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Beware Dealers... Another Customer Who Is Not Business Worthy..

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Efren Alcala was member 'efren803'...on TRC...which he joined on 25 June 2003.......he last posted on TRC on 23rd April 2005....297 post total...he bought from me on2/7/2004....one time only purchase....same address same details....!

I have his e-mail address...but I won't publish it here.....!

He's a long standing member...of TRC....he must feel aggrieved or threatened by some inaction or otherwise.

Remember Andrew to post his details in Dealer Area....so other dealers can see

Yes, I would agree - he may feel threatened. At his age, and in his line of work, I would have thought that he should have long ago learned that it is always est to resolve matters with anyone, in the most civilized manner possible. When things become uncivilized, bad things happen, and only the young and foolish foment unnecessary discord for nothing.

Perhaps he wll come to see things in a clearer light.

What details would you like to hav Neil?


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Glad to hear it Andrew; perhaps some worthwhile lessons were learned all round.



The lesson and exemplary behavior has been ...Andrew's and Andrew's alone.

Dealing with such dignity in this world is remarkable. Kudos Andy! :victory:



Glad this mess got cleaned up in the end :)

But I gotta say, running any business, (especially one which is based on counterfeit goods!) is gonna have its share of @ssholes - people who will cost you time, money, stress and could ruin your reputation and possibly even ruin your entire business .....

This exists in any commercial venture and is one of the prices you pay for being an entrepreneur ..... I do feel its kinda naive to think the general public, newbie or seasoned, will all be Angels .....

Of course the fact that such a big fuss was kicked up over this one guy shows that this little community of ours is as close to being Angelic as is humanly possible :D

If Trusty calculated the ratio of Great Customers / Crappy Customers ..... I wonder what the percentage of crappy customers would be ?? Whatever it is, it'll be a hell of a lot lower than most any other business that exists outside of this glorious community !! :D

What's my point ??

Well, all the buyers here are very generous with their praise for the sellers ..... I reckon the sellers here don't know how amazingly lucky they are to have such (mostly!) wonderful buyers !!


The amazing thing is how this community works: both for the dealer, and for the buyer. When ones reputation is at stake, everyone tends to act like gentlemen. The forum helps regulate this shadowy hobby.

The unfortunate thing about the internet is its anonimity: it allows people to act differently than they are, or as they should. People will say or do things that in real life would get them a punch in the nose. People will talk (type) to you in the most obnoxious manner, only because there are no repercussions to doing so.

With a forum like this, there are solutions to problem people. The gentleman in question was not thinking clearly- he figured I'm going to screw this guy in Asia, when I live in the USA. He forgot that he was in fact screwing HUNDREDS of people in his state who would be interested in coercing the gentleman into correct behavior. Luckily, it didn't come down to that.

Andrew, you are a good man--- I've got your back.

Posted (edited)

Glad you got this sorted Andrew.

I have to say Andrew is the best dealer I have found and even when it goes wrong he is always there to sort the problem out!

All noobs should use Andrew as it is a great experience all round!

Edited by Simo
The guy is a first class jerk no doubt about that and uncalled for....but can I say one thing as the devil's advocate

I will not mention any dealer names of course but the amount of "mistakes" (crooked dials, dirt in the case, wrong watch) is astonishing in my order history.

And the amount of time it takes to respond to an email order is usually about 5 min and a email letting the dealer know of a problem is certainly slower and getting something reshipped and sent back from china is a 3 week process.

All the major dealers here do a GREAT job of providing some really cool products but just checking the watches more carefully before shipping would be amazing.

But this dude is a jerk and andrew did an amazing job of trying to take care of him.

I have bought two watches that had a problem, one from Eddie, and one from Andrew. Your story does aply to Eddie, fast to answer purchase emails, but not so fast to answer problem emails. Andrew on the otherhand was nothing like that...he answerd all my emails promptly, and sorted out the problem promptly also....he is a great dealer!


I was not referring to anyone in particular but just my general experience.

I have bought two watches that had a problem, one from Eddie, and one from Andrew. Your story does aply to Eddie, fast to answer purchase emails, but not so fast to answer problem emails. Andrew on the otherhand was nothing like that...he answerd all my emails promptly, and sorted out the problem promptly also....he is a great dealer!

Hi Andrew,

I am really sorry to hear about the situation with Efren. I still can not uderstand his motives, since he himself sold reps in the past.

I commend you for your honestly and diverse ability to keep your cool thru this ordeal. You offered more than your part to settle this sitiuation which shows your integrity.

