This is a sad tale, so let's start with the important request before we go any further. I am looking for a jewellers in Paris that is happy to do work on replicas. If you can help me, please PM me.
So, I won this raffle. Some of you may have seen the myriad of pictures I posted of my new IWC GST Chrono. You can't miss them, they're on all the boards. Precious Time sent the watch and it looked like a dream and worked well ... for a while.
A few days into my owning it, I tried the Chrono and noticed it didn't fly back to 12. I tried it again to see if it would do it again and it advanced a little further away from 12. It looked like it may have been clipping the minute hand on the way back up. At this point, I took a couple of pictures and notified Precious Tim. Here's a pic that kinda shows what I thought was happening.
Tim's response (no, I don't know his real name. Tim's a good one for me) was essentially that Asian chronos are fickle beasts and that I should not use it too much, which was not unexpected. He said that I should take it to a jewellers if it persists and he would cover the costs, which was nice.
I tried the next day to run it so I could stop the hand at 12, and I missed, so I reset it and tried again. It didn't move. I thought the chrono hand had stopped moving, but that it was just being fickle. However, an hour later, I looked at the watch to see the time and realised the awful truth.
The watch had stopped completely.
I immediately mailed Precious Tim asking if a replacement was possible. He replied I should take it to a jeweller and he would cover costs. At this point a replacement would have been my ideal solution, but I understand that from his point of view, my taking it to a jewellers to get it looked at would be the better solution.
The problem I have is that I live in Paris. Here, we have a large amount of authorised dealers and the largest ratio of aloof snobs to human beings on the planet. I'm sure I can find an old craftsman willing to do the work but at what I imagine is an exorbitant cost. Any help, even if it's a reputable European watch-repairer that accepts replicas and jiffy bags, would be much appreciated.
I love the watch, as anyone reading my posts about it can imagine and don't want it to become a useless titanium reminder of why real watches cost so much.
This post is in no way meant as a slight upon Precious Time's character as he's been a civilised gentleman throughout. It is not to be seen as a slur upon the IWC GST Chrono, either, as I believe we have to take slight risks in quality control as watches shipped in bubble-wrap and discrete jiffy bags are going to get stress-tested very early in their lives. I still rate this watch as one of the finest replicas out there.
This is merely a tale of unfortunate circumstances and good luck turned bad.