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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2015 in all areas

  1. That picture was clearly photoshopped. Here's the original:
    4 points
  2. I never wear them to bed, it's too much trouble getting the whipped cream out of the end links. Wait.... did I say that out loud?
    4 points
  3. Guys, we are wasting our breath and time answering this idiot. no matter what anyone says, he has some smart ass retort. I feel sure that I have way more genuine watches in my watch boxes than this fool has or ever will have. I probably have more good quality homage watches than he has or ever will have, and AFA replicas, counterfeits, fakes, whatever you chose to call them, I have a bunch, I wear them everywhere, and I'm certainly not trying to be anyone that I'm not. I'm pretty damn comfortable in my own skin, I'm successful and I don't really care what some internet troll thinks. The way I really feel about people like you, you are a waste to the human race, obviously someone who has sidled through life making nary a contribution and now sitting at home bored to tears, not enough money to get out and really enjoy life, and because you are a miserable fragment of protoplasm, you are only happy when you are trying your feeble best to make everyone else miserable as well. Well good luck, troll on. I'm sure you get some perverse pleasure from "calling out" all of us poor fake people and since this is probably the only entertainment you can afford, rave on. I believe that in your peas size brain you have cast this concept that everyone who wears these horrid fake watches is some poor miserable soul, no money, driving a rusted out ten year old Honda Civic and wearing a fake Rolex Submariner or some pimply faced kid working as a delivery driver for Domino's and sporting a counterfeit AP ROO LeBron James!! Well sir, I hate to burst your bubble, but your misconceptions are as far from factual as they could possibly be. Most of the folks that I know here who are regular contributors to this forum are successful people who have a very comfortable lifestyle, and can afford the fake watches they sport in their genuine form., and not just one, but a watch box full of them. So, if you want to spend the rest of your life here making derisive remarks about the fake watches and fake people who frequent this and other rep forums, feel free. I do believe that very soon one of two things will happen, either the rest of us will tire of your stupid inane remarks and let your threads die, which is what threads do when people refuse to post in them, or the mods will tire of your abusive rhetoric and send you on your way along with a note to the other forum's mods that should you happen by, don't waste time, ban you straightaway and be done with another "useful idiot"
    2 points
  4. Trolls on a knitting forum! I can just see it now.... "You're using worsted wool, but with aluminum knitting needles! Fake fakey faker!!!"
    2 points
  5. Whatever it is you think about us, you obviously are seriously intrigued about it. Fact is, you will never get us. [emoji12] we are far too complicated for your understanding. Somebody ban this fool. Life's a [censored], then you marry one!
    2 points
  6. Congrats to the Buckeyes, (although I was rooting for the Ducks). Well deserved.
    2 points
  7. Guys, I just went over to the member trade reviews section to leave positive feedback on a sale. I noticed that the previous entry was a purchase I made back in October!! Now I know that there have been lots and lots of M2M sales since then, but not one review. We need to utilize this section both for positive deals as well as some that aren't so good. It helps new members contemplating their first M2M purchase to be able to see feedback on the seller. Also it's helpful when members of other forums see a watch,strap or parts that they want to buy and can then read the feedback on the seller. Even though you may be a member here with great creds, and lots of sales, if there is no record, guys from other forums have no way of knowing if you are a solid seller, or someone a bit on the shady side. So for the good of the forum, take a moment and leave a review.
    2 points
  8. NEVER!!! If the Aliens or Government take me in the night, they aren't getting my watch!!
    2 points
  9. No, wait... this one's for kingfrog! Ooooops
    1 point
  10. Sorry son, but I for one, am glad you never were successful in breeding. You are the tike kicking sand on the beach of life. No one around here rationalizes that fake watches are better than real around here, it's simply you who can't be anything without a label. My daily beater is a $300, 7 year old Invicta. I don't own a single replica at the moment, and haven't for at least 6 years. I have owned plenty of unique vintage time pieces, most of which you'd never comprehend, all rather unique, and all rebuilt and serviced by me, before I started having health issues. No one thinks much of most "ugly," too small, old watches in the consumer society of which you need to prove your worth, they are generally dismissed with "if it's old, they must not be able to afford a new one." My 100 year old, original tropic cased Mimo fits that bill just perfectly. It's case construction is Rolex, the movement is Gerard Perregaux, and produced by Mimo, an international producer of watches in precious metals, which later bought GP outright. It's old, it's "ugly", it's rare as hen's teeth, and a twin cousin to the upstart RWCs first waterproof, tropic watch. 99.9% of people have never heard of Mimo, know the history, or will recognize that the small, ugly, old watch on my wrist is the great uncle (with the real money) of that bloated wanna be one of the big kids, entry level poseur watch on your wrist.