I respect you to the highest degree. Keep up doing exactly what you are doing!

Take Care Andrew.... :)

I was not referring to anyone in particular but just my general experience.

I just wanted to point out that, in my experience, your "devils advocate" response does not apply to how andrew opperates.

but it's awl'guud :group:



A true gentleman even in when someone is being a jerk. Glad to hear it's resolved and everything is well, but I'm sorry you had to deal with the situation in the first place.

Climb on.


Hi everybody....

I'm a new member here and I know Efren.... he is my uncle. I am Crazyhour at the other site. A respected member there PM'd me about this topic here that I was not aware about. Unfortunately, my uncle is not aware of all this and it's all my fault. I was the one who ordered the watch from Andrew using my uncle's Paypal account. He is assigned to a project overseas and don't even join the forum anymore the last couple of years probably. This all my fault and I feel really bad since his confidential info is all over and has tarnished his reputation. I hope there's a way to clean up this mess I created. I apologize to Andrew and to everyone here.


Andrew, I'm glad this has been resolved. Your a true gentleman in all our dealings. And from the above post, I can see that this wasn't the Efren we all knew.

What a mess Booster caused!

Hi everybody....

I'm a new member here and I know Efren.... he is my uncle. I am Crazyhour at the other site. A respected member there PM'd me about this topic here that I was not aware about. Unfortunately, my uncle is not aware of all this and it's all my fault. I was the one who ordered the watch from Andrew using my uncle's Paypal account. He is assigned to a project overseas and don't even join the forum anymore the last couple of years probably. This all my fault and I feel really bad since his confidential info is all over and has tarnished his reputation. I hope there's a way to clean up this mess I created. I apologize to Andrew and to everyone here.

Kudos at coming clean...too few people these days are willing to admit they made a mistake. I hope everything workes out ok in the end...

Hi everybody....

I'm a new member here and I know Efren.... he is my uncle. I am Crazyhour at the other site. A respected member there PM'd me about this topic here that I was not aware about. Unfortunately, my uncle is not aware of all this and it's all my fault. I was the one who ordered the watch from Andrew using my uncle's Paypal account. He is assigned to a project overseas and don't even join the forum anymore the last couple of years probably. This all my fault and I feel really bad since his confidential info is all over and has tarnished his reputation. I hope there's a way to clean up this mess I created. I apologize to Andrew and to everyone here.

wow. what a twist.



Whilst your actions in running off to Paypal are not condoned, thank you at least for having the balls to post and tell us the full story. Efren was a friend and worthwhile contributor to these fora, and I would like to think he was remembered as such.


Andrew- I have now deleted all the identifiable references in this thread ( I hope)



wow.....what a story... :Jumpy:

Hi everybody....

I'm a new member here and I know Efren.... he is my uncle. I am Crazyhour at the other site. A respected member there PM'd me about this topic here that I was not aware about. Unfortunately, my uncle is not aware of all this and it's all my fault. I was the one who ordered the watch from Andrew using my uncle's Paypal account. He is assigned to a project overseas and don't even join the forum anymore the last couple of years probably. This all my fault and I feel really bad since his confidential info is all over and has tarnished his reputation. I hope there's a way to clean up this mess I created. I apologize to Andrew and to everyone here.


Whilst your actions in running off to Paypal are not condoned, thank you at least for having the balls to post and tell us the full story. Efren was a friend and worthwhile contributor to these fora, and I would like to think he was remembered as such.


Andrew- I have now deleted all the identifiable references in this thread ( I hope)


Thanks, Offshore. It was idiotic what I did......against a dealer who obviously is well-loved here..... and more so that I destroyed my uncle's reputation in the process.

Again..... to Andrew and to all of you..... Mia Culpa. :black_eye:


Actually I have a complaint - I got my tracking number from Andrew last night - checked it and bugger me it showed as ready for delivery - today. I have to complain that this is far too quick a service - I've a good mind to send them back!!!

Glad to hear it's all sorted. I have had a couple of tough lessons myself recently - sometimes swallowing one's pride is necessary for the status quo.


@ booster

Are you going to, or have you already told your uncle about what happened? You nearly caused him some serious grief.

Apologies are fine, but do you care to explain your behavior? Does it matter to you what Andy had to go through?

Guest sub4me

I can't believe this crap, it obvious to anyone that Andrew has bended over backwards for this guy right to the end even offering him a free watch after what he did to his PP account.

Andrew I wish you the best for self and for your site, TrustyTime is a great source and Andrew is so peasent to deal with. Hope all is well now that this is resolved.

Best to you Andrew

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