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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2015 in all areas

  1. I thinned the fonts down and think it looks much better and also got some powdered dye to tint my lume so will post up attempt two tomorrow.
    2 points
  2. Gentlemen, thank you for keeping up the quality environment we enjoy here. It's because of good people like you.
    2 points
  3. They are very good. You would need to use a diamond tester to tell that they are CZ's Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. Here it is ----> http://www.hontwatch.ru/omega-vintage-seamaster-300-rnavy-ssnt-blk-a2836-p-6938.html Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Usually the best for women are quartz watches, because of the simple reason that they never fail and they have a perfect timekeeping. You cannot explain the functions and maintainance of a mechanical watch to a woman.. There are a plenty of good looking ones from ceramic Chanels, to rg and ss AP´s
    1 point
  6. Others call us a knitting club, I prefer to think of us as the mature adults. Seriously we have a forum based around a shared hobby, most of the members of this board actually welcome new guys because they come with new ideas. Really not interested in the whole Internet tough guy stuff. Ken
    1 point
  7. I'm not here much, but I'll pop in once a day or so to see what's happening. My home forum (where I post more often) is RWG.bz - this is probably one of the forums many of you are referring to when noting a lack of civility toward newer members. It's the wild west over there. We have a few rather notorious members who make a living disparaging other people. For some reason, the staff don't seem to mind - perhaps because they're entertained, or the members in question benefit from longevity, or whatever (our staff are a cooky tribe) - but on at least a semi-regular basis, someone's getting ripped somewhere. At times, and with the benefit of experience, I will find myself furrowing with weariness at yet another noob question that would take them three seconds to solve on their own if only the search button was employed. But I s'pose we were all there once. However, for each one of those idiots, there are 10 more people just as kind. I make a mental note of people I have no desire to interact with, and simply ignore everything they say. I've found that with every one of those people, there is a driving desire to be noticed. These attention-whores are weak flames needing oxygen (attention) to survive. Without it they flicker out. I wish more people adopted my attitude, because I think these muppets would just go away. But inevitably someone fires back, my neck gets sore watching the volley of insults, and the whole progression is reinforced. On the whole though, in my experience, the ratio of kindness to douchebaggery leans toward the former. I possess zero animosity toward anyone on the fora - this is fun, not life. The only response the members in question tend to provoke in me is indifference. I will say that as a relative "outsider" here, I can confirm that you lot are quite genteel and immediately friendly. It's that "immediate" part you don't see as often on other forums. Cheers gents
    1 point
  8. The keyboard tends to make some people 10 feet tall in addition to the herd mentality that this is the proper way to conduct ones self. I and other senior members here would have a few words for a guy who started that here, herd mentality in reverse: being a gentlemen is the way on RWGcc.
    1 point
  9. Awesome! playing around with an old screw on macro lens (my camera has a non removable lens) not bad! And cropped...
    1 point
  10. 1 point
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