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Zinedine Zidane Shows how to End your football world cup Career ??

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C'est dommage pour Zizou... J'suis sure qu'il a été enervé. He will be remembered for that, and not for his incredible career. Anyhow, I, for one, will remember him for being one of the greatest players ever.


Case "Zidane" continues...

in italiano

from AGI

"Materazzi ha detto parole molto dure contro mia madre e mia sorella, piu' dure di qualunque gesto.

Non ho riflettuto e ho agito. Materazzi ha ripetuto piu' volte quelle parole che mi hanno toccato profondamente. Sono cose molto personali che non voglio ripetere". Cosi', in un'intervista a Canal Plus, Zinedine Zidane ha raccontato la sua versione dei fatti. Le offese che Materazzi gli avrebbe rivolto per spingerlo alla reazione. Fino a quel momento, non c'erano stati contenziosi, neanche con il difensore azzurro.

"Mi ha tirato per la maglia e io gli ho detto 'se vuoi dopo te la do'". Poi gli insulti e la reazione.

"Certo, non e' un gesto da fare. E' stato visto da miliardi di spettatori fra cui molti bambini, mi scuso con tutti, soprattutto con i bambini. Ma non sono pentito, non posso esserlo senno' direi che aveva ragione a dire quello che ha detto. Non lo posso dire", quelle offese non erano sopportabili. "Si guarda sempre alla reazione, si punisce la reazione ma non chi provoca. Senza provocazione non ci sarebbe la reazione". (AGI)

Ant 122018 LUG 06 .

from SUN

"Sempre più aperto il "caso Zidane". Materazzi avrebbe chiamato Zidane "Figlio di una puttana terrorista", cosa che avrebbe fatto saltare i nervi al giocatore francese di origine algerina; sia perchè la madre è gravemente ammalata, sia perchè, citando una fonte della federcalcio francese, "gli algerini sono molto sensibili alla questione del terrorismo.

In precedenza, nel contrasto avvenuto tra i due, Materazzi avrebbe strizzato uno dei capezzoli del francese. La lettura del labiale da parte di un esperto porterebbe a questa frase di Materazzi: "Come, non ti piace?", a cui Zidane avrebbe replicato ironicamente "Non riesci a eccitarmi". "L’ho fatto perchè so che a tua madre piace sempre" avrebbe rincarato l`italiano.

Materazzi si difende dalle accuse e nega ogni addebito, sostenendo di non conoscere nemmeno il significato della parola. L’organizzazione ‘SOS Razzismo’ ha chiesto alla Fifa di aprire un’inchiesta sull’accaduto."

in English

from AGI

"Materazzi has said very hard words against my mother and my sister, more hard of whatever gesture.

I have not thought and I have acted. Materazzi has repeated more turned those words that have touched me deeply. They are things a lot of personnels that I don't want to repeat.

Certainly not a gesture to be done and sees from million of spectators among which many children.

I apologize with everybody, above all with their children.

But I'm not back and not excuse with Materazzi ... he didn't have the right say those things.

You always looks at the reaction ... punishes the reaction but not who provokes.

Without provocation there would not be the reaction."

from SUN

"More and more opened the "case Zidane". Materazzi would have called Zidane "figlio di una puttana terrorista", thing that would have made to jump the nerves to the French player of origin Algerian.

Both because his mother has seriously gotten sick, both because, quoting a source of the French "federcalcio", "the Algerian are very sensitive to the matter of the terrorism".

In precedence, in the contrast happened among the two, Materazzi would have squeezed one of the nipples of French. The reading of the labial one from an expert would bring to this sentence of Materazzi: "As, don't you like it?", to which Zidane would ironically have replied "you don't succeed in exciting me." "I have done him because I know that your mother always likes it".

Materazzi defends him from the accusations and denies every debit sustaining not to even know the meaning of the word. The organization 'SOS Razzismo' has asked to the FIFA to open an investigation on what happened."

like i said...even tough it isn't and wasn't a proper reaction I am with zizou 100%..I think, for how much i follow the Italian Serie A, that MM is a unfair player...it is a player that makes fouls like a "butcher" and as we saw...it is a provocator...and all of us are humans made of flesh and blood...in the end it was a human reaction that some of us would do...there are no words to explain that reaction and ZZ isn't in any manner due to explanations...he did it...and as mach as I think it ends there...maybe if it wasn't such a difficult game, and if he wasn't so tierd and his brain was functioning in a ok manner he wouldn't do it...it was a moment of weakness and all of us had such situations in our lifes...

I don't fully agree: ZZ is one of the greatest football player ever. It's correct, no doubt, but this time he made a big mistake and there is no excuse for violence.

Materazzi is a unfair butcher you're completely right: often he hits deliberately opponents to hurt em (he's been very lucky not to hurt anybody...but it's just lucky).

Have a look here:

Case "Zidane" continues...

in English:

"Materazzi has said very hard words against my mother and my sister, more hard of whatever gesture...........

I have not thought and I have acted. Materazzi has repeated more turned those words that have touched me

But I'm not back and not excuse with Materazzi ... he didn't have the right say those things.............................

You always looks at the reaction ... punishes the reaction but not who provokes.

Without provocation there would not be the reaction."


Zidane and Mahler have something in common...


I propose to do this way:

Zidane insults Materazzi and Materazzi strikes Zidane.

They are equal and the matter is closed.


The FIFA has asked an official declaration of Materazzi for repeat "officially" the insults...

to me it seems a little ridiculous... we will see what the insults are "official"....

I read on the italian newspaper that the game can be annulled if insults are ethnic or religious but not if had private character.

