You are a saint silix
It looks like this forum is serving its purpose...buyers and dealers working together to forge a better and more honest representation of replicas. Well done so far in this thread.
I have been collecting replicas since the fall of 2004, seen a lot of things that are good (and bad stuf like experienced loads of replicas loosing screws, display glass falling out, unexpected faux functions, poor finishing of case and clasps, missaligned dials, loose movements, gold plating peeling off and the list goes on) and I am hesitating longer and longer before buying a new replica...maybe its better for me to simply start buying genuine watches again. Truth is replica QC is probably a bigger issue that needs to be looked at than just the plain missrepresentation of some movements. I like dealers like TTK (Neil) that inspects every single watch himself before sending it out. That is probably the best QC we could hope for these days.