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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2015 in all areas

  1. I've always been a massive fan of the Vintage Explorer 1655 aNd recently wanted to add a bit of my own personality to my existing watch. So after a search regarding modded/altered versions over the years i came across Ken Takakura's watch. I guess it just goes to show that nothing ever suprises me when it comes to the world of Vintage sports Rolex. Added a nice saw edged 1675 bezel and a cousins insert, transforms the watch for me and adds a bit of weight in appearance. Ken certainly had a great eye as far as I'm concerned Cheers DH
    2 points
  2. Hi I'm new and I want to introduce myself. I'm from Spain and I'm sure I will be happy in this forum. I also want to apologize because my English is very poor. A greeting to all.
    1 point
  3. Gentlemen, there has been a tragedy; my good friend Legend and one of our most prominent members has lost his Mom, home and all his worldly possessions in a tragic fire . I have researched customs in Singapore and a monetary gift to help with funeral expenses is appropriate. Legend's generosity here is well known helping other members ,supporting RWG through our raffles and countless other ways, I think it is only fitting that we return in kind. So send what you can to PP mvmsr22@gmail.com , a little goes a long way there are many of us. In closing, I can not think of a person here more deserving of our support at this time , our prayers and heartfelt sorrow are with him.
    1 point
  4. They are more rare which is why not many have seen them or know of them. Kissing 40 always got the mk1 tag but they are just mk3's printed with worn pads, and dbane' insert is an mk2 that was printed with a worn pad. The order is also wrong because mk2's (long 5) came first and should be called mk1 It's confusing but the way it SHOULD have gone is that we call long 5's mk1 and we call the current mk3's mk2. Then if we happen to have a "kissing 40" version of one or the other we just add that to the mk designation.. So we should be calling dbane' insert an mk1 kissing 40 simple and correct Skinny 40 only from 63 had its own designation "Skinny 40" .... Doesn't really need an mk associated with it imo To be fair they had no clue back in 2012 Blind leading the blind
    1 point
  5. I have the same watch. I ordered my years ago from Andrew at trusty time. I usually get my spare parts from Angus at puretime. He'll help you out if you're a customer of his even if you didn't buy the watch from him. Also Toro might as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. As a collector of coins, I guess anything can be faked if there is enough profit in doing so. So you have to ask yourself, what does it take to make a passable fake FF insert? You'd had to create printing pads with the correct fonts and you have to construct them the same as the genuine FF inserts. (this can get costly taking into account the different iterations printing and pad wear that evident on gen FF inserts) So in order to make sense in terms of profit.. meaning if there was an operation faking them, they would need to flood the market to make a profit. Do you see a flood of Fat Font Inserts into the market? Nope. Actually it's the opposite, there is more demand than supply and it's been that way for the past 5 years or so. And the ones that are coming on the market are all different, in terms of age, patina, fade, wear, mk0, mk2, mk3 etc. No 2 inserts are rarely the same. You don't see for example 500 mint condition long 5 kissing 4 inserts hitting the market. The only known fake is the Yuki FF Insert and genuine fat font inserts have some "printing" tells vs Yuki. The silver font printing on gen FF inserts are printed on top of the black. On the Yuki, the silver printing is exposed metal. You can tell this by trying to fade the yuki with bleach, the silver fonts won't fade out as the black fades out.
    1 point
  7. thats the caligula of inserts with all that kissing going on
    1 point
  8. story of my life. I've ruined many thumbs and chipped many finger nails trying to install inserts into bezels. I just let my watchmaker do it.. he's a magician with watches... I had him do it so many times, he doesn't even charge me anymore.
    1 point
  9. What the hell did you feed that thing? That is the fattest Fat Font Insert I've ever laid eyes on. It's so fat, it puts other Fat Fonts to shame Well done sir It might add 20 pounds to the watch you install it on, so be careful
    1 point
  10. Might as well add to the vintage goodness...
    1 point
  11. 16750 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. just told: "This is quarz version"! What to do? Anyone? http://imageshack.com/a/img538/9092/0CBw6A.jpg
    1 point
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