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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2015 in all areas

  1. Hamilton 917 Luminor build Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  2. PAM 240, not the best PAM, wrong inner edges on the CG and shallow engravings on the case back, but one of my favorite watches nevertheless. The tobacco dial fits the titanium beautifully. A genuine gator strap is a necessary upgrade.
    1 point
  3. Ok she is on the wrist for a couple of hours now. Little background information. I am mainly a four and five digit guy and I have tried to love the modern Rolexes but always seem to go back to vintage. First impression: Awesome wrist presence. I was able to get bracelet sized just right. Not quite ready to try and mess with the spring bars to try the fabric strap yet and not sure that will work for me anyways as it will make it sit a touch higher. I have ordered a nice strap from B&S for it. In direct sunlight the dial gives off some cool vintage looking grey tones. After wearing my 1675 in to work today, the BBB is huge by comparison. Not in a bad way but just much beefier. So far it really is better than expected. Has the modern ruggedness and durability but with some vintage flair and notes. The touch of black on the crown tube is a nice addition. Dial is really good, be nice if it was the old school relief gilt but it definitely looks the part. Just does not offer the same effect in sunlight that a real gilt dial does. The lume is truly awesome. After just a few minutes outside she really glows. All and all very happy so far. This may turn out to be a very good relationship at much less cost and risk of wearing a collectable vintage piece. Hopefully this quenches my thirst for another vintage gilt sub. I know my wife would be much happier with this one...LOL
    1 point
  4. Yep. Watch just came in today. Cg's look promising, from the front at least. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Don't speak to soon my friend there are many others!
    1 point
  6. Quality is just amazing. Just some quick unaltered photos:
    1 point
  7. Yeah you might say people are getting too insulated in their little electronic worlds and forgetting what it's like to lean over the back fence and just talk to someone. There's an art to interpersonal relationships and it takes effort to stay good at them. Unfortunately the siren song of the newest iToy sings a little louder.
    1 point
  8. The flame-outs happen everywhere now. It's disappointing and a sign of society crumbling a bit further as respect, pleasantries and understanding/reason go by the wayside. I'm not a "doom and gloom" kind of guy, but the crap I see out there is very disheartening. Combine that with pseudo-celebrity worship, poor education over-all, and opinion represented as fact on the nightly news and we'll all be lucky to be alive in 50 years at this pace of mass-retardation.
    1 point
  9. I'm not here much, but I'll pop in once a day or so to see what's happening. My home forum (where I post more often) is RWG.bz - this is probably one of the forums many of you are referring to when noting a lack of civility toward newer members. It's the wild west over there. We have a few rather notorious members who make a living disparaging other people. For some reason, the staff don't seem to mind - perhaps because they're entertained, or the members in question benefit from longevity, or whatever (our staff are a cooky tribe) - but on at least a semi-regular basis, someone's getting ripped somewhere. At times, and with the benefit of experience, I will find myself furrowing with weariness at yet another noob question that would take them three seconds to solve on their own if only the search button was employed. But I s'pose we were all there once. However, for each one of those idiots, there are 10 more people just as kind. I make a mental note of people I have no desire to interact with, and simply ignore everything they say. I've found that with every one of those people, there is a driving desire to be noticed. These attention-whores are weak flames needing oxygen (attention) to survive. Without it they flicker out. I wish more people adopted my attitude, because I think these muppets would just go away. But inevitably someone fires back, my neck gets sore watching the volley of insults, and the whole progression is reinforced. On the whole though, in my experience, the ratio of kindness to douchebaggery leans toward the former. I possess zero animosity toward anyone on the fora - this is fun, not life. The only response the members in question tend to provoke in me is indifference. I will say that as a relative "outsider" here, I can confirm that you lot are quite genteel and immediately friendly. It's that "immediate" part you don't see as often on other forums. Cheers gents
    1 point
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