Go for the Swiss version is a very nice onr plus the AR saphire crystal and the high beat movement is awesome.
As far as dealers go I personally use Sead from repgeek he is in the us and the QC is always top notch.
I'm with you brother I have been at this for about nine months have bought about 40+ reps and kept about 13 of them. The funny thing is I wear the same ones all the time pretty much, always the same kind of watch. In reality i think I could get by with four watches at the most yet I search and buy more just to sell them shortly after???? It is an addiction.
I got the blue initially thinking it would look great on ss once i got it is not that bright is dark blue, so i ordered the gray dial and is absolutely awesome you can see the color of the dial at almost any angle and is not as big of a contrast as my blue one. It is hard for me to explain the look but is amazing just like my graphite bce is a special combination i think
As far as I know they are both Gen. The blue one I just bought at Tourneau.
The black one is about a year old the member i bought it from said it was Gen.
To me this is like complaining about the price of gas or the price fo oil. As long as we keep to purchase these items prices will not fall and they should not. Supply and demand guys..
Quick question just to make I'm following ok
Are these products regulated by any sort of government?
If not any action a dealer may take to protect the prices he charges his costumers is absolutely ok.
If said dealer has enough pull with a manufacturer to be able to influence who the manufacturer supplies his product to, he has earned that position so he can use it at any time he pleases.