be next? Someone allergic to a cat or a dog telling sssurfer to get rid of his signature ?

After all, what do those cats and dogs have to do with watches, but maybe they had bad memories of being mauled by a dog that looked like the one in his picture?

Maybe the admin, time permitting, could implement the idea I had posted earlier aboutself-certifying an avatar or signature as pornographic, and these could be selectively turned off as an extra option?

For the moment, for those offended,

-Home users, just get FireFox and AdBlock...

-Work users, try to remember to turn off avatars and signatures.

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I DEFINITELY understand the male fascination with women. I am a blonde Barbie-doll...I did some light modeling through and after college, and have been on TV here and there. Even at 37, I still look ok ;)(Birdman knows me...he'll tell ya). I have been the object of...fascination or whatever...most of my adult life. Certainly not complaining about it...I have rather enjoyed the attention!

I think that posting a woman masturbating ON A WATCH SITE goes beyond fascination. I think there is a difference between posting nudity (which is not porn) and posting an act (which is porn). Hormones may play a role in your behavior, but it doesn't mean you need to have bad judgment.

Like I said on a previous post, I don't have a problem with most of the avatars. Nudity is cool. Maybe I should have a naked man as my avatar...

Now that would ruffle a few feathers...


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I don't think its that anyone actually offended... it just makes browsing easier from work or while girlfriend/fiance/wife is watching

I always thought the point of an avatar anyways was to make a quick association with the person when you saw the post to jog one's memory... Bricky having a brick, etc.

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You see, you missed that thread before posts were edited and deleted. There was a post going on about his girl's [censored] and another claiming to be able to see her nipple and describing it. I wasn't the one one-handed browsing that thread.

You don't know me, because if you did, you would know that my time spent working in the porn industry was an excellent and entertaining period of my life and didn't change my views on how I see porn. I love pretty ladies, especially when they're naked or scantily clad. I worked with a porn photographer and met quite a few porn stars and models and was impressed by how un-abused they seemed. I don't have any pretensions that porn was art, as it is produced purely for enjoyment, usually involving wanking.

Masturbating web surfers paid my rent, and as such I do not judge them or fear them. I was grateful there were enough of them to subsidise my spending time in the company of porn stars.

Is it clear enough yet? I have nothing against nudity, sex, porn, masturbation, etc. However, this is a [censored]ing watch forum and when I want porn, I'll look elsewhere.

Honestly, when I said you don't know me, I wasn't kidding.

Now I see why you think so many men are masturbators. Surely I was unaware about the grounds of your way of thinking, but it does not change that way.

I too think that when one wants to masturbate then he goes to porn sites, not here. Exactly for that reason, differently from you, I think that noone browsed repaustria's thread, or is looking at the avatars, with one hand engaged the way you suggested. You seem to mistake the people here with your previous customers.

But your fight not to let porno 'contaminate' this environment gets more under a personal light now (I wonder what circumstances made you leave that occupation out), and as a personal thing I'll leave it to you with my respect.


I may agree with you, but my point is that freedom should be SELF-constrained, not by rules or moderators or other members, as long as everybody already own the power to switch avatars off if they wants to.

@Chronus and Mahler: thanks for your help, mates. This topic is becoming larger than expected.

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But your fight not to let porno 'contaminate' this environment gets more under a personal light now (I wonder what circumstances made you leave that occupation out), and as a personal thing I'll leave it to you with my respect.


Porn is fun, but it doesn't pay much, contrary to popular opinion. I took a break from IT to do photo stuff when I was in a period of my life where I didn't need the cash. Once I needed the cash again, I got right back into IT.

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Guest overboosted

If your girlfriend/fiance/wife doesn't understand that a watch forum full of guys may have a provocative pic or two thrown in here and there, then she is naive. :ph34r:

If you fear getting in trouble at work for having someones suggestive sig on your screen, you probally shouldn't be on the internet looking at watch forums in the first place. duh

this argument is petty. I see no reason for porn here, true. This seems obvious. But it's nice to have some pics of lovely ladies here and there. Spruces thing up. I have been known to have some sexy women in my sigs. No I don't have women issues. Have had plenty in my days (women, not issues), and am now happily married. I just enjoy the female form at its finest.

I CANNOT be offended by any internet forum/site/etc. And anybody that can, needs to get a thicker skin, and realize its all just ones and zeros :1:

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Everything is money.

Looked around at everything it is money.

The porno is exploitation of other people's aspirations... it is exploitation of the sexual sphere... and it is exploitation of the same porno.

I have made part in past of a crew of cracking when we had decided to put our site has arrived a sponsor it was a porno site.

I am gone out of the group.

I have been disowned from those that I thought to be friends and I have been disowned for money.

All the ways of live that you know bring in the money.

But the porno is not similar to the art.

It hurts me a little that you loving the photo doesn't succeed in seeing how the pornography results a violence to the art of the photographer.

The pornographic photo is not the same thing of the photo of a nude.

