I do not want to offend anyone, but RWG members are know for buying high quality replicas and not the trashy cheap ones
Is it only the poor picture quality that make some of the offered watches from some dealers look cheap or are they as the pictures and price indicates simply low quality reps?
It is great that dealers are active posting their sales here, far to little of it actually. However I think the qualities of the pictures are not that great sometimes and many of the watches seem to be cheap and very low grade to me.....and there is nothing I hate more than cheap replicas. I know the price is very very low and so no problems with that at all, we get the best prices so very happy about that.
Example in picture from watceden below:
What informed RWG member would buy something like this with a silly looking Faux (=fake) tourb?
Is it only me that think so? am I way out of line? or is this a topic worth discussing at all?
Possible solution: Post the quality watches and pictures
Happy timekeeping