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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2015 in all areas

  1. I just clicked "like" on your post to show you what it looks like. What do you, the "liker" get out of it? Nothing, other than the satisfaction of knowing that you just let the other person know that you appreciated their post. What does the "likee" get out of it? They get personal satisfaction knowing that other people like what they contributed. I dunno. I "like" being able to do it. [emoji1]
    4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Also if you go in your profile you can see your like count in the green box on right , that is others liking your content.
    2 points
  4. Out of curiosity, since I have never done this. What does clicking on like this do for me?
    2 points
  5. Sent from my droptop using telepathy
    2 points
  6. nothing like the sun hitting this dial
    2 points
  7. Maybe this should be in the off topic area, but I am having trouble giving people a positive "thumbs up" or "like" for their posts when I am on my computer. When I am on my computer I am limited to 3 per day. That seems really odd, considering all I want to do is give a thumbs up for a great post or gorgeous pic. When I am on Tapatalk, however, the sky is the limit. I can "click away" and go hog wild with the thumbs ups and likes, like a sailor on shore leave in Amsterdam. Is there a setting I need to adjust?
    1 point
  8. Danza, this is a nice 14270 build. Regarding the dial centering. You almost got it well centred. At the moment I see it being slightly to the left. I recently had such an issue on a build. It does not depend on the mid case itself, but on those two elements: 1. The dial centred to the movement. 2. The movement spacer ring. If No.1 is done then No.2 is the issue. In general almost all stock movement rings have a slight tolerance. You can try to unscrew the movement tabs so you can move slightly and centre.I suggest you jam some thick paper stripe sort of in the gap that is left between the movement ring and mid case, when you start moving the movement with dial and movement ring. Then screw tightly the tabs, check if the dial is centred, remove the paper stripe, close the case, done. Should there be no more tolerance to the right, then you would have to slightly sand the movement ring to allow to move as desired. Repeat the above procedure with the paper stripe helper and you are good to go. Best practice is to custom fit a movement ring. Good luck!
    1 point
  9. By the way looks like a great vacation mate , one of these days...................
    1 point
  10. Noooooooooooooo, no reps in an a AD, big no no cavi. No problem you are new and active you will learn the ropes, off to a good start. The key to learning the rep world is time reading and research. I laid low for first 6 months or so, just talking/posting ( had a good time) never voicing much in way of opinions though till I was sure of what the heck I was talking about. Even then I was guarded and very tactful of being offense, well you can see where I am today.
    1 point
  11. He he, I just liked yours! Seriously, though, is that weird that I get different results whether I'm on a computer vs Tapatalk? Cool. I'll check out the profile. I like letting people know when they have good things to say.
    1 point
  12. BTW, these are the adapters I bought and they fit! http://www.ebay.com/itm/181767792378 Dave...
    1 point
  13. Continuing the IWC theme as this just arrived for me :-) AJ
    1 point
  14. This watch deserves two pictures - one for the wristshot, another separate one for the strap
    1 point
  15. how does an apple watch owner know its after noon? their watch battery's dead. i like the strap, i just ordered a very similar looking one from ebay for a tudor black bay. mine may have been lost in the mail. its been over 30 days without delivery
    1 point
  16. Outstanding trip, love the pics. Thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  17. The ST case is a gen case replacement, so all gen parts should fit. Matt built my 16613 with a ST case, gen dial, crown/ tube and Crystal along with an 18k aftermarket bezel and gen insert. I believe that everything fit with no problems. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Siri: "Urgle blurgle glarg cough cough"
    1 point
  19. That makes more sense. Maybe a bad batch. Let me look when I get home and see if I have any extra sets from an old batch that I have already tested on a watch. If I do, I will send them to you.
    1 point
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