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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2014 in all areas

  1. Cats, I don't know what to say. I work as resident doctor and I see sick people all the time, but, when it's one of the good ones such as yourself, it's impossible to prevent heartache. I remember reading your posts when I started this forum when I was a new medical student and always enjoyed your wisdom not in watches but in your good nature, positive attitude, approach to life. This may be just a watch forum, but, to me and others, its a people forum. People such as yourself have made this a community, its not just about watches, I come here to say hi to our fellow members around the world with a common interest. I can admit over the last few years the most joy I have in my crazy life as a new physician is from watches, learning about them, and more importantly the people I meet along the way. People such as yourself is how I survive a horrible day and need to make it through to the next. Great members such as yourself are never lost, as you continue on in those you have touched. Cheers to you mate, I imagine us sitting around, bs'ing, and making a toast in your honor of a good life.
    3 points
  2. Read. More than you have. The answers are all out there, and the vintage Daytona is not an easy project. For that matter, building any watch requires a lot of research. Too many new members want to skip this part, and get into trouble by going down the wrong path for themselves because they don't know what they are really trying to do. The long-standing members of the site do not tell new members to read, or search, because we are being watch snobs or just like being hard on "Noobs". It's done because we want you to learn and know what you are getting yourself into. We could point you at countless threads where someone bought a part and didn't realize it wouldn't work with the other parts they had, or it forced them to go down a path with a build they didn't want to travel (like spending way more than necessary). It's nearly impossible to give any kind of relevant advice on any build without knowing answers to a lot of questions that you will need to figure out on your own. For example, what is your budget? Do you want to build one yourself from parts, or want one pre-built? What flaws are acceptable to you (there is no such thing as a 1:1 perfect rep of any kind, especially a vintage Daytona)? You need to familiarize yourself with the model and the available options, decide which direction you want to go, and then ask for help if there are things you still don't understand or are confused about. Just to give you a little insight as to why this is important, let's look at your dial question. The best aftermarket Paul Newman dial is IMO the ingod44 dial for a v72 movement. So, if you want that dial, here are the challenges you will face. 1) Even though his site is still functional, ingod44 has seemed to have disappeared, so you likely can only get one in a M2M sale (if you are lucky). 2) You'll now have two build choices. Either build a v72 based watch (very expensive), or you can buy an ST-19 (aka Venus) based Daytona (the cartel Daytona), and mod the non working 6 o'clock subdial hand to fit the ingod44 v72 dial properly (there's a very informative thread about doing this already posted). So, for that dial (assuming you can even find one) your two choices are spend a lot of money, or have a watch that still isn't perfect even if it does have the best available dial. Have no idea if either is an acceptable option for you. Or, you could go a completely different direction if neither of those options sounds appealing. And that's why you need to do your own research, figure out what options are out there, and what path you want to go down. Members have written many posts about the builds they have done, why they chose to do it the way they did, and have posted pictures of the end results. You need to look at them and make your own decision about what's important to you.
    2 points
  3. Very Nice Nanuq and fitting as well
    2 points
  4. That stache should have been included. Haha
    1 point
  5. There are literally hundres of vintage Daytona threads. Best advice we can give you is to start reading. You'll be able to tell what direction you want to go after you get familiar with the options. For example, start here ... it's only a few posts below yours. http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/174385-best-6263-rep-currently-available/
    1 point
  6. Hi and welcome. A little bit unfortunate situation on Your first buy. The dealer only goes shopping from his sources when the money is in, so it happens. Your options are to ask for a refund, pay the $60 more or choose another watch in the price category the first one was. It´s not guaranteed the swiss movement is better, I normally buy Asian, Asian movements are new, the swiss ones are refurbished or dirty or are Asian ones anyway. I would take a quick look at Torobravos offerings pricewise for the Noob Lmpo or Crpo (and maybe shoot a mail asking if it´s available), than go from there. Don´t go into arguing with the TD, either pay the supplement or ask for the refund and buy with him next time something else. Good luck in sorting this out.
    1 point
  7. I think that must have been a typo in their article, there's no way that it has a 45 year power reserve haha.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Still the Explorer and Abyss 42
    1 point
  10. Sorry to hear that Mickey. I hope the chemo works quickly and she doesn't need too many sessions.
    1 point
  11. A little red, white and blue for this Veteran's Day!
    1 point
  12. High quality aftmkt 50th anniversary dials and 'chestnut brown ceramic' bezels might be available for late model steel Daytonas but I have never seen them for sale. If you bought new genuine parts (assuming they would sell them...but they will NOT), the dial and bezel would probably cost more than a new steel Daytona including tax and a hooker (with good skin and teeth) for the weekend. Many people know a guy who can afford stuff like this but he is able to buy stuff like this today because he never bought stuff like this in the past.
    1 point
  13. A method I've used, is a 'tap test', with the edge of the fingernail on the crystal. Sapphire 'tinks', mineral 'thunks'
    1 point
  14. Thanks Chief for the update. Along the same lines, I ran across another supplier on ebay this morning: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=tab%3DWatching Jewelryoutlet2005- at first I thought it was the same as the guy down on Sugar Land- Faisal Ali- and his two companies- wholesaleoutlet and jewelryoutlet555, but it appears to me to be a different seller. I was wondering if anyone had tried one of these 295C crystals yet- it looks like he has the groove in the center of the crystal, wonder what the date mag is like.
    1 point
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