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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2016 in all areas

  1. Gentleman...be invited to show off your lovely pieces (No...I only mean watches!!! ) Pictures of today...specs can be found here http://rwg.cc/topic/184264-just-back-from-domifranken-smp-chrono-259980
    2 points
  2. A few weeks ago I "accidentally" got a nice light franken SMP Chrono with black dial... Why accidentally you may ask?...because initally AJ bought this chrono and some other guys and me were joking around that it is too small for his wrist and that it would look way better on ours Well...short time later he offered the chrono to me...I couldn't say no, could I? I always wanted to have my blue SMP Chrono back I sold two years ago to a nice member here. He already superfrankened it and wouldn't sell it back to me... So now I had a black SMP Chrono in my hands...but wait...wasn't in my hands...I just agreed in a trade with AJ and the chrono was on its way to me Only hours after our agreement I bought two gen blue dials, two gen blue inlays and one gen bezel All that stuff arrived almost in time with the watch but then I realized that the dials don't have their blue rehaut I tried to source a rehaut but with no chance...I mean...I even wasn't able to find valid information via google...it seemed that no one ever wrote something about the rehaut of the SMP Chrono... But as the lucky guy that I am I got a great offer for a nice gen blue dial with rehaut from our great member Kernow Tuesday this week I went with all my watches to Domi and yesterday he was ready with the last two...one of them was my SMP Chrono Specs are now: Gen blue dial with gen blue rehaut (hooray ) Gen hands Gen swiss 7750 Gen bezel Gen blue inlay Gen crown and tubus Gen HE valve Gen crystal The dial was relumed and since the gen hands were already with blue lume I let Domi use blue lume for the dial too...I like it way more even though it's not peroid correct...who cares...the dial is obviously relumed anyway Plus...I thought it would look better to have the date wheel in black...in my eyes the face now looks more balanced. The white date is always very present... Now on to the pics...
    2 points
  3. Not hate here...I just have pity on them. Most of them don't know their sh!t...they just bought an expensive watch and just feel like they're the big spender now. Those on the gen fora that really know what they have won't act like this...most of them are here anyways
    2 points
  4. It is correct. The 24-600 takes the large tube. The 24-603 takes the small tube. Ck your watch, it most likely has the small tube, which means your 24-603 will fit. However, If it is the large tube, you can only use the old 24-600 crown. You can go up in size with your case tube, but you cannot go down. That said, I have repaired ladies cases, using a large case tube. Here is how I did it. I drilled the ladies case, which has a small case tube, larger to fit a large case tube. I installed the large case tube. I used loctite to seal it in the case. Once it was installed, I then tapped the case tube with a ladies tap. After I tapped it, I cut the case tube flush with case, cleaned it up and put a small taper in it, and installed the small tube. It was a water tight fit. I don't recommend it, unless it's not repairable any other way. It was very nerve wrecking on the ladies gold case. A couple of AD's in town said it was not repairable. It was scary doing it for the first time. But, it worked and saved a $2500 case. You really couldn't tell anything had been done. I guess I was lucky.
    1 point
  5. Correct. Crown end of stem. Just measure the distance between the bottom of the crown (when it is in unlocked position = hand winding position) and the case. Most of the time it is no more than 1~1,5 mm. Don't start with clipping too much. It's trail & error. Just small clipping of 1-3 stem threads until you are satisfied with the position of the crown ( flat against the case). Than secure the stem with some rapid glue in the crown thread again.
    1 point
  6. I saw a lot of that in Hawaii. One evening I was getting ready for diving the next day, and noticed the Frosty Flake's caseback was loose. So I went walkabout to the Rolex and Tourneau shops to see if they had a watchmaker to snug it down. Neither one did but the sales people couldn't get enough of the 'Flake. Most of them didn't even understand my preference for "4 digit" models until I started listing them... 6536, 6538, 1665, 1675, 9401 and they got out a catalog to look them up. They had heard of these strange "domed" crystals but only one guy had ever seen one. Some guy came in with his sleeves rolled up flashing his Daytona around, and couldn't get the time of day from the sales staff as long as they were passing the Frosty Flake between them. Dr. Martin Luther King almost had it right.... we should judge people by the content of their character, not the thickness of their wallet. Money can be taken from you, but your character is yours for life.
    1 point
  7. I have been on internet watch forums for 20+ years (not many watch forums around at first) and have seen some of the current rolex forum 'Gurus' starting out green as grass from their Day 1. A few have smarted up, many have not, and most have disappeared. There were not many 'watch snobs' back then because other posters would not allow it but things are different now and watch snobs are everywhere. After they brag about their watch for a month or two, they start bragging about their Lexus, BMW etc, then the vacation spots they have visited...anything to get another pat on the head. Imho these Peckerheads are made out of low grade recycled plastic...the type used in the super thin plastic water bottles that collapse after the water is gone. I remember a guy on TZ that came on about 15 years ago who was smokin' hot for rolex. He was in love. I shot a few barbs at him and he always came back. Turned out he was a good guy, wised up and now sticks barbs in the current crop of rolex worshippers on various forums. As for replica forums, the first one I posted on was RWCC, next TRC, then RWG. I remember Freddy333's first post on TRC... I have problems with some of the snobs on RWF (Rolex forum). I get a laugh out of those characters. They are perfect rolex snobs. I have it listed as 'rolex idiot forum' on my favorites.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. I have problems with some of the snobs on RWF (Rolex forum). I have little money for luxuries but I love Rolex watches (really only the 34mm sizes), so I buy gen parts and rebuild them. They are only for me and I wouldn't try to sell them as factory gens (even though they have all gen parts) yet some of these folks try to say that they are either franken watches or fake just because the factory didn't assemble them. In some cases these people get very belligerant and nasty about it. Some of my Rolexes have aftermarket straps which causes these people to go apoplectic. I figure it's my watch so I can do what I want with it. Hell, if Rolex prices were within reason I would buy factory made ones, but when a Rolex that in 1972 cost $550 now costs over $10K I will assemble my own. Snobs suck in anyh forum!
    1 point
  10. Welcome to the forum. Generally this forum doesn't get involved with QC pictures, it's between you and the seller. Puretime is a Trusted Dealer, I have used them and found them good. Look at the pictures carefully, expand them on your computer. Do the numbers line up? Are the batons straight (this watch doesn't have applied batons so no issue there)? Search the net for images of genuine watches. If you are happy confirm the QC, wait for delivery and enjoy your watch.
    1 point
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