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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2016 in all areas

  1. Panda in the shadows Message crafted while riding a leathery juvenile T-Rex and charging toward the horizon.
    1 point
  2. Sweet thanks! I bought some. Epoxy 330 that is... Also got a cheap set of oilers as per@ezed1 's suggestion. Now I just have to find a dead ETA 2824 to dedicate as my dial feet gluing station. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.
    1 point
  3. "Who knows how long or high the prices will go?" My guess is until the next world wide depression or when most of the 'Baby Boomer' age people die out. Depression causes prices to drop because buyers are low on $$ or decide to wait until prices get very low compared to pre recession prices. Baby Boomers want what they had when they were young or what they wanted and could not afford when they were young...thereby making vintage cars, motorcycles, watches, classic furniture etc today's Hot Items. Something else that might have an effect on the vintage rolex market is 'pollution'. Pollution = when many of the vintage Hot Dog rolex watches are 'polluted' with replica parts...but only if the parts can be detected in a percentage large enough to upset the market. If these parts are good enough to pass inspection, they will just be added to the mix of 'nos' or 'like new' parts. I would say a fair amount of 'high class' pollution is already taking place, most of it undetected. One more example: http://www.network54.com/Forum/207593/thread/1459791914/last-1459797356/View+All Meanwhile I am holding on to a '57 Hamilton Electric Van Horn, waiting for it to 'Go Hot'. Looks like it's gonna be a long wait. Wanted a Ventura but they cost too much. Paid $40 for the VH in June 1994. Here's what a VH looks like: http://unwindintime.com/page4.php?view=productPage&product=20
    1 point
  4. The problem are the price and time, before that I never try to talk with the foreign people like right now what I am doing here. The international sales just tell me what kind of items they want,the amount of the items and the price they can share to me, by my part the factory side need to do the ton of items every day. I have no time to think what's your guys really want,because even right now the order never stop and my factory still need to do the work like "7/11store" ,if my family do not plan live in U.S. and I need to practice writing English. There are some photo for the hand made work, I just have 30 people do this kind of thing, everyone have their own room to do their jobs. The photo someone show form "intime watch" from my factory,no hand made just use laser machine, from nothing to 5000 items finish, just need a week. But do you know how long need to finish a hand made one? and this part for factory Until now I get nothing earn form that part,because the international sales try their best to down my price. so I have to get some other same kind order like cigar knife.
    1 point
  5. there is so much money floating around the world, it's obscene. Someone starts a fad, and pretty soon everyone jumps in feet first. It's not just watches, it's vintage cars, firearms, etc. Right now vintage watches especially the ones that get "talked up" a lot are red hot. Who knows how long or high the prices will go? the vintage market has been pretty strong for a while now. But like all markets, no matter how popular now, are cyclical. I remember a good many years back when Ferrari's were red hot as well, they were being flipped over and over and everyone was making a profit, and then the Japanese economy tanked, the wealthy Japanese buyers disappeared and suddenly, the Ferrari market dropped precipitously. This has happened in the past in many areas of "collectibles" Now the upshot of this is the folks who have the funds and "intestinal fortitude" to buck trends, likely are able to pick up some real bargains. The only requirement is that you have the staying power wait out the troughs in cycles and be ready when the price picks up again. Having said all this, there are certain "things" that are almost immune to the ups and downs of markets. These are the uber rare items that exist in such small numbers in the world, that they create their own market. Cars like the Bugatti Type 57S, the Ferraris from the 1960-70's with authenticated racing pedigrees. There are so few of any of these types of vehicles that to own one, one must first find one for sale and then win the bidding war between all the other well heeled chaps who crave one as well. Same with watches, if you are seeking a special watch of which there are only one or a handful in existence, then you aren't going to get it cheap!!
    1 point
  6. as the title said, i'm looking for a good copy of a Green Fat four insert for a Tc 16610. all the things on ebay looks cheap to me, and the gen one have a price that is out of mind http://www.chrono24.it/rolex/lunetta-submariner-fat-four-complete-bezel--id3198509.htm i really appreciate any advise that you would give to me.
    1 point
  7. I don't think you should age the insert either. If you look at a lot of vintage rollies in a collectors shop you'll see that the old bezels are more often than not in remarkably good, that is to say, dark black condition. Lovely piece wear it well.
    1 point
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