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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2015 in all areas

  1. The keyboard tends to make some people 10 feet tall in addition to the herd mentality that this is the proper way to conduct ones self. I and other senior members here would have a few words for a guy who started that here, herd mentality in reverse: being a gentlemen is the way on RWGcc.
    2 points
  2. So, since I feel that this forum might be a place for me to reside, I felt that I should take the time to introduce myself... How does one start? What makes up a person? Age? Line of work? Interests? Don't think so. I'll start by saying that life could have gone very bad for me, but somehow I overcame. As a young adult I was struck by the disease that Queen described the best in "I Want It All". I wanted everything. I was the center of the world. Everything that stood in my way was a challange that I should conquer, just because that might lead to happiness. From the outside I guess that I was successful. But on the inside I felt empty. I had a high paid job in mechanical engineering. I had all the "stuff". I had the looks and the chicks. Yeah, I know... Either you loved me or you hated me, but I guess I was a douchebag. Then I got really sick and almost died. Long story. It was an awakening. Not in the spiritual/religious way. But I decided to try to be a better person. I understood that the only thing we leave behind is eventually helping ones peers to realise their full potential. I wanted to be a good future husband, father, man. I redid my education and before finishing my M.D. I also met the love of my life. I am now a must humble person. I know that people that try to describe themselves as humble, or feeling the need to convince their peers of that fact tend to be the opposite. I've learned the difference between doing something because you love it or doing it because of fear of the opposite. So what do I love? My wife is my family and she is always no. 1. Thereafter we have work and working out. I try to find a good balance between the two. Physical and psychical challanges are of great importance. And last we have the hobbies. As time is scarce I could sum it up to, Hi-fi (mostly headphone amplifiers and modded headphones, that's where my DIY-interest started); Cigars (although I've reduced my collection of cigars from >1000 to a handful of boxes); Cars; and last but not least small gadgets, e.g. watches. My watch interest started with an Omega Constellation (gen). I received it as a gift from loved ones. Since I wanted something more sportier I purchased a lousy 21J Daytona in full Rose Gold (hahaha...). Then we had a burglary and a lot of stuff, headphone-related and all jewelry disappeared. This was 2 years ago. I got [censored] and decided to never purchase anything that expensive again. Shortly after I purchased a UN Maxi Diver. Feeling that it was a bit bulky last summer I bought a Sub-C Hulk, that actually arrived DOA and Micky repaired. Then little by little the interest (mainly Oyster-Rolexes) evolved. Now suddenly I find myself in the process of building a Tempus Machina rep, and I love it. I hope to receive and to give to this forum. VIP felt like something quite important since I was so well received here. No hostility, but patience friendliness. My kind of place. So that's me... Questions? Cheers from Sweden, holo
    1 point
  3. Good to know Jean Baptiste. I will tell Ryan not to replace it Are you trying to scam again or did your wife press the PP dispute button again? Karma for scamming Toro I'd say. See this is the only forum you haven't been banned from yet http://www.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/230910-Welcome-to-The-Brig-themannier?highlight=mannier
    1 point
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Nice watch! Bought where? JF or Noob? Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-P600 met Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. Yeah you might say people are getting too insulated in their little electronic worlds and forgetting what it's like to lean over the back fence and just talk to someone. There's an art to interpersonal relationships and it takes effort to stay good at them. Unfortunately the siren song of the newest iToy sings a little louder.
    1 point
  7. The flame-outs happen everywhere now. It's disappointing and a sign of society crumbling a bit further as respect, pleasantries and understanding/reason go by the wayside. I'm not a "doom and gloom" kind of guy, but the crap I see out there is very disheartening. Combine that with pseudo-celebrity worship, poor education over-all, and opinion represented as fact on the nightly news and we'll all be lucky to be alive in 50 years at this pace of mass-retardation.
    1 point
  8. Gentlemen, thank you for keeping up the quality environment we enjoy here. It's because of good people like you.
    1 point
  9. I agree with Mike, While we all try to be civil and as helping as possible, we really don't have time for folks who are mean, vindictive and just down right assholes. I would expect that trhe majority of people who act like that are more than likely suffering from low self esteem, beaten down at work at play and at home. Their only outlet is the anonymity of the internet. These people can be as mean and nasty as they want to be, because they have no fear of having their front door kicked down and some guy storming in and beating them to the inch of their lives. The internet allows cowards to be big and brave and mean, but in the end, they are just small people in a big people world. absolutely no use for these folks here are anywhere else for that matter.
    1 point
  10. I have received this today.
    1 point
  11. The myota in my nautilus is louder than my Miata. Sent from my Guide using the Sub-Etha Net.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I will just add that David is a friend who I have not only known for over 10 years online but also have personally met on a number of occasions and whilst I do not want to take part in any inter-forum slanging match I can state quite clearly that the people trying to deride him are way off the mark. Ken
    1 point
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