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Everything posted by chiefwiggum

  1. http://www.timeshops.net/Watch_U-BOAT.htm May be what you are looking for. [censored]ing hideous :D :D
  2. Beautiful BT - It's what I aspire to.................
  3. Sweet - Nice one Rasta - At least you have a way out the Land of the Taxed and [censored] upon otherwise known as the UK, or little Poland.
  4. I have found the answer! By remaining childless, I have reduced my carbon footprint to the tune of every generation of progeny who might have continued to breed until global warming requires the evolution of gills. By my reckoning, I have earned the carbon footprints of all those unborn children that I could have produced. This is the ultimate carbon offset- I can drive an SUV to the post office across the road, charter flights to fly in circles with loads of bricks just to burn fuel and roll flaming rubber tyres into the rainforest without guilt. I have a free pass - I've earned it! In fact, since the only thing I will leave to posterity is my carbon footprint, I'd like to make it as large as possible. And I'd also like to offset that big dark imprint on the posterior of the next person who assumes that everyone must want to have children or that the world can be saved by wearing switching my TV, DVD and everything else off standby. :bleh: :bleh:
  5. I leave every light and electrical appliance on. Even leave my car and my wife's running on the drive. I leave the fridge and freezer door open and wash one item at a time in the washing machine. I am trying my best to speed up global warming because we have had a shitty summer in the UK this year and hopefully if the world can join in with me, the UK will be positively "tropical" next year. God bless the tree huggers - pity the branches are so high otherwise we might be able to hang more of 'em!!
  6. Me - I'd simply reposess $20k of my sister's belongings and either sell them to her or on Ebay - In which case you have to reposess about $60k off her to make anything on that shitty site. Either that or give her a $60K slapping :D :D Better still - It's Friday! Go on a weekend bender and get shitfaced - That way you'll know how feeling bad really is on Monday morning!!!!
  7. My advice is that you do exactly what the seller has asked you to do. At least that way if it goes [censored] up, you have a fall back position and if the seller has integrity, he should replace it for you at his cost.
  8. Henry the VIII :) Welcome back. (Hide your wallet!!)
  9. He's still a member No - Fair play he's had his fair share of "The Treatment" now. At least he seems to be man enough to take his punishment and not run away and register with another user name. We all make silly mistakes, some big, some small but as long as lessons are learnt we as a community should be big enough to forgive and forget and allow him to rehabilitate. I am sure that he has learnt an awful lot and that humility and respect for others' will be a significant feature in his future treatment of others'.
  10. That isn't football - This is a link to the best FOOTBALL team in the world - It ain't soccer it's FOOTBALL CFC since 1905. How old is the US "Bitchball" version? And how much armour, kevlar, time outs and subs do they actually need to participate in a game? Are those the players in the skimpy outfits?? If so I can see why they need so much protection. Or are they only required because American Football is Sooooooo Booooooring and those lovely ladies draw attention to fill the time that it takes to play a game - zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Our rugby players wear a bit of neoprene (underarmour) and that's about it. Men are men and boys are boys. I bet this'll stir you CONUS boys up :p :p http://www.chelseafc.com/page/Home/0,,10268,00.html Only jesting ladies :D In the same way that you can't get excited about our football, I can never see the draw of the American game. But at least I can say that I have played it when in the Army in Germany against an American Army Battalion who were on a gunnery camp with us. I think it ended up as a no rules version though - as there were a few bumps and bruises and a fair bit of claret spilt. No kevlar, hard hats, or armour - just fatigues and pride. No winners or losers !! ... and definitely no ladies, unless the bitching from the yank unit qualifies :D - Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum
  11. Chris at Eurotimez is the Guvna - He lives up to all he promises, and does QC before shipping. He also maintains top drawer communications so that you know exactly what you are getting and when. PT is also good, I have bought from both, but I have found Chris to be more of a friend than simply a dealer. Make sure that you do your research beforehand though, as like with PC's, the minute you buy the next edition will be out and yours may then be the second best. There is loads of information here, I have learnt a lot but know nothing in real terms. The search button will be your best ally so that you know what you want and can tell the dealer. That way you will have no let downs. Good luck - and set a limit otherwise your wealth will take a battering - :p
  12. No prizes for guessing what I do !!
  13. LoL - How did your boy manage to surface with that chunk strapped to his ankle?
  14. Hi Tarka - Welcome back - Hope that you can stay this time
  15. Ola Fleed and welcome
  16. Yeah mate - I feel for you too. Any pet is a family member and it is a sad time when time comes to part. Memories is what makes them live on.
  17. Just want to add my best wishes for a swift and complete recovery.
  18. Tom Highway was on TRC. He is "EU" based and he has answered a few of my queries very promptly lately. He seemed to have a good reputation on TRC. EU and UK dealers offer the least prospect of encountering any customs issues, although I haven't yet found this to be a problem - Touch wood because my 113 is on its way as I type.
  19. :D - Get me the same numbers
  20. Yeah Geez - Innit
  21. Welcome Sylar
  22. Yup - I'd be there for some of that.
  23. OMG - This is what I mean. Every time I see these types of pictures I go green and start thinking what I can sell to get something like these. Beautiful - Thanks for sharing.
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