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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. slay has a sense of humor? doesn't silix still carry this one JK
  2. nice watch sweet avatar i got mine frozen at 6. the movement still stucks - i may service and AR i'm so happy with my current watches, i think i may juts hold onto this one for later use
  3. take off your watches - don't be so lazy if you want to never take it off, get a citizen
  4. i am sorry they got you with this one i think anyone reco.mending the serivcr would have been newb folks. this was one of the items on the radar about them. many of us have moed to dealers that dont take these tactics i use precoous time. he is as good if not better than josh was before he got greedy. its not just dealer "servicin" there is a system wide fraud problem in servicing/ pricing/ competancy ect ect. i think the flav respect thread is only scratching the surface. there are more people speaking out than ever and the mob cheerleaders are dying down some bt we are moving into a new era where we need to take some direction about protecting or vcommunituy from itself
  5. josh was different back then - he was my guy for a long time but recently he has pushed the line to far for my comfort into these types of activities. I now use Precious Time. Good communicatinon, good prices, no BS
  6. uncle? Contact Narkika or precious time The honor of naming the noobmariner Remains with Pugwash!
  7. wear all three 1. start a new trend 2. build up your bicepts
  8. It is complete [censored]. I have had that confirmed by watchmakers that regularly service reps - these come in, bone dry just like the rest. save your $$ order the regular version, i have never had a movement fail on me - none of them serviced, 30 plus reps, mostly asian
  9. the crystal on my blue is almost ALWAYS gone and only sometimes Appears
  10. its almost like the north actually won the war - oh well, i can only sit and think about what might have been
  11. to re-cap i had both blue asian and blue swiss side by side. one was mine one was gift. You get the cloudy effect showin in pug's photos, only more pronounced. I could care less about the mov't swiss or asian, - i have confidence in neither its all about AR to me.
  12. thats pretty close to what i saw as in pug's photos - But, i had both Blue asian and swiss So i could really see Apples to Apples, and it just looked liked you needed to clean the crystal Foggy i also have a black asian. haven't seen the white one in person Mez, but dark definitely needs the Ar
  13. i didn't take a photo, but i held the 2 watches side by side and the AR is EVERYTHING - EVERYTHING let me repeat - EVERYTHING the dial is cloudy in the asian version where as the swiss its sharp and sparkles and is BAMB (note, its the crystal not the dial that is cloudy) the watch is nice - but its the difference between a nice watch and a special watch if you never had AR and you can't afford 300 bucks, go for it. i'm giving them out as gifts, i'm sure the people will LOVE them. But i'm not going to let them see mine Cause once you have a super AR watch in the collection - forget about it. Now - i don't know if it fixes it to do a chieftang AR which gives you a nice watch at like under 200. as far as i know no one has done that yet. But, if i were ambitious, i could take 20 of those, at silix pricing do the chief AR - and sell them for 210 shipped - nice little profit and they would go quick i think Enjoy
  14. Send me a PM if your interested in this or a similar watch. I'm going to talk to the dealer i used about pricing. Maybe we can bring him to the board as a tourby dealer and negotiate a nice price. I'm actually going to work with him to do some of his photo work. This watch is really awesome. its better than the photos
  15. you have yo do the j12 its mandatory every women in my family has one by the way did you see my new tourby? i was thinkibng it is your style.
  16. i cant keep my watches for 10 months let alone 10 yrs i gotta say with my skeleton and tourby they are super rep priced and they look like 100,000 watches but i can afford them for real. maybe it doesnt give the brand at a glance but in conversation its much more interesting i can just explain i collect mechanical watches. i get the oohs and dont have to deal witjh the "rep" issue the rolex isnt valuable cause it will work in 10 yrs. its valuable cause people think it is
  17. i got me a tourby this week still waitng to get the plasma. but im already hd all over so its just for looks anyway. kiss your wallet goodbye
  18. he also made commercials for the money store
  19. just get the regular - waterproofing is a scam - re: not sure how you handled the customer - but you would have been a regular RWG'er if you started ticking off - whats wrong?- well, your O is wrong, wrong font, your M's don't line up, bezel writing is too thick. Crystal is clearly mineral, movement sounds like your beat up caddy yadda yadda yadda. say goodbye to your wallet
  20. ok, yes you have a good point - Drinking and driving is really bad. I'm against it. i have tackled people before letting them get in a car. I think the A-hole part comes from the whole situation. you have to be a real jackass to buy a 400k car and then drink? I'd be wearing a full body condum
  21. http://www.local6.com/news/13872989/detail.html
  22. this is the dude selling them http://cgi.ebay.com/FLYING-TOURBILLION-WAT...7QQcmdZViewItem re; research - just search tourbillon on the forum, there aren't too many posts. - Specifically read what user addingwatch has to say, he is pretty much the expert. conclusion is though that most of what you see out there is reliable movements these days. the "real" tourbillons are the center mounted (non flying) prices for those are closer to 1k. Prices are constantly dropping for all the movements. i like the flying tourb better even if the "true' tourb is the center one, cause it moves more looks cooler - who gives a crap if it makes it 6 seconds a month more accurate like i wear 1 watch for a month
  23. the more they merge, the worse there deals get - prices go up up up
  24. king jubilee? holy "where have you been" batman didnt you make custom pens? still doing that? i think we were talking about that a while back and we missed you
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