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Everything posted by gplracer

  1. Very interesting observation. I await the answer.
  2. Thanks! I think the big thing for me now is to have the cg's shaved. I have a watchmaterial pearl. One day I would like to have a gen insert.
  3. Thanks for the information. I really appreciate it. I want to trim the crown guards or have someone do it. I really want BK to do it but I thought of taking it to a friend who is a local watchsmith/jeweler because it would be quicker and I would not have to mail it. I guess best thing would be to have it all done at once. Do the genuine crowns really look that much better?
  4. How much better is a genuine crown in appearance over the Euromariner crown? Also, I thought I read where the genuine crown will fit on the Euromariner tube without issue. Is that correct? What kind of price would be reasonable for a genuine crown?
  5. I have both because I ordered the silver one by mistake first. I will post a picture later. Overall it looks pretty good.
  6. I got a watchmaterial pearl and it looks nice. I do think the at the frame has goldish cast to it. Has anyone ever noticed that or is it just me?
  7. Do any of the aftermarket cyrstals look better? I would love a gen one but now before Christmas is not a good time for me to buy one.
  8. Does the Euromariner look that much better with a new crystal? If so what is the main difference? Is it the bevel on the edge? I know the replacement does not have an etched crown on it. Which one would be the best to get and what gaskets are needed? Thanks!!!
  9. Wow Freddy that is awesome! It would be good if you add your progress/steps while you put this bad boy together.
  10. If those crown guards are stock they look much better.
  11. Ebay link
  12. Freddy when I saw this on ebay it reminded me of you.
  13. Look for one of the earlier posts from BK. He stated you can sand down the retaining ring and the insert will go in fine.
  14. My family used to own a jewelry store. My dad has been in the jewelry business for 40 years. He had a friend that sold all kinds of watches. The price was cost plus 10%. He got them from dealers he knew I guess. We could always call him and get almost any rolex model for cost plus 10%. We then sold it at a 20% discount off the regular price. Granted we did not sell many but a few of our good customers would sometimes ask if we could get one for them. This was 20 years ago. I bet things have changed a lot since them. I think back around that time a stainless rolex submariner sold for about $2500.
  15. CHT is that the insert that came with the watch or one you put in?
  16. It surprises me that Rolex would have enough influence to make this happen. Do you think it is the threat of fake rolex parts on ebay? I mean heck what if someone had a vintage watch and wanted to part it out on rolex? Rolex has enough say so that he/she would not be able to do that?
  17. Well.... I wanted to know.... It was the answer I was afraid of....
  18. BK, Do you have any experience with wholesaleoutlet's bezel? They sell one on the bay. A good solution might be this bezel and the correct size tension ring.
  19. Glad to hear your camera is ready. We will await the shots. I have a Canon 20D that I like very much.
  20. Are you saying inserts and bezels so we can use them on our Euromariner?
  21. Stilty, Did you have a tough time getting the bezel off? What procedure do you find best?
  22. Fantastic write up. I guess now we need to hear from someone who has a version 3 to see how the gen insert fits. Also, on the bay there are many aftermarket party bezel assemblies that say guaranteed to fit a submariner. Has anyone ever tried one of these on a Euromariner?
  23. My Euromariner lost the pearl. What would be the best solution? Should I get a pearl or replace the insert or what? Thanks! How hard is each solution to do myself?
  24. What about a gen insert or another aftermarket insert. Does it fit ok?
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