    1 point
  11. Definitively. Asian eta based watches, simply time / date ones with steel cases shouldn't be at all paid more than 300$. Simple watches like the latest Tudor Ranger Heritage (time only, no bezel etc) at 320+$ is a robbery... I'm in. But I don't know how to do
    1 point
  12. Beachcomber and Flyr, those were good posts. As hoped, he has hoist himself on his own petard. Thanks for the terminology, Miss Naughty. I wanted to leave Kermie active here for awhile so he could expose the fraud that he is, and it happened ... as expected. But enough is enough, it's one thing to insult us as a group of horrible fake fakey fakers, but when he selects members for personal attacks then he's crossed a line. He'll never take the initiative to find out why we have a Diamond Members area, he'll never look at our history and see how we rally around our members that fall on hard times, he'll never recognize that beauty is only skin deep, and he'll remain obsessed with superficial appearances, ignoring the underlying content. Oddly, he is immersed the very thing of which he accuses our good members, appearance over substance. And he will never take the time to recognize that such substance exists here. And so... it's time for a ban. For now, I've set him so he requires Moderator approval before every new post. So he can watch and fume, but he's not as yet banned. Now let's have some fun with it, eh? I PM'd the boss already, but I'm thinking a quick raffle might be fun. MOAB, are you up for it? How about a Ban-The-Kermie raffle? The winner gets Admin privilege just long enough to do the deed while we watch and hoist our glasses of good cheer. Your thoughts lads?
    1 point
  13. That's why you often see 3135 movement's for sale on eBay and elsewhere for $2,000.... where'd the other $8,000 to $10,000 go?????
    1 point
  14. As far as discussions over here go... I remember a time when an in depth discussion about certain topics over here would usually be rapidly followed by "authoritative" articles on the "bright side" on the very same models, or subjects with nearly similar talking points. I remember a couple such discussions in particular when the new models had been out for a little while with the 'new and improved', tacky as hell, engraved crystal f-l-a-n-g-e was the focus... The Gen guys were all about "why are the retarded fake guys making up words like réhaut? And around the same time where Zig was doing a service on a special, rare old milgauss, doing the slow reveal and 'does anyone know' trivia thing with the pics where he eventually concluded that I was the only one who had ever seen a vintage milgauss because of the details I knew (me having the advantage of actually owning one before) and it wasn't but a few weeks that focus shifted from the green crystal and engraving on the new version, to articles about the original with all the details (previously almost lost to history through obscurity) we had been playfully discussing over here. The noobs around here always remind me of the gen side, flash over substance, gotta have the latest, etc... Just without the cash of the gen side. It is easy to make a target of them, but their approach to watches is all about style just like the majority of the 'real' owners. The more that they stick around here, the more they seem to learn, and mature. It's always a shame when some can't seem to see past the veneer which is simply a reflection of the rest of the world at large. * why is flan-ge censored?
    1 point
  15. Legend, about the "poor boy" surely I can't be considered in a different way, with my 25k/y. But surely I am not poor of spirit Simply, as the majority of the people, regardless my efforts and because of my history, temperament, environment, luck etc, I couldn't find my way into the higher classes. Nevertheless we try to live our lives the best we can, contantly trying to enlarge, if not our income, at least our knowledge:)
    1 point
  16. Absolutely. The the difference between this side and that side often comes down to the need to be seen as conspicuously consuming over there, over here we do more preservation work than Rolex ever did themselves. Who is a big fan of Rolex service policy? Oh, we can't service that 6541 unless we replace that irreplaceable dial, hand set and bezel with something new that doesn't really look right and ruins the collector value of your 57 year old watch we don't make parts for anymore.
    1 point
  17. just my watch ? heck i wear a proper tux when i'm in bed
    1 point
  18. My phantasmagorical Fanatic My Succulent Salmon attempts and fails to conceal a wicked evil streak. Perchance the phrase hoist on his own petard comes to mind? Wild exaggerations heaped upon untruths woven into dubious claims of distaste - entwined with a salacious desire to observe, accompanied by frenetic stamping of tiny feet and balling of tiny furious fists reveals an Napoleonic personality, certain to self immolate on the dung heap of an overinflated ego. Kingfrog nee Napoleon. Descartes postulated an overdeveloped self-confidence in the metaphysical solidity of the thinking ego is exposed as a psychological compensation for a lack of confidence in the reality of the "world". Perchance timepieces fit this reality? And now our Napoleonic mini-me lies exposed. I am confident my Succulent Salmon will not ban him, preferring instead the spectacle as his fondly named band of brothers unite in purpose to fan the flames of immolation. Weenie anyone? I brought the buns. Oh dear the Yanks and quant colloquialisms!
