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Business Advice...


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As I'm re-launching my business, I want to go completely new, so I'm mulling over two potential names, both inspired by two of my favorite literary sources. Here're the options:

World Enterprises

Treadstone Art Consultancy

Which do folks think sounds better? Thanks in advance :)

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Guest carlsbadrolex

Im torn between the two as they both sound like names for CIA covers. But Treadstone Art Consultancy has me thinking way too much about the Bourne series of movies...

T, Id hate to say it... but can we have a couple more options?

Now of course, I am an opinionated ASS... so take my request with 1/2 of a grain of salt!


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Im torn between the two as they both sound like names for CIA covers. But Treadstone Art Consultancy has me thinking way too much about the Bourne series of movies...

T, Id hate to say it... but can we have a couple more options?

Now of course, I am an opinionated ASS... so take my request with 1/2 of a grain of salt!


Thanks for the feedback, T, it's much appreciated :) I have to admit, I didn't realize World Enterprises had that connection, I was just solely thinking of the company from The Man Who Fell To Earth (as that's kind of how I feel at times :lol: )

I have to admit, I hadn't really thought up any other options, so I'm all open to suggestions :)

That goes for everyone else too :lol: The more advice folks can give the better :)

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How about "Universal Exports"?


The url's already taken :(

Of the two ... Treadstone Art (without the 'consultancy').

That was one of my original ideas, so that could still be in the running :)

TeeJay's Kick Ass Art And Shit!

Because comic book type stuff is hot right now.


Could work... I might needs to draw a cartoonesque logo of myself as the front page though :D

Agreed. Treadstone Art is the best so far.

I might wind up sticking with that one then :)

No problem bro.

Iyts not easy to find a good name, i run my own biz so i now.

Indeed, so many things to consider... What does it say about your company, does it let people know what you do, all those things :lol: I originally wondered if Treadstone Art might have been too vague, but, if that's what people are feeling, maybe that's what I'll stick with :)

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Prestige Worldwide

That's an interesting one, thanks, I like it :)

I have obviously missed an earlier thread - what is the nature of your business / what do you do?

I'm a freelance art consultant. Basically, I 'draw stuff' for people ranging from wedding dress designs, to tattoo designs, to just about everything in between If it can be drawn or painted, I'll do it. I also offer my time purely as a consultant, where I only advise clients about projects, without actually producing any final work :)

Treadstone Art!!!

Besides, who didn't like the Bourne movies (might hurt if that next one flops, which I doubt).

It's starting to sound pretty unanimous :lol:

As for the next one... Have you read the Bourne Legacy? ;) Given how they've taken the series away from the novels (as early as Supremacy) Legacy wouldn't even work as a follow on to Ultimatum ;) Strangely, despite being a fan of Lustbader, I didn't think much of Legacy, as it read as if he'd only watched the Bourne Identity without reading any of the novels, as there was no reference or acknowledgement of Bourne's age, which, by that point, was mid fifties, yet he was flinging himself off a moving bike as if he was Matt Damon ;)

being that i'm the on the Broke Azz racing team, i'd call it for what it is :D

Sounds like a plan to me :)

I was waiting for that one.

I wasn't, but all suggestions are as welcome as the next :)

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That's an interesting one, thanks, I like it :)

It's starting to sound pretty unanimous :lol:

As for the next one... Have you read the Bourne Legacy? ;) Given how they've taken the series away from the novels (as early as Supremacy) Legacy wouldn't even work as a follow on to Ultimatum ;) Strangely, despite being a fan of Lustbader, I didn't think much of Legacy, as it read as if he'd only watched the Bourne Identity without reading any of the novels, as there was no reference or acknowledgement of Bourne's age, which, by that point, was mid fifties, yet he was flinging himself off a moving bike as if he was Matt Damon ;)

Sounds like a plan to me :)

I wasn't, but all suggestions are as welcome as the next :)

Don't let the brainteasers fool ya. I haven't read a novel since "Kiss the Girls" (It grossed me out).

Treadstone Art (Just thought I might say it again).

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Since you're a one man band why would you present youself as a business? Most great artists operate under their personal name or under an artist name. Presenting youself as a business takes out the image of a true artist and makes your work (and prices) negotiable. Hope you understand what I mean.

So my vote for a name: TEEJAY


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Don't let the brainteasers fool ya. I haven't read a novel since "Kiss the Girls" (It grossed me out).

Treadstone Art (Just thought I might say it again).

If you're a fan of the Original Ludlum Bourne series, I'd strongly advise against reading Lustbader's Bourne Legacy ;)

Since you're a one man band why would you present youself as a business? Most great artists operate under their personal name or under an artist name. Presenting youself as a business takes out the image of a true artist and makes your work (and prices) negotiable. Hope you understand what I mean.

So my vote for a name: TEEJAY


That's an interesting point which I hadn't actually considered. I think some of the reason I wanted to have a company name, rather than my own name, was that many 'personal business names' make me think of dodgy plumbers driving round in white vans :lol: (Not that I've anything against dodgy plumbers, or white vans :lol: )

I've had another thought:

10/10 Art Consultancy

(my date of birth)

ALthough I'm still leaning towards World Enterprises... I know, it's a totally vague-sounding name, but, at the end of the day, so is what I do. I've tried to not get pinned down to one particular field of work, so wanted a company name to reflect that. For example, "TeeJay's Tat-House" isn't going to get many hits from anyone looking for a wedding dress design ;)

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