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Everything posted by gran

  1. I think Cheney should be the one to take the blame not Scooter Bush had no other option than to partly pardon Scooter
  2. Ack! Anything can be done with photoshop these days ..... But lets take a good look at this. Semites (The Arabic and Jewish members), The Finnish, The Sami membersbers (also S
  3. Dont tease other into putting their watches in the pool .....even if it has a real potential of getting your post count way up Congratulations on you watches and on reaching 1000 posts ....myself i quit being a 1k virgin back in 2004 on good old original site....... Best wishes Gunnar
  4. Seriously who wants a watch that say s DIM on it (Tongues in cheek....) ..I truly love this kind of timepieces thanks for bringing this wonder watch to the surface once again
  5. I feel so sleepy now after reading this.....let see what the natibes will do with this...mate
  6. (Lemania chrono) that should be the VENUS Chronograph....when .... Here in vintage version
  7. Thats the funniest one of the lot....... http://www.rwg.cc/members/uploads/remoteim...275027-2693.jpg
  8. He is a great fotball player and frankly we can not expect him to be great at anything else....least not horology....and he is very young.......and plays for the wrong tream....lets give him a break.....for now
  9. It is really BIG like the world date indications.....its wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. There are lots of RWG members in the great state of Texas I sincerely some of these can help out rmcsherry in this horrific situation rmcsherry has shown that he is a prince and a gentlemen and needs all the support we can give him If you read this Bryan Pannell or who you are....give rmcsherry back his property The very best support from Gunnar Gran
  11. For your information the [censored] in [censored] Cheney was being censored by this board Crasy [censored] = D i c k
  12. Bush is doing the correct thing here Scooter former chief of staff to Vice President [censored] Cheney should not take the fall for the later. Scooter is probably a good man...not so sure about Cheney That being said it is highly uncertain if the principles of "EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY" is one that should be continued. I think it should not but then again I am not entitled to vote in the USA...but many of my friends and relatives are. BTW lets keep this thread civilized. We are all adults so lets argu senibly in this thread. GRANT OF EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS Lewis Libby was convicted in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in the case United States v. Libby, Crim. No. 05-394 (RBW), for which a sentence of 30 months' imprisonment, 2 years' supervised release, a fine of $250,000, and a special assessment of $400 was imposed on June 22, 2007; Don't miss Bush commutes Libby's prison sentence NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, pursuant to my powers under Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, do hereby commute the prison terms imposed by the sentence upon the said Lewis Libby to expire immediately, leaving intact and in effect the two-year term of supervised release, with all its conditions, and all other components of the sentence. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this second day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand and seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-first.
  13. This is grans list OMEGA PO (StainlessS all black dial) OMEGA PO Chronograph (StainlessS with all black dial) VC Chronograph (WhiteG Silver dial) [Mostly because of its reasonable price and a movement that delivers] AP JA (WhiteG and white/cream dial) The first two are for play and at work the two last ones are for more formal occasiona and when wearing a tie....
  14. We have absolutely no control over how this will pan out . As long as people are willing to spend that kind of money on a replica it could go either way...more of same [censored]..or improved version 1, 2, 3 and then ending up in the ultimate version. I guess 12 months from now we will know where this HBB is heading.
  15. Franck Mueller "Crazy Hour" I prefer the long island version
  16. Ernies favorite is the "ORANGE MONSTER" or as we have renomed it the SALMON MONSTER aka SEIKO Arctic Char Monster
  17. It is too busy looking in gold looks too expensive, I will not even cosider this one when the is a SS or WG version g.
  18. This is a good point...because even $100 is a fair bit of money these days
  19. Crasy--totally crasy [censored]
  20. Silly you...he was sporting his Prophecy Watch ...but I have head rumors he had either the Jewish Watch or the more rare Arameic watch before that
  21. OK! OK! Its nor crasy sale its only 25%
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