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Posts posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Come to Thailand....I have a penthouse condo........overlooking the whole of Pattaya.....approx 125 sqm lounge....windows on 3 sides.....separate bed / bath.....etc....for around $450 per month.......there's great food here....4x 10 pin bowling alleys....3x 6 cinema multiplexes.....excellent restaurants......beachfront....with all the watersports you could want...entertainment day and night....once again with all the watersports you could want... :D ...etc etc.....and prices are cheap......plus....none of that pissy rainy weather.....traffic controller strikes.....and you can smoke anywhere you want.....if that is your want....tho' smoking ain't a big thing here.....not many do.....come for a holiday first.....I'll be your guide......besides which ...you can lume all my watches whilst you're here..... :lol:

    Unfortunately he's got a picture of Scott Nisbet on the wall..........of whom that great paragon of football, Graham Souness once said during another Rangers failed European fitbaw night (sad bastards)........"Don't just dae something.....staun there!"


  2. Much as it pains me........and by god one night with TTK left ma [censored] lookin like the openin sequence of "Bonanza", it gives me no comfort to announce that the great watchman of the east is a wummin!

    Alcohol has a price to pay and I must confess that in a straight beauty contest, Bella Emberg would win hands down!

    TTK = Tits Touchin Knees. Know what I'm sayin?

    Neil ( or should I say Sheila ) the word is oot!

    Don't for gods sake believe the macho crap that comes oot o' that burds gub.......................cos she's a maneater and she's had a few too many sausage de la porque!


  3. My point was not to defend gun ownership in this tread as I said I don't own one and never would. My point is that it is wrong attaching an agenda to a tragedy mere hours after it happens.

    Agreed but when is it appropriate as it appears there has been no progress since the last tragedy (ies).

    Heston's "From my cold dead hand" speech always rattles about in my head at times like these.

    Little or nowt will be done.

    May they rest in peace.


  4. Like the last time this happened, I feel that the creation of a photo gallery, where people could place photos of their own watches would be cool. That way, if any members had questions about the watches, they could PM them. It would be a great way to exchange information about the watches seen in the pictures. I would be particularly keen on seeing the watches of a few members who have lots & lots of cool ones- just for information's sake...



    Kind of art imitating life.


  5. Whilst it is not as bad as it used to be back in the day, alas, there is still the bigoted and sectarian element in both sides of the Celtic / Rangers divide in Scotland.

    I will however abstain from the debate as to who, between the two, is making better progress in the eradication of such......suffice to say, and sadly, it will always be around.


    PS - I blame the durty orange b*stards, myself.

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