The pornographic photo is the violence to an action.

it is to steal the deep meaning of that sexual act and as to steal the soul of a person.

A deprived civilization of meaning is a deprived civilization of qualcunque thing.

Also this forum if "really" all did what I want it would be ingestibile.

Without meaning we are all in an eternal tower of babele.

The pornography steals the meaning of the sexuality.

But repeats it's not a polemic... it's only a reasoning.

Edited by MAHLER
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This is the winner.


I personally never thought trying to legislate morality in this forum would be appropriate, but it is true that others like my wife have questioned what I was actually doing, and when I said looking at a watch forum, had ultimate disbelief in her reply. "What do nude women and watches have to do with one another?", she asked.

To the theme we should be true. This will satisfy all who defended their needs in this very long thread and gratify those who just want to look at the threads about reps without suspicion.

If it were up to me, I think the avatar should be of your favorite rep. I suck with a camera though. :(

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My wife was shocked when she looked over my shoulder and saw some of the avatars. She thought I was on a porn site. I explained to her about avatars and that some choose some that are not the best of taste. Turning them off would take away from the Forum experience. I think a gentle nudge to Admin that a certain one is obscene and then Admin should nudge the member to change it should be enough. A nude woman is not obscene but a sex act is. Puppypants avatar is right on the line and could go either way in my opinion. Clubbing seals is obscene. A topless women is not.

By the way watchgrl your 37? Wow more like 27


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I CANNOT be offended by any internet forum/site/etc. And anybody that can, needs to get a thicker skin, and realize its all just ones and zeros :1:

It's not about being offended.

Oh, and everyone stop assuming that everyone else is just like you. Just because there are people like me who don't object to porn doesn't mean nobody objects. I wonder if we've driven away a superb watchsmith because his religion frowns upon nudity, or if we've cost someone their job which was their only internet access, or if the next The Zigmeister/Palp/Ubi/Edge got told he couldn't visit any more as Mrs Nextzig cried when she saw him looking at 'porn'.

The ones you've already scared away will never come here to defend their absence.

Really, what value does a 128x128 animated porn gif add to a watch site?

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It hurts me a little that you loving the photo doesn't succeed in seeing how the pornography results a violence to the art of the photographer.

I think you don't understand the kind of porno I worked on: Single naked girl in front of a camera.

Also, you need to talk to the women before you start equating it with violence.

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I think you don't understand the kind of porno I worked on: Single naked girl in front of a camera.

Also, you need to talk to the women before you start equating it with violence.

for me it's violence to the meaning of the action... to the symbol of the action

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I can understand the problems with kids, but I have become quite adept at keeping what

is on screen away from my kids, be that violence or quirky avatars....

As for the wife,.. she suspects that this is a singles site, that uses watches as an ruse....

for married men to meet women...as she cannot understand how a guy would use a female avatar,..

nude or not...so she sees these women's faces as the people that I am in discussion with... :huh:

Therefore I have placed her on the same block out level as my kids.... whenever she comes

around,... I simply move the page up, down or put up another site, which I always have ready...

Do I find this a hassle ? Yes, but this is the web... so I see it as a part of the experience... -_-

Rules, we need to enforce with a bit of kid gloves... so,..Hate, Devisive topics..& Isms,..

I say agree Ban them.... however Sexuality, Nudity... since is 99% a male dominated past time,

I expect it... men will be men..but if the board should vote against it.. I won't miss it.. I am

here for watches.. and replicas in general.... ^_^

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Guest overboosted
or if we've cost someone their job which was their only internet access,

This is their own g**d*mn fault. If surfing the web at work is a risk of termination at work, and you don't want to get fired, don't do it. Seems like common sense.

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I dont have a problem with porn and either does my wife... But I do have small kids, and honestly dont see the point of the porn avitars.

I view this site "occasionally" from work, and while I wouldn't get in trouble if someone saw me browsing a forum, alot of people would frown on the porn, especially with our sue happy society and sexual harrasement lawsuits.

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Guest overboosted
As for the wife,.. she suspects that this is a singles site, that uses watches as an ruse....

for married men to meet women...as she cannot understand how a guy would use a female avatar,..

nude or not...so she sees these women's faces as the people that I am in discussion with... :huh:

If my wife acted this way I would be concerned, and probally would have never married her due to her obvious trust issues.

Reminds me of a friend that got seperated because his wife found Playboys in his drawer. I told him he is probally better off. My wife? She renews my subscription every year.

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Guest overboosted

How about new rule:

No NUDITY in avatars, sig and on the board except off topic area.

I think this would please everyone. We could even be democratic about it and vote using the poll system, seeing that this is not the Republic of Blade, but the Democracy of Rep Lovers.

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I’ve read almost all the posts to this topic and two things emerge. First, everyone has his or her opinion and it is unlikely that anyone will change this in response to another persons post. Second, this topic had the potential to get very nasty and emotional but generally didn’t. In spite of the nature of the topic and two sides to the debate, it is impressive how respectful and decent people have been. That is why I spend so much time here,,,,,,and get so little work done…

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