The FIFA has asked an official declaration of Materazzi for repeat "officially" the insults...

to me it seems a little ridiculous... we will see what the insults are "official"....

I read on the italian newspaper that the game can be annulled if insults are ethnic or religious but not if had private character.

Hasn't this really gotten stupid. It's simple: Materazzi got into his head, and it was Zidane who lost it and took himself out of the game. If insults about your momma or sister causes one to do something stupid, then no American Football game would ever be completed. ZIDANE blew it for himself and his country. What a sad way to go out, for this(unfortunately) is what many will remember him by. Thumbs up for the Italians. They played well, with a little acting thrown in, but more power to them. The Italians should be proud for a job well done!


Looking at France-Spain was clear Zidane insulting some

spanish players with 'son of a b...', ZZ is not new to this

kind of things, now everyone can act like a skin-head in

a game, thx Zidane for this Confucio pills.




news from www.datasport.it :

"Marco Materazzi si presenterà "venerdì" alla Fifa per chiarire la sua posizione in merito

all`indagine del caso Zidane. Entrambi i giocatori sono stati posti sotto indagine

dalla federazione internazionale, che ha aperto un procedimento dopo l`intervista rilasciata

a Canal Plus dal capitano della Francia.

Nella finale dei Mondiali, Zinedine Zidane aveva rifilato una testata a Marco Materazzi a gioco fermo,

e nelle dichiarazioni di mercoledì sera ha sostenuto di aver semplicemente reagito ad una provocazione.

Il procedimento della Fifa avrebbe previsto dapprima l`elaborazione di una memoria da parte di Zidane,

come parte in causa, entro il 18 luglio, e poi un faccia a faccia tra i due giocatori davanti alla Commissione

Disciplinare il 20 luglio nella sede svizzera della Fifa, a Zurigo. A stretto giro di posta però, dopo l`annuncio

dell`apertura del fascicolo, Materazzi ha chiesto e ottenuto di poter comparire già nella giornata di venerdì

davanti alla Commissione per raccontare la sua verità. Non è quindi certo che il faccia a faccia si farà.

Secondo un portavoce della Fifa, l'eventuale sanzione della Commissione dipenderà da quali saranno i capi

d'accusa. A presiedere la Commissione sarà lo svizzero Marcel Mathier, che si baserà nel giudizio sul codice

disciplinare della federazione.

Cosa rischia quindi il giocatore italiano? Nel caso venga accertata una sua frase lesiva dell'onore il capitolo

del codice disciplinare che ne fa menzione prevede un minimo di due giornate di squalifica (e 3300 euro di

multa). Nel caso invece si tratti di frasi razziste, il minimo è di 5 giornate di stop e una sanzione di 6600


news from www.datasport.it

"Marco Materazzi will introduce to the FIFA "Friday" for clarify his position about the Zidane case.

Both the players have been set under investigation from the international federation, that has

opened a procedure after released of the interview to Canal Plus.

In the ending of the World cup, Zinedine Zidane had stricken to Mark Materazzi to stop game,

and in the declarations of Wednesday evening has sustained to simply have reacted to a provocation.

The procedure of the FIFA would have foreseen at first a memory from Zidane,

as it departs in cause, within July 18, and then a confrontation among the two players in front of the Committee Disciplinary on July 20 in the Swiss center of the FIFA, to Zurich.

By return of mail however, after the issue, Materazzi has asked and gotten to be able to appear

in the day of Friday in front of the Committee to tell. It's not therefore some that the confrontation will do him.

According to a spokesman of the FIFA, the possible sanction of the Committee will depend from what the heads will be of accusation. The Swiss president of Committee is Marcel Mathier.

What does risk the Italian player? In the case is verified one injurious sentence of his of the honor the chapter of the disciplinary code : a minimum of two days of disqualification and 3300 Euro.

In the case you deal with racist sentences instead : the minimum of 5 days of stop and a sanction of 6600


Posted (edited)
Hasn't this really gotten stupid. It's simple: Materazzi got into his head, and it was Zidane who lost it and took himself out of the game. If insults about your momma or sister causes one to do something stupid, then no American Football game would ever be completed.


In Real Sports, this is done all the time. In the NBA, subtle attempts to draw fouls is common, as is "trash talking" to incite a response which will be called as a Personal Foul.

So, basically, it is as if Materazzi said to zidane "Yo Mama so FAT, when she jump in the air she get STUCK," and zidane couldn't control himself. In my opinion, Materazzi was just playing the game. By virtue of his response, zidane has shown that he really isn't THAT much of a 'professional' after all.

Edited by bres3000

Italy is Worldchampion

gratulation :3a:

Zidane is the BEST PLAYER

gratulation :3a:

germany played the BEST Football on WM2006

gratulation :3a:


from www.ansa.it

Il 20 luglio dovrebbe essere pronta la sentenza per il caso Zidane-Materazzi: lo ha detto il portavoce della Fifa, John Schumacher. Dopo l'audizione avvenuta stamani di Marco Materazzi, il calendario della commissione disciplinare rimane invariato. Zidane ha tempo fino al 18 luglio per presentare una deposizione scritta e verra' sentito dalla commissione due giorni dopo. Sempre il 20 dovrebbero essere rese note le decisioni.

from www.ansa.it

On July 20 should be ready the sentence for the Zidane-Materazzi case: the spokesman John Schumacher of the FIFA has told. After the happened audition Marco Materazzi today, the calendar of the disciplinary errand is unchanged. Zidane has time up to July 18 to introduce a written deposition and will come felt later by the errand two days. Always 20 should be the decisions made known.

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