    1 point
  19. Ever wonder how Swiss rules allow for almost 100% of the parts to be manufactured in China, as long as the value of parts from Switzerland is higher? Who determines what the actual values are for that $280 base movement made in China that gets its balance and hairspring in Switzerland, then goes on to be "$5000 masterpiece" in a $10,000 watch? Or even a $500 movement in a $1500 watch? How about the amazing $50 movements in $150 watches? When the Chinese company that made the Swiss movement is selling finished movments out of China for the same price as the completed "Swiss" watch? And how can 600,000 watch parts all be counterfeit, if they haven't been assembled into watches with inappropriate marking yet? Especially when the patents covering the movements being copied ran out decades ago? How many of those boutique manufactures doing homage watches get their parts from the same stream as the rep makers? Heh. A lot of them are the same. Still having trouble quoting? Or are you just trying to hide links on the page to draw attention mischievously like a 5 year old whose been sat in the corner and isn't happy, but doesn't have a better way to express himself. You remain a worthless, flaccid [censored].
    1 point
  20. Good evening chaps and chapesses. I had been eagerly awaiting word from a modder as to how my watch was doing when the postman knocked at my door with a package that was too wide to fit through the letterbox. I instantly recognised the country of origins postage marks and my heart began to beat a little more urgently. I took the jiffy bag to my dining table and very slowly and calmly ripped it into a thousand pieces. Nicely cocooned in its own foam coffin was this: Specs: Whoopy dial re-lumed to a nice light ivory colour TC hands JMB caseset with bezel machined to take SK T21 domed plexi ETA 2824 movement Mary WI folded link bracelet Aussie rounded springbars WSO 580 endlinks Hope you like. I certainly do
    1 point
  21. Nice In Denmark our safe's In The banks are not insured at all they are at own risk since no one knows whats In Them accept The owner but never been a robbery In my time where they went after The private boxes guess its to hard But yeah its Nice Just Dont tell anybody about my ninja room or i Will have to kill you
    1 point
  22. I use a dremmel and mount the dial right on it with some rubber gaskets and then run it at slow speed and hold a file to the edge. Works really well. For motivational purposes (work by BigDazza, HR case, crown and dial):
    1 point
  23. Thought those were ICD-9 codes, but either way I was thinking along the same lines.
    1 point
  24. "The best things in Life are Absolutley Free" and that's a Smile and Laughs with Genuine Friends ! i dont care if my Friends have a Patek or a Casio on their wrist it doesnt matter, its the fact that your friends ! Have a great week everyone ! Daz
    1 point
  25. Personal rule. NEVER listen to kingfrog.
    1 point
  26. Normally i dont say Anything When people post this but i play your game to teach you that you have no idea who is on here Im not fake In Any way i Think some members here Would say im a Nice guy I dont love to brag about money Like you it seems I dont Care about your cars your paid loans or your boat i dont give a Living [censored] i respect a homeless guy as much as i respect you try it you Can come a long way I could buy Any watch i want a patek a rolex AP and so on I Got alot of gens more Then reps but i Like to improve play around with my watches and alot easier with reps i never Get Called out because i probably own more Then you ever Will as you might say i fit The Bill i own a Lamborghini and yeah paid of too Do i post pictures and saying how Big idiots our members are for wearing a fake watch no as legend Said a man i trust without even drinking a beer together yet but long overdue Its a community to discuss watches and everything between Do i Think people are stupid here no i value Them higher Then you troll or not have a pleasent stay here at rwg Dont talk about your money how good you made it and so on im a gentleman born and raised so i keep my mouth shut of what i Think of you Congrats on your retirement if you wanna measure balls i retire In a week alot younger Then you hope i changed your mind about what we Can be here If not i dont Care
    1 point
  27. Firstly Sorry A, apologies Freddy and Stephane Kingfrog or whatever you will call yourself next on your paid VN, your an asshole............there I said it Now fuck off back to the hole you crawled from, trolls really irritate me especially ones that blow their own trumpet......move along please!
    1 point
  28. Works for me, but you should always include at least 1 full frontal pic of the watch posed in normal orientation (ie, 12 at top of pic).
    1 point
  29. Honestly, I have to agree - to some degree, in the fight for trying to get something right on you can wind up with headache and heartache unless you engage those that are masters in the craft... I think probably the best vintage sub-homage I've seen, feel free to disagree, is the Steinhart Ocean One Vintage I will be buying one of these!
    1 point
  30. Wobble and play in the bezel but overall a great rep... I am waiting for the ZF version I bought too, but the bezel numeral intervals are wrong
    1 point
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